

Iconicity and Coherence in Literary Text

【作者】 汤丹

【导师】 欧阳俊林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 语篇连贯是学术界讨论已久的问题。学者们从不同的角度对这个问题进行研究。到目前为止,语篇连贯的理论主要有:韩礼德和哈桑的语域加衔接理论,凡·戴克的宏观结构理论,威多逊的言外行为理论,曼恩和汤姆逊的修辞结构理论,丹奈士和福利士的主语推进理论。然而,随着语言学的发展,语篇连贯也可以从一个新的角度-象似性去研究。象似性,或称理据,是符号学和认知语言学领域的一个重要理论。近年来,象似性理论在国内外得到重大发展。语言学家们描述了语言中的很多象似性现象并且总结了许多象似性原则,特别是句法象似性原则。象似性话题在近代可以追溯到皮尔斯。皮尔斯根据符号和它们的对象之间的关系,把符号分为三类:象似符,标志符和象征符。在此基础上,Haiman把象似符又分成映象符和拟象符。目前,Haiman是此领域的领军人物,他对象似性进行了详细系统的研究,推动此研究进入了一个新的阶段。Nanny和Fischer也把象似符分成映象符和拟象符。映象符又被进一步分成听觉象似,触觉象似和视觉象似。拟象符又被进一步分为结构象似和语义象似。其中,隐喻象似属于语义象似的范畴。近年来,也有学者把语篇和象似性现象结合起来,从象似性角度研究语篇连贯。本文以Haiman,Nanny和Fischer的理论为基础,从映象象似,拟象象似和隐喻象似三个方面论证象似性作为语篇连贯的手段。本文采用文本分析和定性分析的方法,所有的分析材料都采用文学作品中的语篇,但文学作品的类型没有限制。映象象似性指语言符号和所指之间存在的一对一的关系。本文主要讨论两种映象象似性:声音象似性和视觉象似性。映象象似性在诗歌中具有重要的作用,不但能增加诗歌的美。另一方面,也能体现诗歌的主题,使得整个语篇在形式上紧凑,在内容上连贯。拟象象似性指语言符号结构和人的经验结构或观念结构之间存在的相似关系。本文主要讨论顺序象似性和对称象似性。隐喻指源域对目标域的投射。认知语言学家认为概念隐喻是人类了解世界的最基本方式。人的概念系统是隐喻的。语篇是人的概念系统的具体反射。因此,概念隐喻在语篇形成过程中起到方向标的作用,是语篇连贯的一种手段。

【Abstract】 Text coherence, a complex and long-studied issue, has been much discussed with considerable achievements. From different perspectives, theories have been established, such as, Halliday and Hasan study this issue from register and cohesion, Van Dijk from the angle of macrostructure, Widdowson from the pragmatical aspect of illocutionary act, Mann & Thompson from rhetorical structure theory, and Danes & Fries from thematic progression. However, with the development of linguistics, text coherence can be discussed from a new angle—iconicity.Iconicity, or motivation, one of the important theories in semiotics and cognitive linguistics, has gained great popularity both at home and abroad. Linguists have described a great many iconic phenomena in language and generalized many iconicity principles, especially iconicity principles in syntax. As a matter of fact, this issue can be traced back to Charles Sanders Peirce, who identified three different ways that a sign can stand for its referent:icon, index, and symbol. Based on Peircean trichotomy, Haiman divides icons into imagic icons and diagrammatic icons. As a leading figure in this issue, Haiman makes an elaborate and systematic study of iconicity and has brought the research into a new stage. Nanny and Fischer also divide iconicity into imagic iconicity which is further divided into oral, tactile, visual iconicity, and diagrammatic iconicity which is subdivided into structural and semantic iconicity. Here, metaphoric iconicity is grouped into semantic iconicity. In recent years, several scholars begin to combine text coherence with iconicity. studying text coherence from iconicity. Based on the previous findings and the theories of Haiman and Nanny & Fischer, this thesis studies the approaches to iconicity as a device for text coherence from the aspects of imagic iconicity, diagrammatic iconicity and metaphoric iconicity.This dissertation adopts the method of text analysis and qualitative method. All the samples of text analysis are from literature works, not confined to a given type. In imagic iconicity, there is a more or less direct one-to-one relation between the linguistic sign and the signified. Imagic iconicity plays an important role in poetic language. As to this iconicity, the paper focuses on two aspects:oral iconicity and visual iconicity. Oral iconicity and visual iconicity in poetry not only add beauty to the whole text, but also are a representation of the theme of poems and make the whole text cohesive in organization and coherent in meaning. Diagrammatic iconicity refers to the resemblance between the structure of linguistic signs arid that of human experience or concept. As far as diagrammatic iconicity is concerned, sequence iconicity and symmetrical iconicity are discussed in detail. Metaphors are the mapping from the source domain to the target domain. Cognitive linguists believe that conceptual metaphors are the basic ways for people to know the world. People’s conceptual system is metaphorical. And text in print is a concrete reflection of the person’s conceptual system. So conceptual metaphor is a guide for text-formation, and thus, is a means of coherence.


