

Investigation on Extracte of Apricot Dregs Insoluble Dietary Fibre

【作者】 郭金喜

【导师】 杨海燕;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 食品科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 杏(Prunus armeniaca Kostina)是蔷薇科(Rosaceae)李属落叶乔木。杏渣作为杏加工的产品,含有丰富的膳食纤维,其中水不溶性膳食纤维(IDF)具有多种生理功能,对糖尿病、心血管病、肥胖、肠道癌、便秘等有良好的防治功效,具有较高的保健价值。目前杏渣一直用于饲料或者被丢弃,没有被很好的利用。对其深入研究和开发具有经济和社会双重效益。本研究以杏渣为原材料,采用化学法、酶碱法、双酶法来制备IDF,通过对比三种方法确定适合中试的方法;以IDF为原料,采用H2O2进行脱色处理,通过正交试验得到最佳脱色工艺,试验结果如下:(1)化学法提取杏渣中IDF最佳工艺条件参数为:按固液比为1:15、pH为12、洗涤至中性后在调解pH为2.0的盐酸溶液中在50℃浸泡100min,IDF提取率为69.25%,IDF纯度为78.55%。将制得的杏渣中IDF粉碎过60目筛,测得其持水力为6.56g/g,溶胀性为4.73mL/g。(2)通过正交试验确定了酶碱法提取杏渣中IDF的最佳工艺条件,酶作用提取的最佳工艺条件为:中性蛋白酶浓度为0.6%、温度50℃、时间60min、固液比1:10;碱作用提取的最佳工艺条件为:pH为10、时间150min、温度60℃、固液比1:15。依据酶作用的最佳工艺条件与碱作用的最佳工艺条件进行试验,所得IDF的提取率为72.25%。将制得IDF粉碎过60目筛,测得其持水力为6.8g/g、溶胀性5.0mL/g,IDF纯度为73.25%。(3)通过正交试验确定双酶法提取杏渣中IDF的最佳工艺条件;时间为100min、糖化酶酶浓度0.5%、时间80min、中性蛋白酶浓度0.4%,IDF提取率达77.67%,IDF纯度为70.59%。将制得IDF粉碎过60目筛,测得其持水力为5.5g/g,溶胀性5.3mL/g。(4)杏IDF脱色的最佳工艺条件是:温度40℃、H2O2浓度为8%、pH值为10、时间2.5h。应用此最优的工艺条件后所得的杏IDF的色差值达到82。(5)化学法提取水不溶性膳食纤维的中试最佳工艺条件为:按料液比1:10、用氢氧化钠调节pH为9、在60℃下处理100min,再用盐酸节pH为3、在65℃溶液中浸泡90min,再加入H2O2浓度为8%,pH值为9,脱色温度40℃,脱色时间2.5h,IDF提取率为65.57%,纯度为77.65%。将制得IDF粉碎过60目筛,测得其持水力为18.11g/g,溶胀性8.9mL/g。本文通过上述试验得出化学法为中试最佳工艺,其水不溶性膳食纤维素得率为69.25%,为工业化生产提供依据。

【Abstract】 The apricot dregs to a rambling rose section Li-Shu that as fallen leaves of arbor.Abundant dietary was included meal in apricot dregs as by-product. Apricot dregs was taken as by-product in Apricot inclusey,which included abundant edible meal.Insoduble dietary fibre has varbus physical function, such as diabetes,cardiovavascular disease,intestine cancer,constipation etc,this make Apricot residue have a higher health care value and dual performance in economy and society.The Apricot residue was not used on feed.This paper adopted chemistral method,enzymic and alkali method, double enzymic method to prepare IDF,ascertained the best one of three method medium experiment. IDF product was material,H2O2 was adopted to decolor,the optimal decolored tecnics as follows through orthogonal experiment:(1)The optimal tecnics by chemical method was:the ratio of solid and liguid was 1:15,pH was 12,and soaked in 50℃,the extracted yield was 69.25%,The purity was 78.55%.The IDF in Apricot residue was crushed through 60 mesh,determined water content was 6.56g/g.The degree of dissolve and swell was 4.73mL/g.(2)Through thogonal experiment the optimal tenic condition of IDF Apricot residue was:the thickness of neutral enzyme was 0.6%,temperature was 50℃,and soaking in liquid of pH was 12 on 150 min,the extracted yield was 72.25%.The purity was 73.25%.The IDF in Apricot residue was crushed through 60 mesh, determined water content was 6.8g/g,The degree of dissolve and swell was 5.0mL/g.(3)Through thogonal experiment ascertained the double enzyme method the optimal tenic condition of IDF Apricot residue was:time was 100min,β-amylase was 0.5%,time was 80min,nectruse was 0.4%,the extracted yield was 77.67%.The purity was 70.59%.The IDF in Apricot residue was crushed through 60 mesh,determined water content was 5.5g/g.The degree of dissolve and swell was 5.3mL/g.(4)The optimal parameter condition of decolored IDF as follows:The thickness of H2O2 was 7%,pH was 11,temperature was 45℃,time was 2.5h. The result was showed that chromatic aberration was 83 by opimal tecnic condition.(5)The optimal parameter of medium experiment by chemical method was:The ratio of material-solutium was 1:10,pH was 9,and soaked 60℃in 100min; pH was adjusted 3 and saoking 65℃in 90min,airing and crushing after washing to neuter,extracted yield was 65.57%,the purity was 77.65%.The IDF in Apricot residue was crushed through 60 mesh,determined water content was 18.11g/g, The degree of dissolve and swell was 8.9mL/g.The paper through to medium experiment by chemical method .Insoduble dietary fibre extracted yield was 69.25%,that is basic for industrialize.


