

Biology and Ecology of Agrilus Mali Matsumura and Its Dominant Natural Enemies in Wild Fruit Forests in Xinjiang

【作者】 刘爱华

【导师】 王登元;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 动物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 苹果小吉丁(Agrilus mali Matsumura)又名金蛀甲、串皮虫,属鞘翅目(Coleoptera)、吉丁虫科(Buprestidae),是果树一种重要蛀干害虫。其幼虫在枝干皮层内蛀食,造成皮层凹陷、干裂,枝条枯死,危害严重时造成果树整株枯死。目前有关苹果小吉丁的报道主要集中在栽培果园内的研究,而关于野果林苹果小吉丁研究则很有限,主要集中在其发生规律及防治方法,对于新疆野果林苹果小吉丁危害,目前尚无有效的防治措施。为此我们开展有关野果林苹果小吉丁及其优势天敌生物学、生态学研究,以寻求生物防治方法,目前基本弄清野果林苹果小吉丁及其优势天敌生物学、生态学习性,主要结果和结论如下。(1)在野苹果林中,苹果小吉丁分布从海拔960 m~1700 m。从调查来看,苹果吉丁主要分布在巩留县莫乎尔乡的河谷野苹果林中以及新源县哈拉布拉乡、野果林园艺场等地点,且为害严重。(2)苹果小吉丁在野果林中一年发生一代,以幼龄幼虫在树干皮层越冬。翌年4月中旬越冬幼虫开始活动危害,5月中旬开始化蛹,6月初成虫开始羽化,7月中旬为羽化盛期,少数延续到9月上旬羽化。成虫7月中旬开始产卵,8月中旬为孵化盛期。在室温条件下,苹果小吉丁成虫羽化出孔后,雌成虫寿命平均为18 d,雄成虫寿命平均为20 d。成虫无明显趋光、趋色性。卵散产于皮缝、分枝基部等处。幼虫期在整个世代持续时间最长,同时也是对野苹果造成危害的虫态。蛹为离蛹,室内观察蛹期21 d。(3)通过运用多种分布型指标测定,野果林苹果小吉丁幼虫在林内分布型为聚集分布,苹果小吉丁幼虫呈聚集分布是其自身生物学特性决定。(4)经过调查研究及鉴定,新疆野果林苹果小吉丁幼虫优势天敌为苹果小吉丁刻柄茧蜂(Atanycolus sp.),该天敌为单寄生蜂,成蜂喜光、喜温,雌雄比例接近1:1。6月上旬后,寄生率呈上升趋势,林间调查寄生率最高达到44.74%。室内观察苹果小吉丁刻柄茧蜂幼虫至成虫羽化历时26 d,加上卵期,苹果小吉丁刻柄茧蜂一个世代历期约为30 d。(5)苹果小吉丁刻柄茧蜂空间分布型为聚集分布,与其寄主苹果小吉丁幼虫空间分布型保持一致。通过调查研究,基本摸清苹果小吉丁及其优势天敌苹果小吉丁刻柄茧蜂生物学特性和生态学习性,为制定该害虫生物防治策略奠定了理论基础。

【Abstract】 Agrilus mali Matsumura(Coleoptera:Buprestidae)has same name as Golden beetle and undetr-cortex worm, it is an important wood-boring beetle attacking fruit tree. Its larvae eats the branches within the cortex, causing cortex depression, dry and dead branches, what the worse, it damage whole tree. Current reports about Agrilus mali Matsumura are mainly within study of planting orchard and it about wild fruit forest is very limited, mainly including the Agrilus mali Matsumura’s occurrence and control methods, and there is no effective control measures against Agrilus mali Matsumura for wild fruit forest in Xinjiang. So we have carried on study about the biology and ecology of Agrilus mali Matsumura and its dominant natural enemies in the wild fruit forests so that we can find its biological control methods. We have basically made clear Agrilus mali Matsumura and its dominant natural enemy’s biology and ecology, the main results and conclusions are as follows.(1) Agrilus mali Matsumura distributes from 960 to1700 meters above sea level. From investigations it mainly distributes in Gongliu county, MO village wild apple forests valley as well as Karabura village in Xinyuan county etc, which has caused serious damage.(2) Agrilus mali Matsumura has one generation a year. They overwintered as early larvae undetr cortex. The overwintered larvae begains to damage activity in mid of April. In mid of May, larvae begains to pupate.Adult begins to emerge in early June, with a peak in mid July, few of them continue to September. In mid of July, the female adult begains to oviposite, with a peak in mid August. In room temperature adult female life endures 18 days on average after emerge from wood, while male adult spans 20 days. Adult has no phototaxis, color tendency character. Agrilus mali Matsumura’s eggs produce on the skin suture and base of branch.Larvae’s life is longest in whole generation, and make harm to wild apple serious. Agrilus mali Matsumura pupa is naked pupa, the pupal period is 21 days in room observation.(3) By various distribution patterns measurement, we found Agrilus mali Matsumura’s larva distribution is aggregate and such distribution is decided by it’s own biological characteristics.(4) By research and identification, it is found that Agrilus mali Matsumura’s dominant natural enemies is Atanycolus sp for wild fruit forest in Xinjiang .It loves sunshine and warm envirment. Male and female sex percentage is 1:1, It grows quickly in early of June and its max parasitism rate is 44.74%. It experiences 26 days from larva to adult at indoor observation, with eggs period, Atanycolus sp.’s one generation is 30 days.(5) Atanycolus sp.’s distribution is aggregate, such distribution is consistent of Agrilus mali Matsumura’s.Through these investigations and researches, the biology and ecology of Agrilus mali Matsumura and its dominant natural enemy Atanycolus sp.have been solved primarily .These findings would consequentially contribute to the further successfully biological control of the bark beetle.


