

The Problem and Processed Measure of Geotechnical Engineering of Goaf

【作者】 张建

【导师】 张远芳; 李传镔;

【作者基本信息】 新疆农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以乌鲁木齐市外环路东北段(南湖东路—北京南路)道路拟建工程穿越的六道湾煤矿采空区为背景,研究该采空区的稳定性和空区引起的地面变形及其影响因素,确定该采空区对拟建工程的影响并提出治理措施。通过分析,对采空区稳定性及采空区引起的地面变形具有较大影响的因素有:地层岩土体结构、地质构造、地震作用、构造应力、岩土体力学性质、开采方式和顶板管理方法、开采厚度与宽度、采空区埋藏深度等。对地面变形的类型、特征、时空性和连续性进行分析得出该采空区主要有沉降、地面塌陷、地裂等变形类型;采空区的地面最大沉降发生在空体上方,采空区两侧的地面变形不对称,两侧变形差异很大;采空区地面变形连续且具有时空性。通过地面变形优势指标:埋藏优势指标DR=1、时间优势指标TR=1、采空区处理方式优势指标PR=0.9、扰动岩土体物理力学优势指标MR=0.5-0.95,表明采空区地面变形受空区埋藏深度、开采时间及处理方式的控制较为明显。将采空区各区域的顶、底板岩体建立力学模型,得出岩体条块两侧的侧向力之间的关系式及滑动安全系数的关系式,计算结果显示1、2区岩体条块多数为倾倒模式,在现有条件下3区岩体滑动安全系数fs=0.27<1,采空区顶、底板岩体不稳定。以稳定边界和变形边界影响范围分析采空区对拟建工程的影响,结果显示K1+360m—K2+290m地段拟建道路均受到采空区地面变形的影响,面积约1.01km~2。结合采空区场地状况及条件,选择充填处理法对拟建工程穿越的采空区进行治理。对已形成的小型塌陷坑充填,充填要密实;对地下充填不实和地下埋深大于30m的空体进行钻孔注浆充填处理。

【Abstract】 To study and research the goaf to cause the deformation of ground, influencing factor,stability of goaf and to decide the extent of effect for the project and to provide the processed measure, it based on the goaf of coal mine of liudaowan that the northeast road which out ring the city about urumqi to pass through. To sum up the literatures to get mains influencing factors of ground deformation of goaf and to combine together with actuality condition to analyze the effect level about of influencing factors.The influencing factors such as stratum texture of rock ,geological structure,earthquake action,mechanics character of rock,way of mine and office procedure of roof, thickness and width of mine, deepness of goaf to bury and so on. Analysis the type, characteristic, space-time and continuity for ground deformation to get the main type of deformation are sttlement, ground to sink and fracture.The sttlement of goaf was happened on top of goaf,it is asymmetry and more difference for two sides. The sttlement of goaf have space-time and continuity.Use preferred index such as burial preferred index DR=1,time preferred index TR=1,gob handling preferred index PR=0.9,disturbed geotechnical body preferred index MR=0.5-0.95,the result to make clear that the ground deformation preferred is strong. To divide three parts from roof and floor, established the model of mechanics to detrude the formula about the force from tow side of the rock strip be nonactive condition,and detrude the formula of slidable safety factor.The result is that the legionary rock strip in 1 and 2 part are dumping,the safety factor of 3 part fs=0.27<1,the roof and floor of goaf are instability.According to the nonactive boundary and deformed boundary make an analysis about the effect of the project on the goaf,the result is that the K1+360m—K2+290m of the project was be influenced with ground deformation of goaf,and the size of influencing limit is 1.01km~2.According to the actual condition,the final choose is the fill method,use this method to manage the goaf.For the miniative pit,must be filled close-grained;The uncompacted and goaf deep buried below 30m use serosity to fill it.

  • 【分类号】U412.22;U419
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】277
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