

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 陈科华; 王丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 湖南工业大学 , 伦理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 故宫是我国古代宫殿建筑的集大成者,在建筑技术和建筑艺术上它代表了我国古代官式建筑的最高水准。千门万户、雄伟壮丽的古老皇宫,以其深邃的文化底蕴和巨大的伦理价值成为人们深入研究的对象。故宫的建筑设计反映了中国传统伦理思想,如天人合一、皇权至上、夫为妻纲等。传统的阴阳五行学说也在其中得到反映。它承袭了古代中国宫殿的传统形式、礼仪制度,在总体布局上最接近“左祖右社,面朝后市”、“五门三朝”等儒家思想和封建礼制。它与明代的凤阳中都、南京故宫以及元大都、金中都有直接关系,而且能从宋东京、隋唐长安,一直上溯汉、秦、周等历代的帝都宫殿,找到发展的轨迹,找到中国传统伦理思想在建筑中的体现。故宫的建筑布局,具有强烈的“尚中”情结,集中体现在对中轴线意识的强化和运用中。从故宫的永定门(最南端)开始,到景山向北的地安门,有一条约长7公里的南北中轴线。它既是故宫布局的中轴线,也是当时北京城的中轴线。中轴线南北贯穿,建筑物左右对称,秩序井然,表现了葱郁清醒的现世理性精神。昔日的北京城都是以故宫为中心、以故宫的中轴线为中轴线规划设计的,故宫西与西苑、北海,北与景山、大高玄殿等,东与皇史宬等紧密相连。社稷坛、太庙以及天坛、地坛、日坛、月坛、先农坛等都是它的重要组成部分。不仅整个皇城,西郊的三山五园、散布京城的皇家寺院道观以及各地的行宫等,更与故宫有着异乎寻常的关系。中轴线的建筑设计是中和思想在故宫建筑布局中的具体体现。黄、红两种颜色在宫殿建筑中用得最多。《礼记》载:“楹,天子丹”,就是说皇帝的房子要用红色。古人认识红色很早,并把它作为美好的象征,一般在表示幸福和富贵之时多用红色。《周易》坤卦载:“君子黄中通理,正位居体,美在其中而畅于四肢,发于事业,美之至也。”就是说,君子之德象黄色一样,居中不偏是最美的德行。封建统治者为使自己的王朝世代延续,故多视黄色为吉祥色,崇尚黄色。也因此,故宫建筑装饰在色彩的选用上就显得较为谨慎。黄色是帝王之色,庶民不能滥用,故宫采用黄色琉璃瓦屋顶,象征着至高无上的皇权,宫殿群外的围墙呈红色,象征着中央政权。所以,故宫整体采用红墙黄瓦。故宫的装饰陈设非常讲究,其中不乏自然界中的各种事物,如松、柏、桃、竹、梅、菊、兰、荷等花草树木,动物中的龙、虎、凤、龟、狮子、鹿、麒麟、仙鹤、鸳鸯、孔雀、鹦鹉等飞禽走兽,都是装饰中的常见之物,并达到了相当高的艺术水平。而在装饰图案中,动物图案应用得最广泛,其中又以龙为最多,并被赋予了一定的象征意义。故宫中更多的陈设是通过丰富的想象力虚构出来的各种动物,如饕餮、麒麟、凤以及螭吻、嘲凤、金猊等所谓的“龙生九子”,有的甚至连名字也叫不出来,很明白地显示出“形而上”的、主观抽象的、非模仿的特点,充分显示了封建统治者追求天地以和、神人以和、天人合一。故宫中不少建筑的取名,使用了“和”字,这也是中和思想的体现。如太和殿、中和殿、保和殿(清顺治改名),此意本于《易·乾·彖》:“保合大和,乃利贞”,“大”通“太”,“大和”即“太和”,系指天地万物都能保持其自然规律和谐地运行就能有利于天下,使天道正常地发展。“保和”有保持太和景象的意思,“中和”出于《中庸》“致中和,天地位焉,万物育焉”,即处理任何事要不偏不倚恰到好处,保持和谐,天地万事万物均能兴旺发达。此外还有太和门、熙和门、协和门等等。封建统治者认为理想的社会应是君惠臣忠,国泰民安,只有一个和谐的王朝,其统治才会繁荣昌盛,江山永固。总之,故宫在建筑布局、色彩运用、装饰陈设及名称选择上都体现了由封建礼制控引下的“中和”、“天人合一”、“君权神授”、“神人以和”等传统伦理思想,使故宫建筑具有我们独特的民族风格。故宫的建筑伦理思想内涵复杂,沉积了中国丰富的建筑文化、伦理思想,观之现代建筑过分追求功利,都像一副副无衣无着、无肉无血的只剩骨骼的骷髅,而骷髅式建筑不可能蕴含丰富的思想。研究故宫的建筑伦理思想,正是为了有更多具有中国特色的、蕴含中国传统伦理思想高楼大厦屹立在中国这块黄土地上,给现代建筑嵌上华魂的“图腾”。

【Abstract】 Beijing Forbidden City is a representative of Chinese ancient palace building on behalf of the highest level both of Chinese building technologies and arts. The magnificent ancient palace attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists everyday. Its profound culture and great useful values make it the subject of study. Forbidden City’s architectural design reflects the Chinese traditional ethics, such as“unity of heaven and man”、“Imperial supremacy”、“husband guides wife”,and so on. The traditional theory of yin and yang and five of which are reflected also. It inherited the ceremonial systems and traditional form of ancient Chinese palaces. The overall layout of the Forbidden City is close to the Confucian ideal and Feudal custom of“Left worship ancestor, Right is the altar of land and grain, and facing living areas”. It is not only has a direct relationship both of Fengyang city of Ming dynasty、Nanjing Forbidden City and Dadu of Yuan dynasty, but also from the Dongjing of Song dynasty, Changan of Sui and Tang dynasty to Han、Qing、Zhou dynasties and so on, all of them can find the development traces, all buildings are reflected the Chinese traditional ethics.The layout of Beijing Forbidden City has a strong will of“Shangzhong”which reflected in the use of the central axis and strengthen consciousness. From the southernmost Yongding gate, to the north Di’anmen of Jingshan, North-south direction has got a length of 7 km of the axis. It is the Forbidden City’s axis, but also the entire city of Beijing. Axis through the North and South, buildings are symmetrical and orderly, clearly demonstrated the reality spirit of this world. The old city of Beijing is planning and design to the Forbidden city as the center, to the palace’s central axis as the axis, the west of Forbidden city connected with park west and North Sea, the North connected with Jing hill、High Yuen Temple, the east connected with Huang Library. Overall Renovation, Imperial Ancestral Temple and the Heaven Temple, Earth Temple, ritan, yuetan, Xiannongtan are all the important part of it. Not only the Imperial City, Five Park and Three Mountains of the west, spread in the capital of the royal monastery, Taoist and around the palace, also has a bizarre relationship with the Forbidden city. Axis of the architectural design is the neutralization thoughts embodied in the Forbidden City of Architecture.Yellow and red are used most widely in the palace building.“Book of Rites”said:“Ying, Tan Son of Heaven.”That is said the emperor’s house must be use the red. The ancients recognized red early, and use it as a symbol of fine, during that time, all use the color to express happiness and wealth.“Book of Changes”Kun contains:“Gentlemen, maintain the impartiality, access to good sense, put own right position in the society, good moral civilization to enrich the mind, then, accessible to the body, nothing is not nice.”That is said, gentleman’s Virtue is like the yellow color, unbiased is the most beautiful virtues. As a result, the forbidden city’s architectural decoration in the selection of the color becomes more cautious. Yellow is the imperial color, common people can not abuse. Palace with glazed yellow tile roofs, is the symbol of supreme imperial power, the palace group outside walls were red, is a symbol of the central government. Therefore, the Forbidden City appears as a whole by a magnificent sight.Many buildings names of Forbidden City, used the word“harmonious”This is also reflected the traditional neutralization thought. Such as the Supreme Hall, Central Hall, Preserving Hall(changed the name by Shunzhi of Qing dynasty). The meaning’s origin is from“YI. QIAN. HUI”:“保合大和,乃利贞”,“大和”is“太和”which means balance and hamony. Means the heavens and the earth can keep its natural harmony can be beneficial to run in the world.“保和”means keep balance and hamony.“中和”quoted from“Zhong Yong”“致中和,天地位焉,万物育焉”Deal with any matter to be impartial just right to maintain a harmonious, World everything can flourish. Therefore, there are Taihe gate, Xiehe gate, Xiehe gate and so on. Feudal rulers thinks that the ideal society should be monarch intelligent, Courtiers loyal, only a harmonious dynasty, rule will prosper, dynasty-permanence.Furnishings of the palace are very particular. Such as pine, cypress, peach, bamboo, plum, chrysanthemum, orchid, the Netherlands and other plants, Animals dragon, tiger, phoenix, turtle, lion, deer, giraffe, crane, mandarin ducks, peacocks, parrots and other birds and beasts, are the common things in the decoration, and reached a very high artistic level. In the decorative patterns, the application of the most widely used animal patterns, among which the largest dragon, and was given a symbolic meaning. More display is made up by a rich variety of animal imagination, Such as the gluttonous, unicorn, phoenix and Chiwen, ridiculed phoenix, gold lion, etc. The so-called“dragon have nine sons”, some even can not yell the name, these are clearly demonstrates the characteristics of subjective and abstract, non-mimic, fully shows the feudal rulers pursuit of the world order, god and human, nature and man in one.In conclusion, palace’s architectural layout, color use, the name of selection and decorative furnishings all reflect the traditional ideal of“neutralization”、“unity of heaven and man”、“divine right of kings”、“god and human”, etc. which make Imperial Palace our unique national style.The Imperial Palace complex content construction Ethics, sedimentary of Chinese abundant architecture culture、moral thoughts,observation of modern architecture which are over-pursue utilitarian, are like no clothes, no flesh and blood, leaving only the skull bones, the skeleton architecture not contain a wealth of ideas. Research of the Forbidden city’s ethics construction, in order to more Chinese characteristics which contains Chinese traditional ethics buildings standing in China.

  • 【分类号】TU-05
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1326

