

Research on Routing Technology Based on PCE in Next Generation Optical Network

【作者】 黄丽丽

【导师】 赵继军;

【作者基本信息】 河北工程大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着下一代光网络规模的不断扩大,网络拓扑越来越复杂,路由计算也越来越复杂,原有的路由技术已不能满足复杂的路由计算要求。为了解决这个问题,IETF (互联网工程任务组) PCE(路径计算单元)工作组提出了专门用于路径计算的模块——路径计算单元。通过在网络中部署独立的路径计算单元可以处理ASON(自动交换光网络)网络中大量基于约束的路径计算请求,尤其是在多域光网络的路径计算中,PCE比原有的路由技术有明显的优势。正是基于这样的下一代光网络路由技术发展的背景下,PCE技术也发展的逐步成熟和规范化。目前IETF PCE工作组已完成了相关的一系列标准和草案。本论文的工作紧密围绕下一代光网络中的路由技术,尤其是PCE技术展开,主要分为以下几部分:(1)从下一代光网络路由技术的发展过程出发,对路径计算单元PCE模块进行了研究,包括PCE的体系架构,计算模型,PCE发现机制和策略等相关内容进行了系统和全面的研究。(2)对PCEP (PCE通信协议)及其有限状态图进行了分析,并提出了PCE路径请求模块和路径回复模块实施的方案,此外,对PCEP在光网络中的扩展进行了研究。(3)对PCE在下一代光网络中路由与波长分配模型中的应用进行研究,通过对多域光网络中普通路径的计算算法和基于PCE的多域光网络的路径计算算法进行比较分析,说明了PCE结合了各个域间的网络资源信息,掌握全网拓扑结构,可计算出最优路径,从而提高了网络利用率。

【Abstract】 With the scale development of Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON), the network topology becomes more and more complicated, and so does the routing computation, consequently, the original routing technology cannot satisfy the requirements of complicated path computation. To resolve the problem, PCE architecture was proposed by the IETF PCE Work Group. The large number of constraint-based path computation problem can be resolved by deploying independent PCE in ASON, which has more significant advantage than the original routing technology especially in the path calculation of multi-domain optical network.Based on next generation optical network technology development in the context of routing, PCE technology development, and gradually mature and standardized. Currently, IETF PCE Working Group had completed a series of related standards and draft. Routing technology especially PCE technology of the next generation optical network was researched in this paper and the main contents were as follows:(1) According to the developing process of the next generation optical network, PCE module including PCE architecture, computing model, PCE discovery mechanism and strategies and so on were studied systematically and comprehensively.(2) PCE computation protocols(PCEP) and the finite state diagrams were both analyzed, and the implementing schemes of PCE path request and reply modules were proposed, besides, the PCEP extensions in optical networks was studied.(3) Study on PCE in the model of routing and wavelength assignment in the next generation optical network. By contrast with the computing algorithm of the common path of multi-domain optical networks and computing method based on PCE, it was shown that PCE combined the information of various inter-domain network resources and mastered the whole network topology, so that it can calculate the optimal path, thus improving network utilization.


