

The Study on Population Carrying Capacity in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 白燕

【导师】 祁永安;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 二次世界大战以来,世界人口增长了一倍多。人口的大量增加,不仅使资源的消费总量增加、资源的开发利用强度增加、人均资源占有量降低,同时对环境的排放废物也随之增加。世界及区域范围内的资源环境问题此起彼伏,造成资源枯竭,生态失衡和环境严重污染,严重威胁着人类的可持续发展。因此,人口承载力问题的研究成为当今社会研究热点。本文以内蒙古盟市人口承载力问题为研究对象,通过探讨区域人口发展现状,结合当地的资源、环境及经济发展现状,提出内蒙古盟市人口承载力问题研究的必要性。文章将已掌握的数据与生态足迹模型运用到人口承载力研究中,对内蒙古及各盟市2003-2008年人口承载力进行了测算和分析评价,并对盟市2010年人口承载力进行了预测。通过测算得出两个结论:一是,内蒙古实际人口数量小于区域人口承载能力,呈现出可持续发展的状态。而内蒙古各盟市人口承载力发展趋势不尽相同,其中通辽、赤峰、乌兰察布以及乌海四市人口超载,表现为不可持续发展态势,尤其乌海人口超载现象严重,人口压力为人口承载力的3倍;其他8个盟市人口发展状态呈现可持续状态,其中锡林郭勒盟人口承载力最高,其次为呼伦贝尔市。二是,内蒙古盟市2010年人口承载力预测结果显示:内蒙古整体人口承载力不断增强,而通辽、赤峰、乌兰察布和乌海即使以研究期内最低人口自然增长率计算实际人口数量,那时人口仍然超载。根据人口承载力的研究结果,结合内蒙古各盟市现有人口状况,提出了以下对策与措施:(1)适度控制人口数量;(2)加强环境保护力度,建立资源节约型、环境友好型生产环境;(3)提高土地利用效率发展生态高效型农业、畜牧业,提高土地资源人口承载力。

【Abstract】 The world population has more than doubled since World War II. The sharp increasing of population, not only the total consumption of resources, and intensity of development and utilization of resources have increased, but also have reduced the per capita holding of resources. While the discharge of waste on the environment have increased . The resources and environmental problems as one falls, another rises on a world wide scale, which resulted exhaustion of resources, ecological unbalance and serious environment pollution. All of this overhangs development of mankind. Therefore, the population capacity of research is focused in society today.The population capacity of union and city are objects of study. The paper raise the necessity of supporting for population study. Based on available data and formulas, it calculate population capacity of union and city during 2003-2008. And then forecast population carrying capacity of union and city in 2010.There are two conclusions of the article: First, the actual population of Inner Mongolia is less than the bearing capacity of the region, showing a state of sustainable development. But the Carrying Capacity in unions and cities are different trends, Population overload in Tongliao, Chifeng Ulanqab and Wuhai showing the trend of unsustainable development, particularly in Wuhai. The other eight unions and cities population showed the state of sustainable development. Second, population carrying capacity of Inner Mongolia constantly reinforce.By forecast results.But the population of Tongliao, Chifeng Ulanqab and Wuhai still overloaded even sustain the lowest of the natural population growth rate .According to the results of the population carrying capacity, and population status of regionsuggestions were put forward: first, control the population size; second,strengthen environmental protection and set up a resource-saving and environment-friendly production environment; third,improve the efficiency of land use,then development agriculture and pastoral farming of eco-efficien,improving the population carrying capacity of land resources.


