

Different Substrates at Low Temperature Anaerobic Fermentation of Gas Test

【作者】 孟庆辉

【导师】 牛锋;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 利用不同的发酵基质、不同的活性污泥添加量、不同的秸秆添加比例、选取西北民族大学榆中校区污水处理厂的厌氧污泥和从西藏野驴粪便分离出的兼性纤维素菌作为活性污泥接种物,进行模拟季节变化和冬季的低温发酵。其结果如下:厌氧发酵过程的最佳发酵温度为35℃,模拟从夏季到秋季(气温从35℃降到25℃时)产气骤降一半左右,模拟试验到冬季时产气降为夏季的1/4。在夏季、正常温度其他条件相同时,羊粪产气最多、其次是鸡粪、牛粪次之、猪粪最少。活性污泥添加量在20%、粪秸秆添加比例为4:1时,平均日产气量为最高。在冬季温度较低的情况下,接种处理后的活性污泥,羊粪、猪粪产气量下降明显,牛粪、鸡粪产气量上升较明显。活性污泥添加量10%产气量上升10.1%;粪秸秆添加比例在5:1时上升10.6%。总之,分离出的菌种在冬季显著提高了牛粪厌氧发酵的甲烷产量,节省了活性污泥的用量,得出不同发酵情况下的最佳底物添加量,提高了发酵效率,为北方冬季沼气池的正常使用提供了帮助。

【Abstract】 Use of different fermentation substrates, addition of activated sludge, adding different percentage of straw, select Northwest Nationalities University Yuzhong Campus anaerobic wastewater treatment plant sludge and isolated from the feces of the Tibetan wild ass and cellulosic bacteria as activated sludge inoculum, to simulate seasonal changes and winter low temperature fermentation. The results are as follows:Anaerobic fermentation process, the optimal fermentation temperature is 35℃, simulation from summer to autumn (the temperature dropped from 25℃, 35℃) gas plunged about half of simulation to the winter to summer gas sag 1 / 4. In summer, the normal temperature of other conditions, gas production up sheep, followed by chicken manure, cow dung second, and pig manure at least. Addition of activated sludge to 20%, add the ratio of 4:1 straw manure, gas to peak, the cumulative gas production, the average daily gas production was the highest.In the case of low winter temperature, after treatment by activated sludge acclimated inoculum, sheep, pig gas production decreased significantly, cow dung, chicken manure gas production increased significantly. Addition of activated sludge gas production increased 10% significant; addition of 15% and 20%, the difference was not significant. Add a proportion of straw manure significantly different in the 5:1, the rest are not significant.In short, the isolated bacteria were significantly increased in the winter of anaerobic fermentation of cow dung methane production, saving the amount of activated sludge, obtained under different fermentation conditions the best substrate to add, improve the fermentation efficiency, the North the normal use of biogas digesters in winter has helped.

  • 【分类号】S816
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】92

