

Flower-visiting Behavior and Breeding Ecology Parnassiida Szechenyii Frivaldszk in Qilian Mountains Aera in Qinghai Province

【作者】 包正云

【导师】 刘泽华;

【作者基本信息】 青海师范大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对青海祁连山地区四川绢蝶(Parnassiida szechenyii Frivaldszk)种群生态的调查、研究的基础上,集中研究其访花行为和繁殖生态。调查四川绢蝶蜜源植物的开花动态并跟踪观察其访花行为,测量单花停留时间、访问的2朵花之间的距离和访花总时间,并确定其花间运动式样;跟踪观察四川绢蝶交配及产卵情况,用秒表记录交配总时间、交尾后的飞行时间及伏地爬行时间、总产卵时间、单次产卵时间,同时标记其交配地点和产卵地,用米尺测量交配地点距离和产卵距离,并以其为中心做样方,测量相关参数。结果如下:1.在青海祁连山地区,金沙绢毛苣的花期自6月中旬开始,单朵花的花期约为6~7d;鳞叶龙胆花期自6月中旬开始,单朵花的花期约为6~7d;天蓝韭花期自7月中旬开始,单朵花的花期约为6~7d。2.四川绢蝶在访花时通常飞行较为缓慢,或盘旋滑翔飞行,单朵访花时间大约在十几秒到两分钟之间,大多数四川绢蝶在访问完一朵花后都会飞到相对临近的蜜源植物上再次取食,曾发现过同一只绢蝶连续访花八朵。四川绢蝶在3种蜜源植物上的单花停留时间为:金沙绢毛苣上的为(18.79±1.71)s,鳞叶龙胆上的为(13.35±1.64)s;天蓝韭上的为(11.84±1.67)s。四川绢蝶在3种蜜源植物上的访花频率:金沙绢毛苣上的为:(5.7±0.7)朵/min,鳞叶龙胆上的为:(7.5±1.5)朵/min;天蓝韭上的为:(4.4±0.8)朵/min。3.交配在整个繁殖期进行。雄蝶活动能力一般较强,大多数时间都是在山坡处盘旋飞翔来寻找未交配的雌蝶进行交配(已经交配的雌蝶因有臀袋而无法再次交配)。经对12对绢蝶的交配过程的观察,发现其交配多在晴朗无风的12:00~15:00之间,整个交配过程需152±36s左右。交配时,雄蝶与雌蝶贴地飞行追逐,速度快,变向急;落地后尾部相连,在草丛间爬行,间或贴地飞行3~5次。落地后不振翅。交配结束后,雄蝶先飞走,雌蝶伏地1min左右,在交配地点徘徊30s左右后飞走。4.四川绢蝶产卵一般在晴朗无风的12:00~15:00时进行,日产卵5~10次,单次产卵1颗,一个产卵点只产一颗卵,5×5m的样方中平均产卵3±2颗。每次产卵时间平均为:32±10s。卵的色泽呈乳白色,卵扁圆形表面有细的凹点,卵的大小1mm。5.四川绢蝶对产卵地具有明显的选择性。通过设置样地、实际产卵点和放弃的产卵点的比较发现,产卵点选择的主要影响因素是近地面层的温度、距离寄主植物的距离和距离灌丛的距离。6.经5个聚集度指标分析产卵点的空间分布类型,确定四川绢蝶产卵点的空间分布呈集群分布。这可能是其寄主植物和灌丛的空间分布是集群分布的原因。因为寄主植物的距离和灌丛的距离灌丛是四川绢蝶产卵点选择的主要影响因素(P=0.004<0.01和P=0.021<0.03)。

【Abstract】 In this paper,we focus on Parnassiida szechenyii Frivaldszk flower-visiting behavior and breeding ecology based on investigating and researching of their population ecology studies in the aera of the Qilian Mountains in Qinghai Province. We investigate dynamic of their flowering nectar plants and observe their flower-visiting behavior, measure the distance between the two flowers of their visited and the visit to the total time spent and to determine their movement patterns between flowers; follow-up observations Parnassiida’s mating and oviposit conditions, record the total time with a stopwatch mating、total time of oviposition; at the same time marking their mating site and the oviposition site, measuring mating sites distance and oviposition sites, setting samples with sites as the center and survey correlation parameters.The results are as follows:1. In Qilian Mountains aera in Qinghai Province, Soroseris gillii bloom at mid-June, single-flowered florescence is about 6~7 days; Gentiana pseudosquarrosa bloom at mid-June, single-flowered florescence is about 6~7 days; Allium cyaneum bloom at mid-July, single-flowered florescence is about 6~7 days.2. Parnassiida szechenyii relatively slowly when they flower-visiting or generally hover flight. once found a Parnassiida visiting flower of eight successive monarchs visit, in the three kinds of nectar plants Parnassiida szechenyii stay as follows: Soroseris gillii was (18.79±1.71)s,Gentiana pseudosquarrosa was (13.35±1.64)s;Allium cyaneum was (11.84±1.67)s; in the three kinds of nectar plants pollination frequency as follows: Soroseris gillii was (5.7±0.7) flower / min , Gentiana pseudosquarrosa wsa(7.5±1.5) flower/min;Allium cyaneum was (4.4±0.8) flower/min。3. Throughout the breeding season for mating. In general activity of male stronger, most of the time were hovering flight to find the slope at the female unmated mating (mated female have copulatoryplug and not be able to mate). The pairs of 12 pairs of Parnassiida szechenyii mating process of observation, found that mate more in sunny windless between 12:00-15:00, the entire mating process takes about 3min. When mating, the male and paste female fly chase, fast, and change to the emergency; fall to the ground tail connected and crawl in the hassock , occasionally fly 3-5 times. Fall to the ground without wings. After mating, the male fly away first, female stayed about 1min, pace up and down in the mating site about 30s before exiting.4. Parnassiida szechenyii oviposition occur generally sunny windless 12:00-15:00, lay 5~10eggs per day, a oviposition site lay only one egg, 5×5m of the samples the average s3±2 eggs. The average time of oviposition: 32±10s. Egg color is milky white, the surface of egg thin flat circular concave point, egg size about 1mm.5. The oviposition site of Parnassius was obvious selectivity. By setting the sample, the actual oviposition site and reject oviposition site comparison of the oviposition site was found, oviposition site selection of the main factors is the ground of temperature, the distance to the host plant and the distance to the shrub. 6.After five aggregation index analysis of the spatial distribution of oviposition sites type, we determine oviposition sites of Parnassiida szechenyii spatial distribution is clumped. This may be the host plants and the thickets of the spatial distribution of the distribution of cluster.Because the distance to host plants and distance to shrub in Parnassiida szechenyii oviposition site selection of the main influencing factors(p=0.004<0.01和p=0.021<0.03)。


