

A Research on Naga Zhuang People’s "JIEBANG" Ceremony

【作者】 李贫

【导师】 黄兴球;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 民族学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “戒邦”仪式是桂西北壮族日常生活中处理人、鬼、神三者之间关系的一种民间宗教仪式,它通过人给鬼神祭祀完成魂肉结合以达身体安康的目的。本文旨在从民族学、人类学的角度对这种民间宗教仪式进行考察和探究,以仪式展演者——麽公和巫婆(重点对象是麽公)为主要考察对象,分别从生活、经济、师徒传承等角度对他们进行考察,深入探讨他们在巫麽文化氛围下壮族社区生活中以及在日常仪式中的角色转换,分析这些独特的群体是如何融入到当地人的生活,如何通过仪式参与社区生活的互动的,进而探讨“戒邦”仪式在当地壮族社区中的地位和影响;同时通过对“戒邦”仪式表演过程的深描,结合当地壮族的人观、灵魂观、缘分观等传统原生的观念,探讨鬼的作祟、神的福佑是通过何种机制作用于人的,并在此基础上,于壮族传统巫觋文化的语境下,进一步分析壮族“戒邦”仪式的内涵,提出“戒邦”仪式是为了关爱生命,重视生命延续命题。同时指出,仪式虽然是围绕着魂肉结合的机制展开,目的是维护个体生命的和谐,但实际上,仪式更深层次的意义,其实就是解决人、鬼、神之间的矛盾,以求达到宇宙和谐的价值取向。

【Abstract】 “Jie Bang”is a religious ceremony of the zhuang people in the northwest ofguangxi, which mianly deals with the relationship among the human being,ghost,and god in order to pray for health. This essay will inspect and research on thisceremony in sight of anthropology. Performer in the ceremony , witchmomen andwitchimen are main subject , and they are researched in terms of life ,economy, andits descendence .This essay will probe into the change of their roles and analysehow this special group integrate into the local social life and participate in socialinteraction under witchship atmospher and it will discuss their role and influnceabout“JiebBang”ceremony in the local community and depict deeply the processof the ceremony. Then it will anlyze the Connotation of ceremony and inspect howthe god’s blessing act on the human being by description of the processing of theceremony and combination of zhuang people’s traditional view about humanbeing , soul and fate.Under the traditional culture of Witchcraft ,it finally proposethat the purpose of the ceremony is a proposition of caring for life and alsomaintain the harmony of the individual life. However, the deep significance of theceremony is that it can deal with the contradiction among the human being,ghost,and god in order to achieve the harmony of the cosmos.

【关键词】 麽公“戒邦”仪式灵魂
【Key words】 Priest“JieBang”ceremonySoul
  • 【分类号】C951
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】145

