

Legal Risk Management of Export Sales Contract

【作者】 曾宁

【导师】 高富平;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化的发展趋势日益明显,世界各国之间的经济往来越来越频繁,如何扩大出口不仅关系到国民经济的发展以及一国参与国际竞争的地位和实力,同时也是出口企业安生立命之根本。出口贸易不同于一般的国内贸易。由于出口贸易具有跨国性的特点,这一特点令从事出口贸易的企业处于更加复杂、更为多元化的交易背景,出口企业应注意识别和控制日益增加的出口风险。随着我国加入世界贸易组织的行列,对外出口货物贸易额急剧增长,并于去年超过德国荣登全球出口第一大国的宝座,但同样也是在去年,百年不遇的国际金融危机席卷全球,并呈现愈演愈烈、深不可测的态势,世界经济进入增长趋缓的调整期,我国的出口贸易亦深受其影响。金融危机令出口风险控制呈显性化和扩大化的趋势。在各种各样的出口风险中,法律风险是任何出口企业所无法回避的,而出口货物销售合同作为企业参与跨国经济交往的纽带和工具,对其的风险防范更是防控出口法律风险的重中之重。本文将立足于我国出口企业之视角,从出口货物销售合同的起草、签订、履行等角度对货物出口过程中可能面临的法律风险进行研究和探讨,具体从出口货物销售合同风险防范的重要性、出口货物销售合同条款法律风险的预防、出口货物销售合同履行中法律风险的防范、出口货物销售合同适用CISG及Incoterms2000的风险及其防范四个方面对出口企业在面临出口货物销售合同相关法律风险时应当采取何种相应的风险管理举措作出详细分析。具体而言,笔者将在把握出口货物销售合同定义与特征的基础上,从合同结构和具体条款出发,主要对合同品质与规格条款、数量条款、价格条款、包装条款、装运条款、保险条款、支付条款、检验条款、不可抗力条款和法律适用及争议解决条款的草拟协商中时常出现的问题及各条款应注意的事项进行论述,并结合CISG及Incoterms 2000的相关规定,对出口企业履行出口货物销售合同中关于交付货物、质量担保、权利担保、移交单据和转移货物所有权的卖方义务时所面临的法律风险进行识别和提供相关的风险防范建议。同时,对出口企业在出口货物销售合同中适用CISG及Incoterms 2000时应注意的问题进行分析和探讨。

【Abstract】 As a result of the trend of globalization and with the ever-increasing global economic exchanges and international cooperation, export expansion is not only relevant to the rapid growth of the national economy and country’s competitive position in international trade, but also a key factor of the development of an export enterprise.Export trade is quite different from home trade. Because of its transnational business operation, it is vitally important for the export enterprise to analyze and control the increasingly export risk in more sophisticate international conditions.With China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, export trade volume has increased sharply, and China overtook Germany as the world’s biggest exporter in 2009. However,in the same year,the impact of international financial crisis is deepening, world economy is entering a period of adjustment with weakening growth momentum, and China’s export trade is substantially affected. Financial crisis makes the risk control of export enterprises dominant and increasing. The export enterprise will meet with all kinds of risks, among which the legal risk is the most important one. What’s more,export sales contract, as a vital link and a tool for business companies all over the world, shall be regarded as one of the most important aspects of legal risk management for export trade.The paper presents and discusses the potential risk of the drafting, signing, and execution of the export sales contract from the viewpoint of PRC export enterprises and looks to present the insight of the legal risk management practices for such enterprises. This paper is divided into four main parts. The first part is devoted to a general discussion of the importance of the export sales contract’s risk prevention. The second part provides a legal risk analysis of terms and conditions for the export sales contract. The third part discusses the legal risk of performance of the export sales contract and its prevention. The fourth part analyzes the risk factors regarding export sales contract governed by CISG and Incoterms2000, and discusses how to take effective measures to avoid risk.Specifically, based on the definition and characteristics of the export sales contract, the following terms and clauses are presented and discussed: quality and specifications, quantity, price, packing, transportation, insurance, payment terms, inspection, force majeure, applicable law and dispute resolution. This paper finally analyses several legal issues which should be paid attention to when CISG and Incoterms 2000 is applicable to the export sales contract, such as delivery of goods, quality guarantee, warranty of title, the handing over of documents, and ownership transfer of export goods.

  • 【分类号】D922.295;D923.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】417
  • 攻读期成果

