

【作者】 罗小莹

【导师】 刘宁元;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 识别制度是国际私法中的一项基本制度,是国际私法理论的一个重要组成部分。识别制度的重要性和复杂性使得识别制度研究具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。本文从国际私法学界对识别的概念,识别的对象,识别的依据等方面存在的理论争议入手,对识别制度的基础理论和新问题展开了探讨。本文主要从以下几方面着手进行论述:引言部分主要介绍了识别制度的源起,概述了理论界关于识别制度的争议焦点,介绍了本文的主要写作脉络。第一章概括分析学界有关识别制度的理论纷争:首先概述了识别的概念和对象、识别的发生阶段的理论纷争;其次,分析了学界关于识别冲突的定义、本质和识别冲突的产生原因的争议;最后,概述了识别冲突的解决的理论纷争并讨论识别冲突的解决方法。通过分析笔者认为,解决识别冲突仅依据一种学说是行不通的,就目前的情况来说,以“新法院地法说”为主要识别依据,以“最密切联系说”为补充的组合值得一试。第二章通过对识别的目的和任务的解析、阐明对准据法识别的意义并将外国法内容的查明与准据法识别区分开来,在此基础上分析“二次识别”与“二级识别”存在的客观性并讨论两者之间的关系。笔者认为在实践中不应一味的否认“二级识别”,而应当正视此种现象的客观存在并加以研究,这样才能在未来涉及到的相关案件中做到游刃有余。第三章首先论述了识别错误的含义和种类,讨论了识别错误产生的原因,其次通过分析不同诉讼阶段中是否存在识别问题进而讨论不同诉讼阶段中是否存在识别错误问题并探讨引发这些识别错误的原因和解决方法。笔者认为,管辖权确定阶段与法院判决的承认与执行阶段并不存在识别和识别错误问题,识别和识别错误问题始于法律适用阶段也仅存在于法律适用阶段。第四章首先分析了国际上主要国家关于识别制度的立法模式以及我国关于识别制度的立法现状,在此基础上进一步讨论了识别问题是否需要立法解决这一问题。接着,对我国司法实践中遇到的识别问题做了一个大致的梳理并在此基础上对完善我国识别制度实践操作提出个人的设想和建议。笔者赞同“对于识别制度,理论应进取,立法当无为”的观点,建议在实践中可以适当引入和参考“自体识别说”、分割法、“三分法”和比较法等理念和方法,在实践中不断强化理论、原则和方法对法官的指导。

【Abstract】 Characterization is one of the most basic and important issues in the field of private international law. The importance and complexity of it endows the research with significance in both theoretical field and international judicial practice. Based on the disputes and arguments of the concept, the object and the basis of characterization, the thesis focus on both basic and new issues of characterization.The thesis is divided into the following parts:The preface primarily introduces the history of characterization , lists the main controversy about characterization and summarizes the main thread of the thesis.Chapter one summarizes the main controversy about characterization. This chapter begins with the controversy about the definition, the object and the stage of the characterization occurred, and then analyzes the nature and the disputes about the causes of the conflict of characterizations,and finally outlines the controversy about the basis of characterization and discusses the solution of the conflict of characterizations.Chapter two discusses the task of characterization, analyzes the meaning of identifying the applicable law and makes a distinction between identifying the applicable law and proof of foreign law. On this basis,we should make a point of study secondary characterization as it exists objectively.Chapter three begins with the definition,the types and the causes of the characterization error,and then discusses the possibility of characterization error existence throughout each stage of an international lawsuit.Chapter four generalizes the main international legislation mode on the characterization ,concentrates on the related laws and judicial practices in china.On this basis,the author discusses whether it’s necessary to solve the characterization issues through legislation. Upon analysis of the existing laws and cases,the author gives some comments and suggestions for improvement of the system of characterization in China.


