

Approach to the Problems on the Intentional Injury Crime and Its Sentencing

【作者】 王慧玲

【导师】 郑伟;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 故意伤害罪是实践中较为多发的一种犯罪。笔者从事检察工作多年,特别是从事公诉工作三年来,对故意伤害罪的认识和感触颇深。以笔者所在的浙江省某基层检察院为例,近四年来,故意伤害案件数占了刑事案件数1/4以上,由故意伤害引发的社会问题也日益显现。这不得不让我们在理论研究和实践操作中都给故意伤害罪投去关注的目光。同时,故意伤害罪也是一种古老的犯罪,在我国已经历了数千年的立法和司法变迁。时至今日,就故意伤害罪的法律规定已较为详细,相应的司法制度也渐渐得以建立。尽管如此,实践中出现的新问题仍是对故意伤害罪理论、立法、司法完善的不断挑战。目前,我国刑法理论界业已就故意伤害罪进行了较为广泛深入的研究,在一些问题上已有了较为一致的认识,但仍存在着许多争议较大的疑难问题有待进一步研究。笔者进入中国知网中国学术文献网络出版总库,发表日期以2000年至2010年、主题以故意伤害罪进行检索,共检索出1754条记录,其中属刑法范畴的672条,数据来源于中国重要报纸全文数据库、中国学术期刊网络出版总库、中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库等。笔者对当前故意伤害罪的相关学术文章认真进行了研读,同时也对2000年之前的相关文章进行检索和有选择性的阅读,发现就故意伤害罪的研究,在新中国成立后的不同时期,学界对其有不同的关注度,也有不同的研究方向和成果。最初研究较多的是关于故意伤害罪的犯罪构成、罪名的确定、罪与非罪的界限、故意伤害罪与其他犯罪尤其是与故意杀人罪的界限等等问题,而近几年又对故意伤害罪的犯罪未遂、精神伤害、同意伤害、共同伤害、故意伤害罪的法定刑设置及量刑等问题的进行了讨论。经过梳理,笔者认为,目前刑法学界对故意伤害造成精神伤害的认定、故意伤害未遂、同时伤害行为等问题虽有了一定的研究,但仍存在争议;对被害人过错、共同故意伤害、伤害后果的鉴定等问题虽给予了一定关注,但研究还不够深入,特别是就伤残鉴定的效力、伤残鉴定的时间、期限等问题仍没有得到应有的重视;在故意伤害量刑中对刑事和解的运用、缓刑适用的把握等问题仍缺少研究。因此,本文将从我国的立法和司法实践出发,基于笔者的工作实际,立足现有的研究成果并分析其中的精妙与不足,借鉴不同国家和地区的立法,同时运用工作中积累的实证数据和案例,对故意伤害罪认定和量刑中出现的上述存在争议、未予深入研究的一些疑难问题进行探讨,从而提出笔者自己的观点和理由,并在此基础上提出了完善我国故意伤害立法的建议。以期通过研究,为立法的完善及在办理故意伤害案件的司法实践提供有益的借鉴和帮助。

【Abstract】 Crime of intentional injury is more prone to be committed in real life. The author has been doing procuratorial work for many years, in particular in the public prosecution for 3 years and thereby developing deep understanding of intentional injury. Take the grass-roots Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province as an example, the number of the intentional injury cases accounts for at least 1/4 in the criminal cases. The social problems caused by intentional injury have also increased, which has raised the public concern in the theory research and practice of intentional assault operation. Meanwhile, the crime of intentional injury is an ancient crime in our country with several years of legislative and judicial changes. Today, the legal provisions on the crime of intentional injury has been detailed and the corresponding judicial system has gradually been established as well. However, the new problems occurring in practice are the continuous challenges in the theory establishment, legislation and judicial perfection of intentional assaults. At present, there is more extensive research undergoing on the intentional assaults in China group of criminal law. They have reached agreement on a number of issues, but there are still many controversial ones required further study。The author entered the Chinese academic literature CNKI pool website and searched the topic of intentional injury by choosing the publishing date from 2000 to 2010. There are 1754 records. Among which, there are 672 records about criminal law. The data are from China’s important full-text newspaper database, web and publication of China Academic Journals database as well as the databases of excellent dissertations for master degrees. After carefully reading the articles related to the crime of intentional injury and retrieving and selective reading the relevant articles which were published before 2000, the author found that the professional field showed different concern on the research on intentional injury and developed various research branches and gained different results after the founding of new China. The initial study was more about the constitution of intentional injury, the determination of the offense and being guilty, the differences between intentional assault and other crimes, especially homicide and so on. There is heated discussion on the setting and sentencing of intentional attempt to commit assault, mental injury, agreed injury, joint injury, punishment to the crime of intentional injury issuesIn conclusion, the author believes that although some studies have been taken in the current criminal law field about how to identify the mental harm cause by intentional injury, Attempted intentional injuries, victimization and other issues, they are still controversial questions. Some attention have been paid to victims fault, joint intentional injury and the identification of injury consequences, the research is not deep enough, particularly in the effect on the identification of the disability, the disability time and duration. The parts of the use of sentencing of the criminal mayhem reconciliation and the probation are lacked in the research. Therefore, this article will practice the legislative and judicial proceeding based on the actual work and existing research results. By analyzing the subtleties and shortcoming of them and learning from the legislations from different countries and regions as well as accumulating the empirical data and cases, the author tackles the difficult problems which requires further investigation and thereby present the opinions and reasons as well as provide recommendation on the perfection of China intentional injury legislation. Hopefully, it will be beneficial for the improvement of the legislation and the judicial practice of intentional injury cases.

【关键词】 故意伤害罪认定量刑立法完善
【Key words】 Sentencingidentifiedwillful assaultLegislation
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】549

