

Studies on the Processing Technology of Light-type Rice Wine of Min School with Low Alcohol

【作者】 庄丽琼

【导师】 郑宝东; 陈容茂;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 食品工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黄酒(Rice Wine)是世界三大古酒中唯一来自中国的古酒种,享有“国酒”之美誊。传统黄酒口感醇厚略带酸味且夏天饮用较燥热制约了黄酒产业的发展。黄酒的口感要适应消费者的需求,需要在传统酿酒工艺上加以创新。本课题以双粮(糯米、粳米)为主要原料,莲子为辅料,采用传统福建黄酒酿造工艺,以福建古田红曲米作为糖化剂,通过添加生莲子浆共同参与糖化发酵,对黄酒品质进行改良。1、在传统福建闽派黄酒酿造工艺的基础上,通过添加莲子辅料对黄酒品质进行改良。通过对比糯米组(即对照组)、生莲子组、熟莲子组三个试验组在不同发酵周期理化指标和感官品质的变化,对发酵过滤后的三组酒样进行感官评分。综合理化指标和感官指标,最终确定在传统福建闽派黄酒的酿造工艺基础上添加生莲子浆共同参与糖化发酵的黄酒改良技术。2、采用螺旋平板膜超滤设备对黄酒进行超滤,综合PS(聚砜)膜、PVC(聚氯乙烯)膜、CA(醋酸纤维素)膜、PES(聚醚砜)膜这四种超滤膜对黄酒超滤性能以及感官、理化指标和菌落总数的影响,最终确定PES膜作为黄酒的超滤用膜。为进一步优选膜材,选用不同膜孔径(截留分子量)为10000Da、30000Da、50000Da、80000Da的PES膜进行超滤实验。综合理化指标、感官评价得分以及菌落总数,最终确定截留分子量为50000Da的PES膜作为黄酒的最佳超滤用膜,并确定最佳超滤条件:超滤压力为0.30MPa、超滤温度为35℃、超滤时间13min。经添加甜型陈香雪酒和纯蜂蜜,协调总糖、酒精度、总酸的比例,调配生产出一种理想的低度清爽型黄酒。3、采用福林酚法测定低度清爽型黄酒的多酚类物质含量,发现黄酒中含有大量的多酚类物质。采用试剂盒法测定低度清爽型黄酒的抑制羟自由基能力,总SOD活性和总抗氧化能力,并通过与相同质量浓度的BHT溶液对比得到,低度清爽型黄酒具有较强的抗氧化能力,其清除羟自由基能力为78.41U/mL,相当于BHA的55.56%, BHT的50.00%;总SOD活力为54.56U/mL,相当于BHA的76.87%,BHT的65.14%;总抗氧化能力为10.69U/mL,相当于BHA的63.52%,BHT的57.72%。

【Abstract】 Rice wine is Chinese specialty, as one of the three most ancient wine products in the world, it wins the honor of "State Wine". However, the rice wine industry development was restricted because the traditional wine tasted mellow and dryness-heat in the summer. It should innovate the process of traditional fermentation for the taste of wine can adapt to consumers needs. The subject was based on the traditional rice wine brewing process of Min School, which was uesd the two grains(round shaped rice and sticky rice)as main material and lotus seed as the excipient material. The quality of rice wine was improved by adding raw lotus slurry and gutian monascus as saccharification during the saccharification and fermentation.1、The quality of rice wine was improved by adding lotus seed excipient on the base of the traditional rice wine brewing process of Min School. Three groups included the rice group (control group), raw lotus seed group and cooked lotus seed group were tested. By comparing the changes of physicochemical index and sensory qualities of the three test groups during the fermentation period. The sensory index was evaluated on the three liquor samples after fermentation and filtration. The improving technology was finally determined that the raw lotus slurry was added during the saccharification and fermentation, which was based on the traditional rice wine brewing process of Min School.2、The spiral flat membrane ultrafiltration equipment was researched on the rice wine ultrafiltration. Comprehensive the effects of ultrafiltration property, physicochemical index and sensory qualities and total bacteria counts, which was based on the four kinds of ultrafiltration membranes:PS(polysulfone)membrane、PVC(polrvinyl chloride) membrane、CA(cellulose acetate)membrane、PES(polyether sulfone)membrane. It was finally determined the PES membrane as the ultrafiltration membrane of rice wine. Different membrane pore size(molecular weight cutoff):10000Da、30000Da、50000Da、80000Da of PES membrane was chose to ultrafiltration experiment for further optimization of membrane materials. It was finally determined the PES membrane pore size of 50000Da as the best ultrafiltration membrane of rice wine, which was comprehensive by the effects of physicochemical index, sensory qualities scores and total bacteria counts. And the best ultrafiltration condition:ultrafiltration pressure for 0.30 MPa, ultrafiltration temperature for 35. degrees Celsius, ultrafiltration for 13 minutes was finally determined. A kind of ideal light-type rice wine with low alcohol was allocated by adding sweet Xiangxue wine, honey and coordinating the proportion of total sugar, alcohol content and total acidity content.3、Polyphenol content in Light-type Rice Wine was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method, and it was found there was large amount of polyphenol substances in the wine. Functions of scavenging hydroxyl radical and antioxidation were studied,,and ability of SOD was studied as well. The results showed that Scavenging hydroxyl radical ability of rice wine was 78.41U/mL, equivalent to 55.56% that of BHA, and 50.00% of BHT. SOD ability of rice wine was 54.56U/mL, equivalent to76.87% that of BHA, and 65.14%of BHT. Antioxidation ability of rice wine was 10.69U/mL, equivalent to 63.52% that of BHA, and 57.72% of BHT.

  • 【分类号】TS262.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】288

