

Culture and Industrial Development of Loquat in China

【作者】 郑文炉

【导师】 赖钟雄; 陈义挺;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在2200多年漫长的栽培、观赏、药用、食用历史中,枇杷在人类的物质和精神生活中的留下了诸多印记,国人以神话传说、诗词歌赋、史书药典等记录传承下来,形成了以枇杷为核心的文化现象和文化体系。为了更好的弘扬中国枇杷文化,发展传统枇杷产业和枇杷文化产业,提升枇杷产业价值,本研究对枇杷文化和枇杷产业发展进行了一次系统的总结和分析,并对其更好发展提出了建议。本文主要从以下几个方面进行了研究:1、综合整理了枇杷的经济价值,包括其食用价值、药用价值以及其他利用价值枇杷果肉富含人体所需的多种营养成分,具有止咳、润肺、利尿、健胃、清热的功效,对肝胆疾病也有一定疗效,枇杷果实熟食性和鲜食性都进行了整理。枇杷的果实、花、叶、树皮、根皆可入药,是极佳的中药材。枇杷用途广泛,除果实鲜食外,枇杷果肉可供做糖水罐头、蜜饯、果脯、果汁、果胶、果露、果酱、果膏、果酒等产品;枇杷种子可以酿酒及提炼酒精;枇杷树干木材坚韧,质硬,是名贵木材,可制作乐器、工具木梳、手杖、木榔头、木棒;枇杷花做花茶;枇杷叶可以制成茶叶,也可入药制成做枇杷露、枇杷叶膏、枇杷叶冲剂,枇杷核做果仁。枇杷树也常植于庭园、公园,作为绿化用树。2.枇杷名称的由来、枇杷栽培、食用、药用历史追溯和枇杷文化发展记述对于枇杷名称的由来、文化形成和发展进行了简要的论述,追溯了中国枇杷悠久的栽培历史、食用观赏、医用历史史和中国枇杷文化形成和发展历程,并进行了简要的分析。中国枇杷文化的起源和发展划分为四个阶段:萌芽阶段——西汉时期,食用和美味品尝,以及初步树和果实观赏;发展阶段——魏晋南北朝时期,除了初期的食用和观赏、品尝,主要是开始药用功能研究利用等;成熟阶段——唐宋时期,无论是枇杷书画和诗作还是药用功能开发利用都进入了空前鼎盛的时期;继承和发展阶段——明清时期至今。3.枇杷文化主要组成部分和枇杷文化史综合整理枇杷的传统文化主要表现在:树、叶、花、果实的颜色、大小、药用价值、历史轶事趣闻等相关的诗词歌赋、书画描述记录,其中主要以枇杷药用和外形、食用等的诗词歌赋为枇杷文化主要组成部分。4.现今枇杷产业发展概况和存在的问题枇杷产业化发展取得了一定进展,无论是产量和种植面积增加、品种优化、还是宣传推介都取得了一定成效,但是还存在诸多问题:科学栽培技术推广不足,投入少;品种结构不合理,周年生产技术不成熟;保鲜、加工、贮运技术和设施落后;质量标准不健全、质量监管不到位;广告宣传、品牌宣传力度不够;枇杷购销信息平台缺乏;产业结构单调,产业化进程缓慢,尚不重视枇杷资源综合开发利用。5.中国枇杷文化产业发展有助于枇杷传统产业的发展和枇杷商品价值的提升为了促进枇杷文化和产业的迅速健康发展,建议建立政府推动、企业主导、农业、文化宣传等相关部门积极配合,共同促进枇杷文化产业的发展壮大,进而促进中国枇杷产业。建议:稳步推进传统枇杷产业的基础上政府要转变职能,由“主抓”“主办”变“管”和“促”,确定文化企业的市场主体地位,为经营性文化事业单位转制为文化企业创造政策环境和条件;继续开展高质量的枇杷文化节和推介活动,结合当地的宗教文化、饮食文化、民俗文化等,利用民歌、民乐、民舞、民风、民俗、特色民间饮食、服饰增强枇杷文化,升华发展枇杷文化;进一步利用科技手段提升枇杷产业文化价值;同时利用传媒方式进行多种宣传。

【Abstract】 During the cultivation of more than 2200 years, loquat was used to enjoy the view, make medicine, and eat and so on, which impact on both human material and spiritual life. Chinese people record the culture of loquat with myths and legends, poetry, history and Food and Drug books, and other records, all of which had been forming the phenomenon and cultural systems with loquat as the core.In order to promote Chinese loquat culture, and to develop traditional industries and cultural industries of loquat, and to enhance the value of loquat industry, this study made a summary and analysis on loquat industry and culture, and made some recommendations for its better development. Moreover, this study was conducted mainly from the following aspects:1.Consolidation of the economic value of the loquat, including its food value, medicinal value and othersLoquat fruit is rich in many nutrients needed by human body, not only with the effectiveness of moistening lung, stopping cough, diuresis, regulating the stomach and clearing heat, but also with effectiveness of hepatobiliary diseases. The fruit, flower, leaves, roots and barks of loquat can all be used as medicines, and all of these were excellent Chinese Medicinal Materials. With wide range of uses, in addition to be eaten as fresh fruit, loquat fruit could be made into candied fruit, fruit juice, preserved fruit, pectin, smoothies, jams, fruit paste, fruit wine and other products. And loquat seeds can be used in brewing and distilled into alcohol. Furthermore, loquat wood was hard, which could be used for making musical instruments, combs, wooden combs, sticks, wooden hammer, and wooden timber. And loquat flowers were used to make tea. Loquat leaves not only could be made into tea, but also could be made into medicine "Pipa Lu", loquat leaf extract, loquat granules. Loquat nut could be processed to eat and made into medicine. Loquat tree often planted in gardens, parks as a landscape tree.2.The origin of the loquat name, retrospect of loquat cultivation, edible and medicinal history, and account of cultural development of loquatThis paper made a brief exposition on both the origin of the name and cultural formation and development of loquat. And this paper also had a retrospect of loquat cultivation, edible, see-and-enjoy and medicinal history, and account of cultural development of loquat, which were analyzed briefly. The origin and development of Chinese loquat culture is divided into four stages:infancy stage----the Western Han Dynasty, during which loquat was mainly for eating and enjoying delicious taste, and the initial ornamental of fruit trees and fruit; development stage----from Wei and Jin period, besides initial eating and watching and enjoying, loquat was beginning to be study the function of medicine; mature stage----in Tang and Song dynasties, the development of both paintings, poems and utilization of medicinal functions with loquat had entered an unprecedented period of great prosperity; stage of development and inheritance---ince Ming and Qing Dynasties.3. Major components of loquat culture-poetry, painting, etc., and consolidation of cultural history of loquatThe traditional culture of loquat mainly features:related poetry, calligraphy and painting describe records related to trees, leaves, flowers, fruit color, size, medical value, history, anecdotal and others, in which the main component of loquat culture is the poetry on the loquat medicinal fuction and fruit shape, food, etc.4. Overview and current problems of loquat industrySome progress has been made in loquat industrial development, like yield and planting area increasing, Seed cultivation and the marketing campaign having achieved some success, but there were still many problems:lack of scientific training to promote, insufficient investment; irrational variety structure, immature technology of the annual production; preservation, backward processing, storage technology and facilities; quality standard being not perfect, quality control being not in place; insufficient advertising, brand publicity; lack of buying and selling information platform; monotonous industrial structure, slow process of industrialization, yet not attaching importance to comprehensive development and utilization of resources of loquat.5. Loquat cultural industry will make contribution to loquat traditional industries development and enhance the value of loquat goodsIn order to promote rapid and healthy development of Loquat culture and industry, it was proposed that the establishment of Industrial development model with government promotion, enterprise-led, agriculture, culture and other related departments actively serving with cooperation. Recommendations:on the basis of steadily development of traditional loquat industry, the government functions should be changed from "control" and "host" to "manage" and "promote"; determining the dominant position of cultural enterprises in the market of loquat, and create a policy environment and conditions for transformation from cultural business institutions to a cultural enterprise; conducting high-quality loquat cultural festivals and promotional activities to be continued combined with local religious culture, food culture, folk culture, the use of folk songs, folk music, people dance, folk, folk, folk characteristics of food, clothing to enhance loquat culture, and sublimate loquat culture; using of science and technology to enhance the cultural value of loquat industry; moreover using a variety of media publicity to publicize, all of which would contribute to the Chinese loquat industry.

【关键词】 loquatcultureindustrialization
【Key words】 loquatcultureindustrialization
  • 【分类号】S667.3;F326.13
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】475

