

Study of Settlement Pattern of Rural Residential Land

【作者】 董学榕

【导师】 黄炎和; 黄锦东;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业资源利用, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 目前农村居民点用地普遍存在布局混乱、缺少统一规划、基础设施不完善、不少空地、杂地和老宅基地未能得到有效利用而形成“空心村”等问题,本文研究在此背景下,以农村居民点用地整治的国内外研究现状和居民点用地整治的理论及农村居民点用地整治模式理论为着手,进行农村居民点用地整治模式的研究。本研究根据区位、村镇规划、土地可持续利用、区域空间集聚、公众参与等理论,采取农村居民点用地整治的基本原理和研究方法,对农村居民点用地整治的模式及其适用条件进行深入探讨,并以明溪县沙溪乡为例进行应用。主要研究成果有:1、对农村居民点用地整治的模式进行理论研究。建立农村居民点用地整治模式体系,认为其由组织管理模式、空间规划模式和资金筹措模式组成,并对三种模式进一步细分。其中空间规划模式分为迁村并点型整治模式、村庄改造控制型整治模式和城镇化整治模式三种子模式;组织管理模式分为政府组织模式、自组织模式和市场组织模式三种子模式;资金筹措模式分为自主投资模式、政府主导投资模式、市场主导投资模式和政府与市场结合模式四种子模式。并具体分析了每个子模式优点、特点、适用条件以及注意事项等。2、以明溪县沙溪乡为例进行应用研究。本论文以明溪县沙溪乡村居民点6个小组进行了实践研究,实地调查了这6个小组的人口、宅基地数量、居民点占地面积、闲置宅基地数量、闲置宅基地占地面积、交通道路情况、经济总收入情况、年人均收入情况、基础设施情况等信息,在资料收集的基础上进行整治和分析。然后,根据先前理论分析中提出的农村居民点用地整治模式及其适用条件,详细分析各小组的基础设施、经济条件和社会条件等,提出了这6个小组各自适合的空间规划模式、组织管理模式和资金筹措模式。

【Abstract】 The layout of the current widespread confusion in the rural residential land, the lack of unified planning, poor infrastructure, a lot of open space, mixed land and effective use of the old homestead has not been the formation of "empty villages" and other issues, this paper, in this context, rural residential land remediation research status, and residential land consolidation theory and the theory of rural residential land to begin remediation mode, the rural residential land use pattern of regulation.In this study, based on location, town planning, sustainable land use, regional spatial agglomeration, theory of public participation, improvement of rural residential land to the basic principles and methods, improvement of rural residential land use pattern and depth of application conditions, and an example of Mingxi County Township Shaxi applications. Main results are:1, rural residential land use regulation on the mode theory. Establishment of rural residential land remediation model system, that its management by the organization, space planning model and funding model composed of three models and further subdivided. Spatial planning model which moved into the village and point-based remediation mode-controlled rectification transformation model villages and towns of the three seed treatment mode mode; organization and management model is divided into governmental organizations model, self-organization model and the three seed market organization model model; funds investment model is divided into self-financing model, the government investment patterns, market investment patterns and binding mode of government and the market four seed mode. And detailed analysis of the advantages of each sub-model, characteristics, application conditions and precautions.2 to Mingxi County Shaxi Town as an example for applied research. This thesis Mingxi County Rural Residential 6 Shaxi the practice group studies, field investigations of these six groups of the population, the number of homestead, residential area, the number of unused homestead, homestead covers an area of unused, traffic conditions, the economic situation of total income, per capita income, infrastructure, and other information, on the basis of the data collection, collation and analysis. Then, based on previous theoretical analysis of rural residential land in the proposed regulation model and its application conditions, detailed analysis of the group’s infrastructure, economic conditions and social conditions were made in the six groups for each of the space planning model, organization and management model and funding model.

【关键词】 农村居民点土地整治模式
【Key words】 Rural residentialland remediationmode
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】595

