

【作者】 王海燕

【导师】 黄维民;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 政治学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国农村土地制度一直是一个焦点和热点问题。农村土地制度的选择,是社会各界人士所热议的话题,这个问题仁者见仁,智者见智,经济学、政治学、社会学、人类学等等学科的研究者们都给出了各种解答,在我国特殊的环境中,笔者认为土地不仅是生产资料,更是统治阶级用来维护统治和调节阶级矛盾的工具,所以本文试图从政治学的角度给予分析。论文以建国以来我国农村土地制度变迁的政治逻辑为研究对象,首先对相关概念进行了界定,并对国内外相关研究做了综述,为全文研究提供了一个分析框架。文章运用事件-分析方法和博弈论方法对建国后各个阶段我国农村土地制度变迁过程中国家和农民之间的博弈、在各个时期国家如何通过基层组织作用于农民,即基层组织的形成、性质和作用进行了分析。通过论证得出了我国农村土地制度变迁的内在的政治逻辑,国家和农民作为两个主体,如果国家制定的土地制度能调整好国家和农民的关系,符合农村生产力状况、能够调动农民的积极性、解放农村的生产力,国家才能得到发展、农民才能得到利益。反之,如果国家单方面主导土地制度的变迁,不顾农村和农民的意愿,肯定是不符合生产力实际状况的失败的土地改革,国家得不到发展、农民也得不到利益。最后,结合我国当前农村土地制度的现状,判断了我国农村土地制度变迁的大致方向。

【Abstract】 The countryside land system is a focal point and the hot topic. it becomes the topic which the social people from all walks of life discuss hotly. About this question, different people have different views. The researchers of economic, politics, sociology, anthropology and other objects have given each kind of explanation. However, in our country, the land system is not merely the social economy relations reflection, also the mediation method of society political relation and the social class relates. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze the perspective from the political science object. Thesis analyzes the political logic of China’s rural land system since the founding of the country, First, the thesis defines the relevant concepts and do the review of the research at home and abroad providing an analytical framework for the study, Thesis use the event-analysis and game theory analyzes the game between state and farmers and the role of the national grass-roots organizations after the founding of our country. Analysis indicates the political logic, If the land system formulated by the state can adjust the relationship between the countries and farmers, it can Consistent the rural productive forces and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers and liberate the productive forces. So the countries can be developed and the farmers can get the interests. On the contrary, the facts are opposite. At the end, combining the current status of the rural land system, the thesis judge the general direction of change about the China’s rural land system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期

