

Clinical Research of Fangxiao Chongji in Treating Children’s Chronic Cough (Qi and Yin Defieiency)

【作者】 王彩霞

【导师】 王有鹏;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:旨在通过全面的临床观察,研究防哮冲剂的治疗效果,进而研制出一种有效治疗气阴两虚型慢性咳嗽的药物;同时希望本研究对今后中医药在治疗小儿慢性咳嗽的研究思路和方法上有所帮助。方法:通过对文献的综合研究和导师的经验总结,制定临床研究方案,将60例符合小儿气阴两虚型慢性咳嗽纳入标准的门诊患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组30例,对照组30例。对两组患儿的一般情况、病程、病因、症状和体征进行比较,依据患儿年龄大小,治疗组和对照组分别给予相应剂量的防哮冲剂及念慈庵蜜炼川贝枇杷膏,疗程30天,对两组治疗后在疾病疗效和症状改善上进行比较。结果:(1)疗程结束后,治疗组的疗效明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。(2)治疗组患儿症状的改善明显优于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05)(3)治疗组患儿的远期疗效明优于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:临床观察研究表明,防哮冲剂治疗小儿气阴两虚型慢性咳嗽,可明显改善慢性咳嗽患儿的症状,疗效确切,无毒副作用,充分发挥了中医药治疗慢性咳嗽的优势,具有临床研究及推广价值。

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe through a comprehensive clinical study of treatment effect against Asthma granules,and then developed an effective treatment for chronic cough medicines Qi and Yin defieiency;also hope that this study on the future of Chinese medicine in the treatment of children with chronic cough helpful ideas and methods.Methods:60 cases of patients with Qi and Yin defieiency was divided into two groups-30 in treating group and 30 in contrast group. Compare the general conditions,the course of disease,etiology of disease,symptoms and physical signs of the two group.According to the age of the kid patients, administer the Fangxiaochongji and niancian respectively to each group of proper dosage;the whole treating process is one month altogether, judging the clinical effect by comparing with the improment of the symptoms.Results:(1)after treatment,the efficacy of treatment group is better than the control group.(2)in the treatment group improved significantly in children with symptoms than the control group,the difference is significant.(3)long teem effect of treatment group children is better than the control group,the difference is significant.Conclusion:Clinical studies have shown that Fangxiaochongji Qi and Yin Deficiency type in children with chronic cough,can significantly improve symptoms of chronic cough and effective,non-toxic side effects,make full use of the advantages of Chinese medicine treatment of chronic cough,with research and promotion value.


