

Discussion on the Enlightenment of American, Japan and Korean Cartoon Industry to the Development of Chinese Cartoon Industry

【作者】 高一凡

【导师】 张爱民;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 动漫产业现在已成为世界公认的新兴产业。在我国,这项产业虽然有着政府的大力支持和经济科技力量的支撑,但因为起步较晚,仍在发展过程中存在着诸多不利因素。相比之下,发达的美日韩动漫产业背后,则有着值得我们驻足品读的曲折产业历史,以及值得我们思考借鉴的成熟产业机制。虽然对于一个规模庞大的产业来讲,取得快速发展并非朝夕之事,但分析研究其产业链构成和产业机制特征,明确优势所在,探讨不足之处,对于促进我国的动漫产业发展将会具有非常积极的意义——这是本文的写作目的。在上述目的的引导下,以时间为线索纵观美日韩动漫发展史,并用横向对比法对分析归纳了各自的动漫产业特征,解读产业发展与科技文化的时代关联。其后聚焦我国动漫产业现状,展开对于我国动漫业如何借鉴他国优秀经验的探讨。首先分析的是以迪斯尼为业界主体的美国动漫历史与产业。早期以动画电影和动画品牌形象为开拓点,开创出以形象授权为核心的商业特许经营模式,由此又拓展出世界主题公园等颇具创意的商业运作形式。经过二战时期动漫业整体低迷和二战后迪斯尼转型,美国动漫业从八十年代末开始又树立起以高科技为创作核心,结合好莱乌各大制片公司商业运营的快速发展模式,并依托此模式占据了世界百分之九十的动画电影市场。其次分析了日本的动漫发展史与产业形成。日本动漫的发展是在二战之后,逐渐形成了以漫画为内容源泉,以电视动画和相关游戏开发为扩展,以电影动画为最高形式的ACG发展模式。虽然电影动画的制作水准不敌美国,但在漫画、电视动画方面日本形成了自己得天独厚的优势,并使之成为日本文化走向世界的重要途径。在游戏开发方面日本也占尽先机,成为其动漫产业中一个重要的环节。再次分析了韩国动漫的发展历程。韩国动漫历史较短,基础相对薄弱。针对自身的状况,韩国在学习美、日两国优秀动漫经验的同时,另辟捷径,由政府领衔制定产业战略,即全力发展以网络游戏为主体的数字娱乐产业。韩国由此成功开拓出一条独具特色的动漫产业发展道路,成为世界动漫业的后起之秀。最后分析了我国动漫发展史和产业发展状况。我国早期美术片曾取得过辉煌成绩,以至二十世纪七十年代的国际动画界中创立出“中国学派”的声名。由于20世纪90年代的经济制度变革,将以前全部由国家立项并出资制作的动画业推向不成熟的市场化运作。这在一段时期内造成了原创性优秀作品匮乏,制作项目普遍以替他国做项目加工为主,成为世界性的动画产品加工基地。在这个转型时期内,中国动漫业在和世界接触过程中逐渐树立了产业概念,并形成了一定的产业规模,但产业机制不成熟使中国动漫产业链各个环节间得不到紧密配合,甚至大量存在产业链环节缺失的状况。另外我国动漫业的发展还受着市场管理缺陷、民众对动漫的认识偏差等问题的困扰。动漫企业也在缺乏健全的市场机制中表现得急功近利。这些都是造成中国动漫产业整体发展相对缓慢的原因。中国动漫的发展道路很漫长。本文最后主要针对动漫产业中有所欠缺的一些方面,归纳并阐释了借鉴他国经验的一些要点。分别从观念转化、注重原创、企业管理、人才培养、知识产权五个方面进行了论述。转化观念是为了拓展具有市场认知度的动漫题材,以分级制来强化受众群的针对性;注重原创是为了立足本土特色来打造精品、开拓市场,这是一个国家的文化走向世界的前提;企业管理的完善分为对内对外,对内强化流水线式的生产分工,对外调动各种类型的资源展开充分合作,健全产业链的构成;人才是创作的源泉,培养途径分为高校与企业,高校加强具有企划能力人才的培养力度,企业则要利用成熟项目资源进行人才的实践性塑造;保护知识产权是文化性产业得以生存并扩大的必备条件,美日韩的知识产权保障体系为我们提供了良好范本,我国在这方面尚有很长的路要走。中国动漫业正处于一个产业意识已成形,但产业链和产业机制尚不完善的十字路口。中国动漫产业化的道路如何走好,区区一文不能充当指路标,但相信汇集了众多优秀思想和坚实力量的中国动漫业,必将在其产业化道路上拥有无限广阔的前景!

【Abstract】 Catoon and caricature estate already becomes universally accepted new industry of world now. In our country, this item, estate is still there existing a lot of unfavourable factors in middle in developing process although having government’s strong support and economy science and technology strength propping up, because of starting is later. And by contrast, advanced US day Han catoon and caricature estate the back, then have be worthy for us to stop and taste the circuitous estate reading history, is worthy for us to think deeply that the mature estate drawing lessons is machine-made.But though as for a ample estate of scale, get develop rapidly not thing of morning and evening, the characteristic studying analytical it’s estate chain formation and estate are machine-made, will be able to have very active significance to boosting catoon and caricature of our country estate developing——This is the main body of a book location of writing eye.And under the guidance of above-mentioned purpose, take time as the clue make a general observation of beautiful day Han catoon and caricature phylogeny, follow the characteristic having summed up respective catoon and caricature estate to analysis with transverse direction contrast, the times understanding and explaining estate developing with science and technology culture is connected. Focus on our country catoon and caricature estate afterwards current situation, unfolds investigation and discussion how to draw excellent experience of other countries to our country catoon and caricature job.First analytical being takes Disney as the industry main body USA catoon and caricature history and estate. Early phase is to open up point with animated cartoon film and the animated cartoon brand image, starts out authorizing the commerce special permission being core to manage with the image pattern, Tuo puts the world subject park on display from this waiting to have rather the innovative idea commerce operates a form. And low fans of catoon and caricature job overall and two postwar Disney transform process two war periods, the pattern has occupied world 90%’s animated cartoon film market backing here.The catoon and caricature phylogeny and estate having analysed Japanese secondly take form. Development of Japan catoon and caricature is behind two stations, the wellhead having taken form gradually taking the cartoon as content, takes that the TV animated cartoon and relevance game develop as expansion, ACG taking film animated cartoon as maximal form develops a pattern. The advantage abounding in gifts of nature though the film animated cartoon fabrication standard has been defeated by USA, but Japan has formed self in the field of the cartoon, the TV animated cartoon, the important approach becoming Japan culture going globewide of making and. Japan who develops aspect in game is also taken up giving first priority machine, becomes a it’s catoon and caricature estate middle important link.The at last has analysed our country catoon and caricature phylogeny and estate developing status. Our country early phase cartoon reputation having had got splendid achievement, to such an extent even twenty centuries found "Chinese school out" in international in the 70’s animated cartoon boundary. Since the 1990’s economic system transforms, with the previously all reason countries set up a project and the animated cartoon job putting up money fabrication pushes to become market-oriented immature operation. This has brought about plain wound sex works of excellence within a segment of period deficient, the product making a project giving first place to making project treating for other countries commonly, becoming the world animated cartoon processes a base. Within this transform period, the Chinese catoon and caricature job has set up estate gradually in getting in touch with the world process the concept, joins the scale having formed certain estate, but estate immature messenger of mechanism Chinese catoon and caricature estate enchains the chain link hiatus one by one, being unable to get rapid and intense composition, there existing estate in a great quantity even among the link’s status. Development of our country catoon and caricature job is accepting the problem harassments such as market management defect, the public cognition deviation to catoon and caricature besides. Catoon and caricature enterprise shows such that being anxious to achieve quick success and getting instant benefits also in being short of perfect market mechanism. These all are that the entirety develops relatively slow cause bring about Chinese catoon and caricature estate.The Chinese animation’s development path is very long. This article mainly aims at some aspects which finally in the animation industry has is short, induced and explains has profited from other country experience’s some main points. Transformed, pays great attention the original, the business management, the personnel training, the intellectual property rights five aspects separately from the idea to carry on the elaboration. The transformed idea is to develop has the market recognizing animation theme, grades the system to come audiences’ pointedness; Pays great attention the original is to base the native place characteristic to make the high-quality goods, to develop the market, this is a national culture moves toward the world the premise; Business management’s consummation divides into internal foreign, the internal strengthened assembly line-like division of production, transfers each type the resources to launch the full cooperation outward, perfect industrial chain’s constitution; Talented person is the wellhead creating, the approach cultivating divides colleges and universities and enterprise, the colleges and universities sharpening has plan ability personnel training dynamics, the practicality that enterprise asks to make use of mature project resource to carry out talented person then molds; Essential condition protecting intellectual property being that culture industry can be existed and expanding, US day Han intellectual property rights ensures system being that we have provided the fine model for calligraphy or painting, our country has had very long road to walk in this respect still.But the Chinese catoon and caricature job is in a estate consciousness already molding, estate enchains the crossroads that mechanism still does not perfect with estate. How the put to use in production road finishes Chinese catoon and caricature leaking, one trifling culture can not act as pointing to a road sign, believe in but a lot of excellent thought having assembled and the solid strength Chinese catoon and caricature job, surely will own boundless broad prospects on whose put to use in production road!

  • 【分类号】J954
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1796

