

The Analyses of Operation Status of Skiing Tourism Market in Zhangjiakou

【作者】 董建明

【导师】 张聚民;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 滑雪既是一项专业的体育运动,也是一项令无数爱好者着迷的休闲旅游活动。滑雪旅游是依托雪资源,集参与性、趣味性、刺激性于一体的具有休闲、健身、娱乐、度假功能的运动旅游,是风行世界的一项专业人士和普通公众都喜欢的旅游活动。该产业在欧洲和北美地区已有上百年的历史,这些地区的居民酷爱滑雪。就中国而言,滑雪旅游是在中国旅游业持续快速和健康发展的大背景下,自20世纪80年代起,在黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、四川、新疆、北京、内蒙古、云南等地,一大批滑雪场、雪道、冰雪娱乐设备以及与之相配套的旅游接待设施相继建立起来,滑雪企业的经营和管理水平也正在逐步向世界滑雪强国的水平靠近。这说明,中国旅游市场上已掀起了一个滑雪热潮,滑雪旅游正在成为中国旅游业的一大亮点和十分有特色、极具发展前景的旅游产品。而张家口滑雪旅游发端于1998年在喜鹊梁创建的塞北滑雪场。可以说,张家口崇礼滑雪旅游与我国该产业的发展同时起步。在过去的10年中,张家口崇礼县塞北滑雪场第一个吹响了崇礼滑雪旅游开发的号角,其曾一度引领了华北区域的滑雪旅游潮流,当前在“河北省城镇三年大变样”河北将着力打造“环京津休闲旅游产业带”、张家口市“建设京冀晋蒙交界区域中心城市”和崇礼县“旅游立县”战略的实施,进一步打造“北京周边以滑雪为核心的国际著名旅游城市”,①战略大好背景下,研究张家口市滑雪旅游市场具有重要的理论意义和现实意义,希望滑雪旅游成为张家口市进一步加大招商引资力度、扩大对外开放领域、做大合资合作平台、推进旅游产业不断上档升级,提高新的经济增长点。本研究运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、观察法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法,以体育经济学、体育产业经济学、体育社会学、旅游学等学科为理论指导,就张家口市滑雪旅游市场的运营现状分析,并找出存在的问题,旨在为张家口市政府、河北省体育局、崇礼县政府和各大滑雪场管理经营部门提供一定的理论依据,为张家口市滑雪旅游市场的健康有序发展提供参考。通过调查分析,得出以下结论:(1)消费者方面:滑雪旅游男性比例高于女性; 18至25岁和26至35岁这两个年龄段人群是参加滑雪旅游的主要参与者;参与的人大部分集中在中等收入和高收入人群;企业管理人员、事业单位人员、学生、公务员是参加滑雪旅游的主要人群;参与滑雪旅游人员的学历以本科和本科以上为最多,其次是专科和高中;消费者滑雪频率呈现出两头多、中间少的特征,这种特征形成了初级滑雪者和滑雪“发烧友”两个群体;参加滑雪的目的是多样的,前三位分别为休闲娱乐、锻炼身体、缓解压力;拥有滑雪器材前3位的是:企业管理人员、事业机关人员、个体私营业主;参加滑雪主要有三种形式:与朋友、与家人和单位组织滑雪;消费者承受滑雪门票的价格为100元/天以内;滑雪消费者十分关注雪场安全措施、雪场环境、滑雪票价3个问题。(2)对经营管理人员的调查中,认为张家口市滑雪旅游市场“已具规模”;开发潜力巨大;河北省政府、张家口市政府、崇礼县政府及国家体育局和河北体育局对张家口滑雪旅游市场开发比较重视。(3)张家口市滑雪旅游市场发展中存在的问题有:滑雪旅游市场管理不规范;高素质滑雪旅游经营管理人才匮乏;宣传力度不够,滑雪体育旅游知名度不高;雪场规模小,功能单一,综合服务设施不完善;经营观念落后。

【Abstract】 Content: Skiing is a professional sport, is also a fascination so many lovers of leisure tourism. Snow skiing and tourism resources is to rely on, set to participate, fun, stimulating the body with leisure, fitness, entertainment, sports tourism resort function is one of the world fashion professionals and the general public like a tourist attraction. The industry has been in Europe and North America a century of history, the residents of these areas love skiing. On China, the Chinese tourism Ski tourism is sustained, rapid and healthy development of the background, the since the 20th century, 80 Qi, especially in recent years, in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan and other places, a large number of ski resorts, ski, snow and ice entertainment devices and the accompanying tourist reception facilities have been established, the ski operation and management of enterprises is gradually to a level close to the world ski powers. This shows that China’s tourism market has set off a wave ski, ski tourism is becoming a major highlight of China’s tourism industry and is a unique and highly promising tourism products.The Zhangjiakou ski tourism began in 1998, created in magpie beam Saibei ski. It can be said Chongli ski tourism and the development of the industry in China started at the same time. In the past 10 years, Zhangjiakou Chongli ski Saibei first sounded the clarion call Chongli ski tourism development, which once led the ski area in North China tourism trend, the current in the "town in Hebei Province after three years" of Hebei will focus on creating "leisure and tourism industry with around Beijing and Tianjin," Zhangjiakou "building Beijing and Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia regional center," and Chongli "Tourism Li County," "Tourism Li County," implementation of the strategy to further build "to ski around Beijing as the core internationally renowned tourist city, "an excellent strategic context of Zhangjiakou City, ski tourism market has important theoretical and practical significance, I hope to become Zhangjiakou City, skiing and tourism efforts further increase investment, expand opening-up areas, make a big joint venture platform, keep on promoting the upgrading of the tourism industry, improve the new economic growth point.Theoretically guided by sports industry, sports economic, sociology and tourism, the article mainly deals with the analysis and proof about the current situation of Shenyang’s skiing tourism market by means of document collecting, questionnaire, expert interviewing and mathematical statistics, aiming to discover the questions, then proposed the correlation countermeasure for the purpose of providing the certain theory basis and references for the related management department and for Shenyang skiing tourism market further development .After investigation and study, the conclusions as follows:Consumers: The male proportion of Shenyang skis tourism is higher than the female;the two main participant’s group are18 to 25 years old and 26 to 35 years old people.The majority participants groups of Shenyang ski tourism are the medium income and the high income group.The main participants are the business management personnel, the institution personnel, the student, the official in the ski tourism; the major school records of participants are the undergraduate course and above, next are the faculty and the high school.Shenyang ski tourism consumer to ski the frequency to present more than two, among the few characteristics. This kind of characteristic has formed two groups, one is the primary ski and the other is the ski fan.Recreation, relaxation, improving physical health and alleviating the pressure are the first three purposes for people’s participation in skiing tourism.The first 3 distinctions having the ski equipment are: the business management personnel, the service organization personnel, the individual operate privately boss.Skiing tourism consumer participates in the ski mainly to have three kinds of forms: with friends, the family members and the unit.Shenyang ski tourism consumer to withstand the ski admission ticket price is within 100 Yuan/2 hours.According to investigation, including 83.3% people to think the market“already a scale”, some 8.3% people think“is not clear”; Some 50.0% people think this local ski tourism resources compares with other areas“has the certain superiority”, some 10.4% people think“extremely has the superiority”, some 31.3% people think“could not talk clearly”. 52.1%people think the market development has much potential; General accounts for 43.8%; No only accounts for 4.2%.37.5% people think the Shenyang government pays more attentions to the ski tourism market development; 47.9% people think the degree to be ordinary; 14.6% people think the local government does not pay any.The first three questions which Shenyang ski consumers pay attentions are the snow field security measure, the snow field environment, the snow field price; the main factors affect the market development are the propaganda dynamics, the degree taken by the government, the cultural environment.The questions of market development are as follows: The ski tourism market management is not standard; The high quality ski tourism management managerial talent is deficient; To current domestic and foreign skis tourism market steep competition understanding insufficiency; Propaganda dynamics is insufficient, ski sports tourism well-known is not high; Snowfield scale small, the function is unitary, the synthesis servicing facility is imperfect; The management idea is backward.

【关键词】 张家口滑雪旅游运营现状
【Key words】 Skiing tourismMarketOperation StatusAnalyseZhangjiakou
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】636

