

ERTG Features Analysis and Use Optimization

【作者】 王龙伟

【导师】 刘翠莲; 陈飞;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 集装箱码头生产工艺自集装箱码头诞生以来就在不断的创新和发展之中,其最终目的就是提高装卸作业效率,降低运营成本,提高码头的竞争力和盈利能力。传统的集装箱码头生产工艺有RMG和RTG两种。对于使用RMG的工艺方案的集装箱码头,其使用成本低廉,但初始投资较高,且操作灵活性受到一定限制导致得不到广泛应用;RTG工艺方案,具备很好的灵活性,操作效率较高,但其使用柴油作为动力能源,能耗大,成本高,不环保。同时,为了保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展,国家日前大力发展电力供应,稳定电价,以改善能源结构,促进科学发展。为了响应国家节能环保、和谐发展的号召,提倡使用高能效设备,新建工程项目杜绝使用能耗大效率低的装卸设备,优先选用以电能做为动力源的装卸设备。在上述背景下,以电力驱动的ERTG,由于具备RMG成本低和RTG可转场的特点,日益成为现代集装箱码头堆场作业的首选机械。E-RTG码头生产工艺,是用一种新的堆场组织形式来调度一种新型的操作机械,以更低的操作成本完成码头操作的任务。这种工艺下需要运用优化的方法,去进行场地计划和生产组织,以最大限度的避免操作灵活性,满足码头操作使用要求,提高集装箱码头的核心竞争力。论文结合天津港欧亚国际集装箱码头有限公司生产操作实际,在分析ERTG特性和使用规则的基础上,探讨ERTG工艺下,如何合理地进行场地计划和生产组织,以最大限度的发挥ERTG的低成本的优势,克服ERTG的不够灵活的缺点,使这种新技术、新设备在提高码头作业效率、降低码头作业成本方面做出最大贡献。

【Abstract】 Container terminal operating method is always on the way of development and innovation since its berth with the aim to improve operating efficiency and reduce managing cost.Traditionally, there are two operating ways applied by container terminals:RMG program and RTG program. For the first pattern, taking low operating cost as the advantage, it covers a huge initial investment and gets unable to change stacks. On the contrary, the RTG program deserves operating smartness and low investment expenditure but consuming much more energy.Recently, our country is making great efforts to develop electric energy supply, stabilize the price of it and refine the energy structure in order to keep the national economy healthy, progressive, and stable improvement. Responding to the call on envirmenmental protection and using high efficiency equipment, the new container terminal projects refuse to use the equipment with large energy consuming and low efficiency. So being the aforesaid situation, more and more modern container terminals give priority to RTG with electricity as the dynamic force, smarter in operating dispatch and lower in manangement cost.ERTG terminal operating method is a new way to organize terminal resources, esp. dispatch ERTG to finish the production task, which needs to optimize the use of ERTG through yard planning and operating arrangement.This paper will analyze the the features and use regulation of ERTG. Then, it combines the operating practice of Tianjin Port Euroasia International Container Terminal to explore the feasible method to fulfill the advantagement of ERTG to the best and to decline the disadvantagement to the least in order to contribute the progress of improving efficiency and reducing cost with the new technique of ERTG.

【关键词】 ERTG特性使用优化
【Key words】 RTGE-RTGFeaturesUseOptimization
  • 【分类号】U691
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】56

