

Study on Regulation of Yndrome-Treatment of the Headache Based on Theanalysis of Ancient and Modern Medical Records

【作者】 王书惠

【导师】 姜德友;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 通过文献研究与统计分析相结合的方法,对中医文献中有关头痛的内容及汉代至2009年底治疗头痛的方药进行了分析研究。探求头痛的证治规律,希望能够为临床治疗头痛提供更多的指导及诊治思路。第一部分,运用文献学的方法,收集整理古代文献,从历史发展的角度,对历代医家关于头痛病的论述进行了全面总结和回顾。系统的分析了头痛病的病名、病因、病机、治疗等诸多方面问题,力求从整体上认识头痛病证治的发展规律,为今后的研究奠定文献基础。第二部分,搜集历代医家治疗头痛的医案,建立症状、药物数据库,利用SASV9.1统计软件对这些数据库分别进行频数、因子、聚类等统计分析。第三部分,通过统计分析和文献研究,综合探讨了统计学应用及头痛证治等多方面的问题。首先探讨了头痛的病因病机,以风、热、痰、瘀、虚为主;其次探讨了头痛的治疗,多从肝入手;第三,在用药方面讨论了治疗头痛以川芎为第一要药,最后概括并总结了头痛的治疗思路。

【Abstract】 Through modern bibliography research and statistical analysis of a combination of methods,analyze and study the drugs which were used to treat headache,and explore the evidence for headache of governance laws,expect to the clinica1 treatment of headache to provide more dialects and differentiation of new ideas.In the first part,using the way of bibliography,finishing the collection of ancient literature,from the perspective of historical development,the physician on the history of the exposition headache conducted a comprehensive review and summary. This paper analyses the name,etiology,pathogenesis,treatment,and so many other problems of headache,and strive to overall understanding of the disease permits the development of governance for further research laid on the basis of the literature.The second part,to collect family medical history of the medical treatment for headache,the doctors gathered in the standardization of data processing were established after the drug,symptoms database, usage of statistical software SASV 9.l three separate database frequency,factor, poly category, such as statistical analysis.In the third part,by statistical analysis and bibliography research,comprehensive statistical study of the application and headache’s treatment,and many other issues. At first,study the pathogenesis of headache. The main pathogenesis of headache are wind,cold,heat,phlegm and blood stasis. Second,study the treatment of headache. We should treat starting from the liver. Third,in taking medicine to treat headache ,we use chuanxiong as the first medicine. Finally, review and summary of treatment approach.


