

Searching the Growth Engine of GaAs Industry

【作者】 方新平

【导师】 周斌;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 砷化镓材料作为第二代半导体材料的代表,其独有的物理特性和应用前景一直在半导体行业备受关注。在过去的15年中,因为无线通信尤其是手机行业的迅猛发展,推动了砷化镓材料的广泛应用。进入新的历史发展时期,砷化镓行业将会如何发展,是逐步萎缩还是继续高歌猛进?基于上述课题,结合笔者本人的行业背景,笔者选择了以TQNT公司作为研究载体,同时分析了行业内另两家知名公司SKWS, RFMD的经营状况,对照整个行业的大趋势,去努力寻找砷化镓行业增长的引擎,并对TQNT公司的经营战略提供建设性的意见。本文共分为五个章节:第一章是导论,作为论文开篇之论,对论文的研究背景与意义、研究方法与思路以及文章的创新之处等进行概括性介绍。第二章对半导体材料做一个初步的介绍,以利于读者对半导体行业有一个大致的了解。第三章介绍了TQNT公司的历史沿革和目前的经营状况。第四章是本文的重点部分,通过分析行业内前三家供应商的公司运营情况,对TQNT公司在行业内的状况进行分析,并在此基础上寻找未来市场增长的引擎。第五章结合迈克尔.波特的五力分析模型,分析了要成为一个伟大公司所必须具有的特质和战略,同时对TQNT的公司短期和长期战略提出建议。通过分析,我们认为TQNT要成为一家伟大的公司,在抓住行业增长的引擎的同时,必须做到:1.要以超越竞争的方式赢得竞争,企业要从客户需求这个本质出发,而不是以竞争对手的行动为导向,才能不断为用户创造价值,从而提升企业自身的价值。2.有远大抱负的企业应该追求战略性成功,而不是机会性成功。战略性成功就是靠建立核心竞争力,不断改进公司流程,形成持续的战略竞争优势,而机会型成功永远是短暂的。

【Abstract】 As the representative of the second generation semiconductor material, GaAs abstracts a lot of attention because of its unique physical character and broad application.With the high speed development of wireless communication, especially in last 15 years, handset application is the key driver of GaAs device industry. In the new era, how GaAs industry will develop? What is growth driver for GaAs industry?Based on researching-subject background mentioned above, combined my working experience in GaAs industry, I choose one typical GaAs device supplier TriQuint as research object. Meanwhile I Analyzed another top 2 suppliers Skyworks and RFMD operation status. Try to find the growth driver of GaAs industry and propose a competitive strategy for TriQuint.Chapter 1 is the start of thesis, which is a summary of the researching background, meanings, methods used, logics and innovations.Chapter 2 is a brief summary of Semiconductor material; try to present semiconductor industry background to readers.Chapter 3 focus on TriQuint company history and current operation status.Chapter 4 is key part of the thesis, we studied the fiscal report of 3 companies, try to find the growth engine according to market trend.Chapter 5 is proposal to TriQuint, we bring in competitive strategy analysis of Michael E. Porter. How to be a great company? After analysis we think TriQuint needs to do:Do not focus on competitors’ behavior too much, TriQuint should focus on customer demand, value added to the whole industry.TriQuint should go in for the success of Strategy management while not the success by accident. The success of strategy management relies on core competency and continued process improvement.

【关键词】 砷化镓无线通信战略
【Key words】 GaAsWireless CommunicationStrategy
  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】100

