

Research on Identify and Control Credit Risk of Group Client in Commercial Bank

【作者】 华伟

【导师】 周斌;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 公司信贷业务是商业银行创造利润的主要来源,从利润贡献角度,集团客户为银行带来的收益远远大于单一客户。集团客户具有资产规模大、资本实力雄厚、市场竞争力强、融资渠道广、批量营销成本低的优势,深受商业银行所青睐,成为众多商业银行重点拓展的对象。但是,由于集团客户关联企业多、关联交易频繁、资金串用、相互担保较多,为银行贷后管理增加了难度。个别集团客户公司治理和现代企业制度不完善、企业伦理道德低下、财务信息不真实、恶意套取贷款和逃废银行债务,成为商业银行不良贷款的发源地。我国商业银行信贷实务中,集团客户信贷风险管理一直是一个难点。本文首先从理论角度分析集团客户存在的信贷风险,并从实务角度借助有效的识别技术对集团客户进行信贷风险识别;然后,根据不同的信用风险提出相应的风险防范措施,特别是对不同类型和特点的集团客户应采取不同的信用风险控制组合,建立有针对性的、个性化的信贷风险控制组合;最后,通过对两个不同类型的集团客户进行案例分析。本文旨在为国内金融机构信贷风险防范提供具有实际应用价值的建议。

【Abstract】 Company credit business is a major source of profit that commercial bank created. Based on profit contribution, the earnings from group clients for the banks are far greater than the earnings from the single customer. Because group clients have the advantages of large-scale assets, capital strength, market competitiveness, widely financing channels, Low-cost mass marketing, it is greatly favored by commercial banks and becomes the focuses of business development. However, group clients usually involve more affiliated companies, engage into more frequent relevancy transactions, and have more possibility to exchange the fund between the affiliated companies and to serve as the guarantor for each other. It becomes very difficult for commercial bank to manage the loans. Some group clients also have problems with the management and regulation, violate the business ethics and rules, report the false financial information to get the loans, and do not pay the debt. Those become the major source of non-performing loans for commercial banks. In our commercial bank credit practice, the management of credit risk of group clients has been a problem.First, from a theoretical point of view this article anal sizes the existing credit risk of group clients. From the practical point of view, it also contributes to identify the credit risk by using effective recognition technology.Then, it recommends credit risk prevention according to the different type of credit risk. Especially, it takes a different combination of credit risk controls for different types and characteristics of corporate clients and establishes a targeted, personalized portfolio credit risk control.Finally, two case studies serve as examples of different types of corporate clients. This article aims to provide a proposal with practical value for domestic financial institutions in preventing credit risk.

  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】345

