

Strategy of Junior Writing Dialogue Teaching

【作者】 李海荣

【导师】 余党绪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新课程改革的深入,语文教学范式出现了新的转型。对话范式的出现适应了新的教育观,符合时代精神的要求。对话教学的理论支点是指向自我实现的教学目的观,教学合作观,交往生成方法论以及深度师生关系的建构。初中阶段是一个衔接的阶段,是学生灵性发展的最佳时期,对话可以在平等民主的理念下更好的激发学生的表达欲望,在对话交流合作中体验心灵的碰撞,情感的交流,生命质量的提升。在对话中人们实现了视域融合,和谐共生双赢的局面。对话写作教学能让每个学生都受到充分的良好的教育,通过对话范式在作文教学中的策略研究,探索积极有效的作文教学方法,关注作文教学过程。使每个学生都能得到发展、形成自己的个性,成为一个有觉悟的、独立的、探究合作能力,创新精神,不断自我完善的个体。本文主要采用文献资料法,个案分析法,行动研究法教育,调查法,经验总结法进行研究。本文分五章。一、初中写作教学的现状及成因。首先从实际看目前写作教学的现状。其次分析写作教学存在问题的成因从而引出对话写作教学的理念。二、对话及对话教学。将对话及对话教学的概念做一个梳理。三、初中写作对话教学。首先阐述初中写作对话教学的理论依据,其次分析近年来对话写作教学的科研成果并针对初中写作教学提出自己的写作教学策略。四、初中写作对话教学策略,从五个方面展开实用有效的写作对话策略:(一)对话写作教学的准备策略。(二)以学生个人世界为中心的生活、自我、作品的内隐对话策略。(三)以教师为中心的外“对话场”策略。(四)写作教学课堂对话策略。(五)多介质的评价对话策略。五、对话作文教学的意义。从语文的工具性和人文性得以充分体现的角度阐明对话作文教学的意义。

【Abstract】 With the new curriculum reform, there is a new transition in language teaching. The emergence of the dialogue model adapted to the new educational concept, which is consistent with the requirements of the spirit of the times. Fulcrum of teaching the theory of dialogue is the purpose of pointing to the teaching concept of self-realization、Co-teaching concept、Communication generation methodology and the construction of the depth of teacher-student relationship. Junior is a convergence of the stage, is the best period of spiritual development of students, Dialogue can be a better expression of the desire to stimulate students under the concept of equality and democracy,, Experience exchange and cooperation in the dialogue in the collision of mind, exchanges emotional, and enhance the quality of life. His collision of mind, emotional exchange, quality of life improved. In the context of a balanced education, students from different regions, have different cultural background, which carried out teaching of writing for the dialogue to create an opportunity. People in the dialogue achieved a fusion of horizons, a win-win harmony.Writing the dialogue have been fully allow each student a good education, through dialogue paradigm in writing studies in the strategy of teaching to explore the positive and effective method of teaching writing, concerns the processes of teaching writing. So that everyone can be developed. Allowing each student to form their own personality can made them become conscious individuals who can explore co-operation, innovation spirit of continuous self-improvement of the individual.The research in this essay is mainly based on the materials, cases, actions and investigations.This essay can be classified into 5 sections:1. The current education status of the writing for junior high school students.2. Dialogue and dialogue teaching3. The theory and evidence of the Dialog writing education:4. There are five effective policies can be applied in the junior high school Dialog writing education.①The policy of the preparation for the Dialog writing②The policy of the inside world Dialog around the student③The policy of "Dialog play" around the teacher.④The policy of Dialog in the classroom.⑤The policy of appraisal for multi-system.5. What is the value of education for Dialog writing?The value can be found from the feature of tool and culture which can be absolutely clarified.

【关键词】 初中对话写作教学
【Key words】 junior high schooldialogueWriting

