

On the Analysis of Basketball Teaching in the Middle Schools of Jincheng and the Countermeasures

【作者】 刘俊

【导师】 郑金囤;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 篮球运动是学校体育的重要内容,是一项具有很好的教育与锻炼价值并且深受学生喜爱的运动,对促进学生身心的全面发展有很好的作用。篮球运动在山西省具有广泛的群众基础,省会太原市被评为全国著名的篮球城市,太原理工大学男子篮球队是全国大学生篮球队中著名的“西北王”。山西的全部11个地级市目前都有自己的男女篮球队,省内很多单位、企业、学校也都有自己的篮球队,经常开展篮球活动,参加各种比赛。晋城市建市以来,修建体育场馆,推进体育赛事,07年8月晋城市文体宫举行四国女篮邀请赛,全市迄今已经举办过12届中学生篮球赛。在新时期,体育教学正向着向科学化、现代化、社会化和生活化的过程转轨。学校体育要适应现代教育的发展趋势,要培养适应21世纪要求的人才,就必须要与时俱进,全面实施素质教育。然而关于山西晋城市高中学校篮球教学的文章尚属空白,所以只有全面系统地对晋城市高中学校篮球教学现状进行深入的研究,才能比较客观地反映教学中存在的问题和不足,从而为山西省高中学校篮球教学的发展提出合理化建议,以期为推进篮球运动的发展、深化山西省篮球教学的改革提供理论和实践依据。本文在文献资料查阅的基础上,采用调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,从晋城市目前的26所高中中,选取10所高中,以其篮球课教学情况作为调研的对象,分别是:晋城市一中、阳城一中、晋城二中、市实验中学、泽州一中、高平一中、陵川一中、沁水一中、泽州二中。每所学校抽取5名体育教师、并按随机抽样与分层抽样相结合的方法取200名高中不同年级的学生(男女比例为1:1),共计50名教师,2000名学生进行问卷调查。研究结论表明:1、篮球运动在晋城市高中学校是比较普及的,一部分学生课余体育锻炼中能积极参与篮球活动,而篮球课外活动开展状况较差,学生不能经常参加篮球课外比赛,不利于篮球运动的开展。2、晋城市高中学生篮球学习的动机是多方面的,许多学生参加篮球运动是为了促进健康,放松紧张的学习心情,并不仅仅是为了掌握篮球技能。3、晋城市高中学校教师在教学内容安排上过于重视基础技术、技能教学,忽视发展学生健康心理、社会适应能力以及裁判能力的培养,采用的教学方法比较保守,不能充分调动学生学习的积极性。4、篮球教师学历、职称结构有待完善,专业素质、教学理念急需提高。而学习进修机会少,收入、待遇、教学环境差等因素是影响教师教学工作的主要原因。5、教师运用的教学手段比较落后,仅借助于黑板、粉笔、书本、幻灯等媒体,只能以数值、文字、声音或静态图像表达、传递信息。从而使寓意深刻、需要发散性思维的篮球技战术理论不能以动画形式活起来,变得枯燥乏味,限制了学生对篮球运动内涵的理解与把握。针对晋城市高中学生篮球运动中存在的问题,提出以下的对策:1、上级主管部门应加强对篮球课教育的认识,各学校应进一步改善教学条件,加大资金投入,加强体育基础设施建设,满足篮球教学的需求。2、各学校应加强教师队伍的专业知识培训,提升教师的业务能力,深化拓展教师的教学理念。鼓励教师大胆创新,积极探索篮球课教学的新思路与新方法,在教学改革中贯彻“健康第一”的指导思想,培养学生树立终身体育的意识。3、在篮球课教学中,要注重引进现代化的教学手段,教师要学习先进的教学科研成果,并身体力行进行推广和普及,还要充分利用现有的硬件资源,加大室内场馆的开放力度,鼓励学生参加活动,有条件的学校还可以开展分层次教学活动。4、加强高中篮球师资队伍建设,建立一系列竞争机制、激励机制、淘汰机制,鼓励教师加强自身素质,提高业务能力,重视培养年轻教师、重视培养教师的终身学习意识。5、体育教师可以根据高中学生身体发展特征和心理需求状态,对现有的篮球运动项目潜能进行挖掘。如可考虑在教学中加入花式篮球教学,使篮球课向娱乐化、健康化方向发展,使其更利于学生身体的健康发展。这样既可充实学校体育教学的内容,又可以丰富学校体育课程文化。

【Abstract】 Basketball sport, as the main part of school physical education, is popular with students in middle schools, which is of great educational and health-building significance and plays an important role in improving students’bodies and minds quality. With its popular social basis, basketball sport developed well in Shanxi province. As we know, Taiyuan city was named as“a famous basketball city”and basketball team of TUT got many championships in northwest area match of CUBA and had the title of“king of basketball”. The eleven cities of Shanxi province and many enterprises and schools have their own basketball teams and often organize various basketball matches. Since 1986, Jincheng city made a great effort in developing the city’s sports, including building stadiums and gymnasiums, taking basketball invitational tournament of four countries and middle school basketball games.In the new period, physical education teaching have moved into social, scientific and life tracks. To meet the needs of modern education development and talents training, school physical education must keep pace with the times. However, there is little research on middle schools basketball teaching in Jincheng, Shanxi province. In order to promote the development of basketball sport and deepen the reform of basketball teaching in Shanxi province, it is necessary to systematically study the current situation of Jincheng middle schools basketball teaching and find the existing problems.Adopting the method of literature consultation, investigation, interviews, statistics and analysis, the author takes 10 middle schools in Jincheng as the objectives, covering Jincheng NO.1 middle school, Jincheng NO.2 middle school, Yangcheng NO.1 middle school, Zezhou NO.1 middle school, Zezhou NO.2 middle school, Gaoping middle school, Lingchuan middle school, Qinshui middle school, Jincheng experimental high school. 5 PE teachers and 200 students of different grades for each school are chosen to conduct a sampled questionnaire survey. The research results show that:1 .Basketball sport is popular in middle schools of Jincheng. Many students can take part in basketball sport in their spare time, while they haven’t more chances to participate extra-curricular basketball matches, which is not conducive to the development of basketball sport in Jincheng city.2. The learning motivations of middle school students in Jincheng are varied. Many students take part in basketball sport not only to grasp basketball skills, but also to promote health and relax themselves.3. PE teachers pay more attention to basic skills in their teaching and ignore the development of students’psychology, social adaptiveness and the training of basketball referee ability.4. The causes influencing PE teachers teaching are attributed to low education background, low professional title, low income, heavy workload, unfavorable teaching environment and few opportunities for further professional studies. It is needed to further improve PE teachers’professional quality and change traditional teaching philosophy.5. Teaching methods used for basketball teaching in Jincheng is mainly traditional and backward, which cannot arouse the students’ enthusiasm for basketball study. Most of the teachers can only use limited media such as blackboard, chalk, schoolbooks and lantern slides to teach basketball skills and tactics theory in basketball class, which limits the students’understanding of basketball sport’s connotation.In this paper, the author puts forward the following countermeasures in accordance with the existing problems:1.Superior administrative department should be conscious of the importance of basketball education. Schools should improve teaching condition, increase the funds input, strengthen the construction of sports facilities to meet the needs of basketball education.2. Schools should strengthen teacher training to improve teachers’professional quality. Teachers should update teaching philosophy, develop new teaching ideas and methods and fully implement the important thought of“health first”to develop students awareness and ability for lifelong sports.3. Teachers should apply modern means and introduce advanced research results into basketball class. Schools should make full use of current resources, such as increasing the opening time of indoor gymnasium and applying the stratified teaching approach, to provide protection for the development of basketball education.4. Schools should strengthen teaching staff construction including building competition mechanism, incentive mechanism and elimination mechanism, cultivating teachers’awareness of lifelong learning, especially young teachers. Teachers themselves should work hard to enhance their professional quality.5. According to middle school students’physical features and psychological state, PE teachers should enrich basketball educational contents, such as fancy basketball, to enhance students’physical and mental health.


