

A Study on the Online Party’s Construction

【作者】 张国超

【导师】 李素霞;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的迅猛发展,网络已经深刻地影响到了人类社会的经济、文化、教育、军事等诸多领域,并不断改变着人们的工作、生活方式与思维方式。互联网的出现也为党建工作提供了现代化的手段和新的渠道,拓展了党建工作的空间。网络党建是我们党适应时代发展开展党建工作的必然趋势,是宣传马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”以及科学发展观,巩固社会主流意识形态地位,增强党的影响力、战斗力和凝聚力的可靠保证。本文围绕党建工作网络化的时代背景、目标、举措以及应当注意的问题等展开讨论,主要分为三个部分。第一部分,网络化时代我国党建工作面临的挑战和存在问题。面临的挑战主要表现为:西方利用网络进行文化殖民,倾销资产阶级腐朽思想;国内某些势力利用网络进行反动宣传,破坏党和国家政府形象;网络技术的发展对年龄偏大的党员来说成为了挑战;加强网络党建是保证人民群众和广大党员的知情权、参与权等权力的重要手段;利用互联网进行网络党建也是目前国际社会政党建设发展的必然趋势。而在网络化时代,我国党建工作存在以下一些问题:传统党建工作方式有许多方面不能适应新形势发展的需要;党建网站数量少,形式和内容单一,信息更新速度慢,交互性差,缺乏吸引力;一些地方党组织对网络党建的重要性重视不够,投入不足。第二部分,网络化时代党建工作的目标和原则。网络化时代党建工作的目标应当有以下五个方面:第一,要一以贯之地强调党建网站的思想性。第二,党建网站要注意突出新颖性。第三,党建网站要增强交互性。第四,利用互联网增强党员管理的效率。第五,网络党建工作要提升安全性。同时,网络化时代党建工作的原则是:网络党建要始终不渝坚持党的领导,体现党的精神和要求;宣扬主流意识形态和思想观念,保证信息发布的权威性;要坚持民主化原则;网络党建还要处理好继承与创新的关系;最后,网络党建还要注意走品牌化、精品化的路线。第三部分,党建工作网络化的步骤、措施和应注意的问题。网络党建大体可以分为两个阶段来进行。第一阶段要广泛推进“党建工作网络化”,建立系统并且覆盖全面的党建网站。第二阶段要构建网络党建的现代化模式,这是网络党建的发展和定型阶段。就其具体措施而言,可以采取以下八项措施:第一,提高网络党建重要性的认识,加强对党员使用电脑和网络技术的培训;第二,在网络党建工作中可以建立网上党支部,通过互联网让更多的党员能够参与到党的组织活动中来;第三,通过互联网加强党员管理,实现党员管理电子化、网络化;第四,党建刊物的电子化;第五,鼓励党员开设博客,作为党建网站的必要补充;第六,开展社区网络党建,构筑加强基层党组织,服务人民的新平台;第七,加强农村党组织的网络化建设;第八,利用法律,加强对网络的监督和管理。另外,党建工作网络化过程中应当警惕对网络党建的恐惧症、虚飘情绪等不良的倾向。总之,网络党建是加强党的建设的重要途径,是时代发展的迫切要求,这项迫切而艰巨的任务需要做的工作仍有许多,我们必须不断加强网络党建工作的研究和工作力度,在党中央的领导下,高举共产主义旗帜,以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,使网络党建工作有效开展,从而为建设社会主义和谐社会贡献力量,推动党的事业在新的历史条件下的进步与发展,争取早日实现社会主义和谐社会。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of internet technology, internet has deeply influenced many fields in human society, such as economy, culture, education and military. Furthermore, it constantly changes the people’s work, life and thinking pattern. The appearance of internet provides modern means and new channel for the online party’s work. Online party’s construction is the necessary trend for our party’s adaptation to the time development. This is reliable insurance to spread Marxism, Mao Zedong’s thinking, Deng Xiaoping’s theory, three representatives and scientific development. The present paper focuses on the discussion in terms of online party’s background, aim, measures and questions that worth our attention. It mainly falls into three parts.In the first chapter, it presents the challenge and problems in the online party’s construction. In the information age, the work for our party’s construction is facing serious challenge. It displays in the following parts:the west makes use of network to conduct cultural colonizing and dumps the capitalist thought; inside the country, some people make use of network to conduct carry out propaganda to destroy the image of the party and government; the development of online technology becomes a challenge to the old- aged communists. Enhancing online party’s construction is the important way to ensure the people and communists’ rights to know and participate in. Employing the network to conduct online party’s construction is the necessary trend for the current party’s development. In the network environment, our party’s construction exists the following questions:in many aspects, the traditional party’s construction can not adapt to the new trend’s development; the number of the online party’s construction is small; the form and content are simple; the information lacks appeal and its replacing speed is slow; the regional party branches attach less importance to the online party’s construction.In the second chapter, it puts forward the aim and principles in the online party’s construction. In the information age, the aim of the party’s construction lies in the following parts:consistently strengthen the website’ideological content and project their originality. The website should increase the efficiency and safety of communist management. Meanwhile, online party’s construction should stick to party’s leadership, display party’s spirit and demand, spread the main stream and thought, guarantee the authority of the news’ releasing and hold to democratic principles. Moreover, online party’s construction needs deal with the relationship between inheritance and creation.In the third chapter, it focuses on the steps, measures and questions that worth our attention. Online party’s construction can be mainly conducted in the two stages. In the first stage, we should promote the construction work and build systematic and overall website of the party’s construction. In the second stage, we should organize the modernized type of the online party’s construction. This is the developing stage. In terms of its concrete measures, we may take the following eight measures. First, improve the knowledge of online party’s construction and strengthen the training of the communists’ computer and online technology; second, build online party’s branch to attract more communists to participate in the party’s activities; third, strengthen the communists’management by means of internet; fourth, process the party’s magazines electronically; fifth, encourage the communists to write blogs as the necessary complement for online party’s construction; sixth, develop online party’s construction in the community; seventh, strengthen the rural online party’s construction; eighth, make use of the law to strengthen the supervision and management. In addition, we should be on guard against the bad tendencies.In summary, online party’s construction is an important way to strengthen the party’s construction and necessary requirement for the times development. Up to now, there is a lot for us to do. We must improve the study and work of the online party’s construction. Under the leadership of our party, we should conduct our online party’s construction effectively with the guidance of Marxism, Mao Zedong’s thinking, Deng Xiaoping’s theory, three representatives and scientific development. In this way, we are able to contribute our effort to build the socialist society, push forward the party’s progress and development and strive for an early harmonious socialist society.

【关键词】 党建工作网络化现代模式
【Key words】 party constructionnetworkmodern model

