

Investigation on P.E. Development Condition of Rural Primary School in Tangshan

【作者】 李素文

【导师】 马剑;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育教学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为了深化唐山地区农村小学体育课的教学改革,本文采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等多种方法对唐山地区农村小学体育课现状进行调查,旨在全面了解唐山地区农村小学体育课教学情况、体育教学基本设施情况、体育师资情况、校领导及小学生对体育课认知情况,探索影响唐山地区农村小学体育课开展的不利因素,有针对性的提出一些合理化的建议,为唐山教育部门科学决策,制定农村小学体育课开展方案提供依据。调查的现状能引起相关部门的高度重视,以改善农村小学体育课现状,提高农村小学体育课的教学质量,最大程度的提高农村小学生的体质健康水平,缩小城乡差距,让农村孩子同样享受体育带来的快乐,体现教育的平等。在对唐山地区农村小学体育课状况的调查研究结果显示:农村小学体育经费投入很少,体育场地不足而且质量很差,体育器材匮乏、简陋,无法满足体育课的正常需求;体育教师严重缺编,体育教师工作量大,专业教师少,整体师资力量相对薄弱;体育课开课率高,但绝大多数小学每周安排两节体育课,而且上课的随意性大,体育课上课不是很正规,“放羊式”的教学仍存在;体育课被挤占的现象也很普遍;学校领导对体育课的重视程度不够;学生体育意识淡薄等,以上种种现状说明,唐山地区农村小学的体育课还存在着很大的问题。在分析研究调查结果的基础上,提出符合唐山地区农村小学体育课开展的几点建议:(1)转变学校领导的观念,重视学校体育工作。(2)建立有科学管理能力的领导班子和有敬业精神的体育师资队伍。(3)加强体育教师专业培训,适应新课标中体育教师的角色定位。(4)调整评价机制:农村小学体育课开展的优劣作为衡量学校领导政绩的一项主要内容;对农村小学体育教师实行聘任制,充分调动他们工作的积极性;建立督导组,对体育课进行不定期检查。(5)多渠道增加农村小学体育经费,改善农村小学的体育教学环境,并做到专款专用。(6)通过宣传教育提高小学生的体育健康意识。(7)体育教师要发扬自力更生,艰苦奋斗的精神,自制体育器材,开发农村体育资源,利用农村地理优势开发体育课程资源,缓解场地紧张问题。(8)根据少儿生理心理特点挖掘和创新体育教学内容。

【Abstract】 In order to deepen the reform of physical education in rural primary schools of Tangshan, we make a detailed investigation on physical education status of rural primary schools through these methods such as questionnaire, expert interviews, and mathematical statistics in this paper to give a comprehensive understanding on physical education conditions, teachers, school leaders and students’ understanding, and explore negative factors impacted on physical education in the rural primary school of Tangshan, give some rational proposals, provide basis for Tangshan educational bureau to make scientific decision on rural primary school physical education programs. We hope relevant department could pay great attention to the rural physical education status according to the investigation and take specific action to improve the status, teaching quality of rural primary school, enhance the physique of those pupils narrow the gap between urban and rural areas so that rural children also enjoy joy and equity brought by sports and education.The investigation on physical education status of rural primary school in Tangshan showed: very little financial input in physical education of rural primary school, less sports ground with poor quality, sports equipment is shortage, poor, and can not meet the normal requirements of physical education; severe physical education teachers vacancies, the heavy workload of PE teachers, less of professional teachers, most of the primary school arrange two classes a week, but the class is informal with“sheep”type teaching, physical class is often seized randomly, less attention on physical education of the school leader, weak sense on sports of the students. Those situation above shows that there is still big problem on physical education in Tangshan rural primary schools.In this paper we give some advice on physical education of those school according to the analysis of such results: (1) changes in the concept of school leadership, emphasis on school sport. (2) establish a scientific management capacity and professionalism of the leadership team of PE teachers. (3) strengthen professional training for physical education teachers to meet the new curriculum in role of physical education teachers. (4) evaluation adjustment mechanism: conduct of the pros and cons of physical education in rural primary school leaders as a measure of performance of a key element; on rural primary school physical education teachers can appoint, Mobilizing the enthusiasm of PE teachers’ work; set up steering group to physical examination. (5) multi-channel to increase funding for rural primary school physical education, improvement of rural primary school physical education environment, earmark the fund for its specified purpose only. (6)imprlve health awareness among students on sports through publicity and education. (7)teachers should do DIY physical equipment using the rural sports resource, ease the tension on sports ground. (8)explore new sports forms according to children’s physiological and psychological characteristics.

  • 【分类号】G807.0
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】619

