

Research on Poems and the Genius and Beauty Novels in the Early Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘瑜

【导师】 江合友;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国文学发展史上,诗歌、词、赋、小说等不同文体的形式随着中国不同朝代的发展而交替发展。诗歌从诗三百开始,发展到唐朝成为最为繁荣的文体,这个时候的诗歌也被运用到唐传奇小说中。从唐代开始,诗歌与小说结合,诗歌开始在小说中的运用,小说借鉴诗歌想象虚构、词藻运用、抒情言志等多方面的艺术经验,这时期的小说体现了好奇、文辞华艳、叙述婉曲、情思热烈等审美特征。随着城市经济的发展,晚明小说情欲写实小说的泛滥,到了清初,才子佳人小说流行于江南,有代表作《平山冷燕》、《玉娇梨》、《好逑传》、《金云翘传》,这些清初才子佳人小说对“佳话”式浪漫传奇爱情的抒写,让人们对这种清新的爱情故事自然产生新鲜感,故而这派小说得以迅速流行。在创作方面,诗歌更广泛在被运用于小说之中,他们在创作小说的过程中常常直接引入诗赋韵语,并把人物的描写和刻划、情节的设计和配合、环境氛围的渲染和衬托与浓烈的情感抒发融为一体,营构了圆融浑成的诗的意境,为小说增添了诗的意趣,使小说的叙事职能、艺术特征和美学价值都有着浓厚的诗的特性,洋溢着诗意之美。清初才子佳人小说无论是塑造人物形象还是采用的叙事模式,诗歌在小说中得到了很好的运用,诗歌表达作者的感情或营造气氛。在清初才子小说中,中下层文人借助才子佳人的阅读与创作,将自己的理想与怀才不遇通过诗歌在小说中的运用发泄出来。实际上,清初才子小说中无论是对女性佳人才情的欣赏,还是对才子们回归“金榜题名”之路的结局安排,都表现了当时中下层文人对科举制爱恨交加的心理,是中国封建士子不满科场失志,又难解科举情结的普遍心理反映。

【Abstract】 Different literature forms, such as poetry and novels, developed in different dynasties. Poetry, which had become the most flourishing style in Tang Dynasty since The Book of Songs, was applied in Tang’s Romance, and the combination of poetry and novels began since then. Borrowing the artistic experience of fiction, diction, lyric and aspiration from poetry, novels of this period reflected such aesthetic features as curiosity, rhetoric, euphemism and intense emotions.With the development of urban economy, novels concerning sexual passion overflew in the late Ming Dynasty. In the early years of Qing Dynasty, the gifted scholars and beautiful ladies novels prevailed in the south of the Yangtze River, including Pingshanlengyan a Romance, Yujiaoli, Haoqiu Zhuan, The Biography of Jin Yunqiao. The fresh romance described in these novels drew people’s attention, so this style spread quickly at the time. Poetry was wildly used in the novels, verses and rhymes being quoted. The description of characters, the plot and the atmosphere formed the poetic style with intense emotions in it, adding poetry to narration, artistic features, and aesthetic value of the novels.Poetry performed well in the novels, either in creating characters or in narration, expressing the writers’feelings or creating atmosphere. The scholars of middle and lower class released their ideals and unrecognized talent by reading and writing the gifted scholars and beautiful ladies novels. In fact, the scholars of middle and lower class expressed a mixed feeling of love and hate for the imperial examination, by creating the beautiful ladies’appreciation of the scholars or the scholars’success in the imperial examination in the end. On one hand, they expected to have their names on the list of successful candidates; on the other hand, they were discontented with the failure in the imperial examination.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】464

