

Edgar Allen Poe’s Exploration on Innovation and Subversion of Tradition

【作者】 刘玉梅

【导师】 姬生雷;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 爱伦.坡是美国的独具特色的作家之一。由于他的创作手法和文学理论与当时的文学环境格格不入,坡在文学界的声誉一直不好。他的创作直到二十世纪,才开始受到学术界的广泛重视。虽然当时在美国本土得不到认可,坡在欧洲和拉丁美洲受到了热烈的欢迎。波德莱尔、肖伯纳、劳伦斯等都对坡做出了高度的评价。坡的影响从法国传播开来,产生了很多爱伦坡研究专家,同时这股爱伦坡热也反射到了中国,坡的短篇小说和诗歌接连不断地被译成中文,很多作家都不同程度受到他的影响。到目前为止,国内外对爱伦·坡的研究有很多方面,特别是他作品中的心理分析法、哥特式的写作风格和他开创的侦探小说创作模式等。坡被誉为“现代文学流派的宗师”、“短篇小说的开创者”,“推理小说的鼻祖”、“现代科幻小说的先驱”、“自在说提出的第一人”等。坡的美学思想极具特色,与其同时代的作家和诗人十分不同。本文试图通过对坡对于启蒙主义以及传统理性的否定,对于直觉、本能的强调;坡对于超验主义及其所歌颂的光明世界的反对以及坡对于人类灵魂中黑暗和灰色方面的刻画和揭露;坡对于同时代的人对于科技的盲目崇拜的反对;坡对于绝对秩序的嘲弄进行分析研究,归纳他的文学观点,试图从他的世界观和社会以及文化背景中寻找这种特殊审美观念形成的因素,并总结和阐述坡的在文学思想上对于彼时代颠覆以及其在文学思想上的创新的影响和重要意义。论文首先在介绍中对坡和对他的文学成就进行了简要的介绍,阐述了坡在文学界的起落沉浮,并对坡的文学成就进行了简要的概括。论文正文第一部分主要探讨了坡对于同时代的启蒙运动的反对。坡在文学创作中表现出十分明显对于人类本能、直觉的强调,而他的在文学理论中对于创作目的的论述也体现了唯美主义特点,体现了对传统理学的叛离和对于美学的颠覆,他的“纯诗理论”和“效果论”都是很好的证明。论文的第二部分主要针对坡在小说中所体现的人类心理的阴暗面进行阐述。其中对于暴力,凶杀,血腥的描写,以及对于人类的贪婪、阴霾、残忍、悲观、孤独、焦虑、绝望的描写直接与当时大行其道的倡导人类生活和心理的光明面的超验主义相悖,坡及其反对理性的绝对至上,认为回避人性的邪恶是对人性浅薄而盲目的乐观。论文从坡小说代表作《泄密的心》、《黑猫》、《人群中的人》、《威廉.威尔逊》等作品入手,探讨坡的小说中所刻画和揭露的,非理性、残忍、血腥、孤独和分裂人格,以及作者刻画这些方面的目的。论文的第三部分主要分析了坡对于工业时代的人们对于科技的盲目崇拜和依赖的否定,坡认为人类对于科学技术的过度迷信将导致人类将自然物化,最终导致人自身的异化和畸化。基于上述讨论,笔者认为坡在启蒙理性占据着绝对主导地位的时代,能够冷静思考、提出质疑,在超验主义大行其道的年代在其文学作品中体现出不同于时代的自然观,以及其对于人类心理阴暗面的深刻刻画,都使得坡在当时的时代充满了思辨精神,其对当时时代的质疑意义深远巨大,坡对于其时代的传统理学的反对、美学的颠覆和文学样式的创新有着不同寻常的意义。

【Abstract】 Edgar Allen Poe is an American writer of unique characteristics.Because his composing method and literary theory ran against his time,he was incompatible and unwelcome in the literary circle of his time.Poe had bad reputation until twentieth century things began to change and his works was widely valued by academic circle,especially in Europe and Latin America.Baudelaire, Bemard Shaw and Lawrence highly appraised Poe.Poe’S influence was spread from France to the rest of the world.Till now,researchers studies on Poe from many different ang|es,such ashis psychoanalysis,Gothic writing style,and detective story.Poe is called the master of modem literature,the beginner of short stories,the pioneer of detective stories and science fiction.What’S more,Poe’S aesthetics is very different from others.The thesis mainly focuses on the creative ideas of Poe in the field of literature theory and his innovation of literature pattern as well as the reflection of his theories and ideas in his works.Through relevant illustration and analysis the author intends to point out that Poe,a writer who lived in the 1 9th century has created a valuable fortune which still has great significance for today’S literature.Poe advocated innovation throughout his life.His innovation ranges from writing purposes,literary genre,to many other literary ideas.In his time,the idea of Enlightenment was supported by many writers and poems.The intellectual leaders of this movement regarded themselves as courageous and superior in intellect,and regarded their purpose as leading the world toward progress and out of a long period of doubtful tradition,full of irrationality,superstition,alld tyranny(which they believed began during a historical period they called the“Dark Ages”1.Poe opposed their core idea of rationality.Poe showed his desertion of traditional rationality and his subversion of aestheticism and emphasized on intuition and instinct.In his literary theory his statement about writing purpose has some tinge of aestheticism and his“poetry for poetry”idea and unity of effect theory are clear evidence.There was another school of thought in Poe‘S time—transcendentalism which advocates eulogizing the bright side of life and people.Opposite to what transcendentalism described and advocated,Poe held the idea that the ugly side of human psychology should be reflected in literary works.Sole description of bright side of life as transcendentalists advocated is unbalanced.Through Poe’S works like Tell Tale Heart,Black Cat,The Man of the Crowd, William Wilson,we can see his revelation of cruelty,non—rationality,loneliness,split personality,etc. In Poe’S time,science and technology began to develop quickly,and people had great passion for exploitation of the nature.But Poe expressed his doubt and warning to this tren.dPoe believes that excessive dependence on science and technology will lead to materializatio of nature which in the end will lead to dissimilation of human itself.What’S more,blind dependence on science and technology would lead to disaster.This idea still bears great importance todayFrom the above discussion,we can draw the conclusion that Poe is a great writer full of pioneering spirit,his opposition to his contemporary ideologist such as people believed in enlightenment movement and transcendentalism,his profound reflection on blind dependence on science and technology,his irony to absolute order bears great significance.The thesis firstly briefly introduces Poe’S literary achievement,and the First Chapter focuses on his opposition to enlightenment movement which advocate rationality a lot and his emphasis on intuition and instinct.It includes three parts:Poe’S employment of intuition in the exploration of cosmos,Poe’S emphasis on intuition and instinct,psycho—analysis in his detective story,Poe’S writing purpose of writing for truth and beauty.The Second Chapter involves Poe’S disagreement against transcendentalism.We can see his revelation of cruelty, non—rationality,loneliness,split personality,etc.through Poe’S works like Tell Tale Heart, Black Cat,the Man ofthe Crowd.William Wilson.The Third Chapter discusses Poe’S negation of blind worship and dependence of science and technology.In this part,Poe believes that excessive dependence on science and teclmology will lead to materialization of nature which in the end will lead to dissimilation of human itself.The last chapter focuses on Poe’S irony on absolute orderFrom the above discussion,we can draw the conclusion that Poe is a great writer full of pioneering spirit,his opposition to his contemporary ideologist such as people believe in enlightenment movement and transcendentalism,his profound reflection on blind dependence on science and technology bears great significance.


