

The Research of the Status Quo, Queations and Strategy of English-Teaching and English-Learning in SheXian No.2 Middle School

【作者】 要登霞

【导师】 刘茗;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新课改的滚滚浪潮,涉县二中开始使用人教版《普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语》(New Senior English for China以下简称NSEFC)。但新教材在带来不可多得的机遇的同时,也给涉县二中教师和学生带来困难和挑战。本研究在调查研究的基础上概述了在新课程改革的背景下,涉县二中英语教学的现状,揭示了存在的一些问题,并探讨了对策,以求在新课程改革的背景下更有效地进行英语教学。英语教学包括教师的教和学生的学。影响英语教学的因素是多方面的,有教师的因素,学生的因素,学习环境的因素等。本研究侧重于对涉县二中英语教学教师的“教”和学生的“学”进行综合分析和研究。以自编的《涉县二中调查问卷》为研究工具,对涉县二中高一、高二、高三的三个年级的学生,在学习动机、学习兴趣、学习习惯、学习品质(意志力、注意力、观察力、记忆力)、课堂学习方法(预习、听课、作业、复习)等几个方面进行了调查。同时对英语教师队伍,如学历、任职经历、职称、教龄,教师对新课程的看法,教学策略和教学方法,教师对学校管理的看法,教师面临的困难,教师的教育观和教师专业发展等进行了调查。通过对涉县二中高中英语教学现状的了解,揭示了涉县二中高中英语教学存在的问题:第一,学生“学”的方面:学生英语学习动机不强;学生英语学习兴趣不浓;学生英语学习习惯不好;学生英语学习品质不良;学生英语课堂学习方法不科学。第二,教师“教”的方面:缺少学生信服的高素质的英语教师;英语课堂教学中的问题:穿新鞋,走老路,谈讲色变;英语教师对新课改教研不积极。为此,提出解决问题的对策:第一,学生“学”的方面:激发涉县二中高中生学习英语的动机;培养涉县二中高中生学习英语的兴趣;教育涉县二中高中生养成良好的学习英语习惯;鼓励涉县二中高中生树立学习英语的信心;培养涉县二中高中生树立坚强的意志品质;教会涉县二中高中生掌握科学的英语学习方法;第二,教师“教”的方面:英语教师转变思想观念:树立正确的教学质量观、课程观、教学方法观和评价观。英语教师正确处理好英语教学中的两种关系:习得与学得的关系;教学目标宽泛与狭窄的关系。加强师德师风建设,提升英语教师素质:加强师资培训,促进教师专业成长;重视教学研究,推进课程改革。

【Abstract】 With the coming of the new curriculum reform, SheXian County has begun to employ the High School Curriculum Standards of English (New Senior English for China that is NSEFC). But with rare opportunities for the students to learn knowledge, it also brings many difficulties and challenges to teachers and students. The research on the basis of investigation and study on the new curriculum reform summarizes the background, the situation of English teaching in SheXian No.2, and the existing problems, thus, putting forward the countermeasures to the new curriculum reform in order to teach English effectively.English teaching includes teachers’ teaching and students’ learning. Factors influencing English teaching include the teachers, students and learning environment. This study focuses on English teachers’ "teaching" and "the students’ "learning" to analyze comprehensively. With the self-made questionnaire for SheXian 2 Middle School, the thesis studies the students’learning motivation, interest in learning, learning habit, learning quality (willpower, attention, observation, memory, learning methods (preview, classes, homework, review) etc. At the same time, the English teachers’ education, experience, professional titles, teaching experiences, teachers of new curriculum, teaching methods, teaching strategy and management of the school teachers, teachers’ difficulties in the education are researched. Through the understanding of the present situation, SheXian reveals the problems existing in English teaching in the No.2 Middle School. Firstly, the students’ learning:students’ English learning motivation is not strong, the learning habit is bad, the learning quality is poor, and the learning methods are not effective. Second, the teachers’teaching:English teachers with high qualification are short. There are many problems in English teaching, including teaching in the old-fashioned way, without positive attitude to curriculum research. Therefore, the author puts forward the countermeasures:Firstly, inspire students’interest in learning English; develop the students’good habit to learn English; encourage students to set up their confidence and strong willpower in learning English; help the students find the scientific way of studying English, and etc. Secondly, English teachers should change their traditional ideas and set up the correct attitude to teaching quality, curriculum, teaching methods and evaluation; English teachers should correctly handle the relationship between the acquisition and learning, wide and narrow teaching goals. Thirdly, broadly Strengthen ethics of teachers construction, improve teachers’ quality, strengthen the training of English teachers, improve teachers’ professional growth and promote the reform of curriculum teaching research.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【下载频次】254

