

29th Olympic Games Women’s Basketball Center and Foreign Comparative Study of Offensive and Defensive Capabilities

【作者】 赵萌

【导师】 靳勇;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 体育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当代篮球发展到今天已经有了长足的进步和迅速的发展,无论从运动员的身体素质和篮球技战术都有了明显的进步,特别是女子篮球的发展。女子篮球男子化日趋明显,特别是在中锋的位置上更贴近于男子篮球。女子中锋不在拘泥于内线的站位和进攻。她们会积极的参与进攻与防守,丰富了教练员的进攻手段。当代女篮中锋的技术代表为澳大利亚的劳拉.杰克逊,美国队的未来希望坎黛丝.帕克。可以说她们是女子篮球中锋位置未来的发展翻版。中国女篮近几年来战绩总体来说是上升的,这主要归功于中国女篮在中锋位置上水平迅速的提高。尤其是在美国WNBA效力的陈楠,在WCBA内线如鱼得水的陈晓丽,以力量和意识见长的张晓妮,构筑起了中国女篮的内线长城。在本届奥运会中,中国女篮以第四名的成绩结束本届奥运会的征程,这是近几年来中国女篮的最好成绩。尽管成绩喜人,但还是从中看到中国女篮和欧美强队的差距,尤其是在中锋的位置上,尽管陈楠的作用比较突出,但是陈晓丽和张晓妮与国外选手相比实力有着不小的差距,尤其是在身体素质上,打球作风不够硬朗。技术还比较单一,个人进攻能力较差,中锋与中锋的配合不够默契……本文通过中国女篮与国外优秀女篮中锋的对比,从中找出差距,制定适合中国女篮的训练方法和战略战术,为中国女篮今后的训练和比赛做好铺垫。本文采用了文献资料法、录像观察法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法。通过研究和对比,得知以下结果:(1)中国女篮中锋具备一定的得分实力,但是与国外优秀女篮中锋相比,差距还是很大的。中国女篮中锋的身体素质不行,爆发力不好,体重偏轻,在较强的身体对抗中,我们始终处于下风。中国女篮中锋得分区域比较集中,一般都在三分线以内。反观当今篮球发展趋势,中锋具有较强的灵活性,得分区域扩大。所以说在得分这个环节中,还有许多的工作来做。(2)中国队女篮中锋传球方式比较单一,转移球速度慢,传球时机不够及时准确。而反观前三名女篮优秀中锋,球在不断转移中,很少停留,转移速度非常快。中国女篮中锋传球与移动突破相结合不够,而高水平的运动员都是都是在配合和其他技术运用的过程中突然变为传球,改变攻击点,效果显著。还有一点中国女篮的中锋传球动作大,隐蔽性较弱,失误球增加。(3)中国女篮中锋抢位能力比较弱,以陈楠为例,在与弱队的比赛中陈楠往往能在篮下抢住位,而在与欧美强队比赛中,陈楠经常被挤出三秒区外,以至于陈楠的得分只能靠后仰跳投,进攻威力大大减小。(4)中锋在防守中多以封盖为主,抢断协防意识较差,移动防守较弱。总体概括通过数据分析,中国女篮中锋与世界强队中锋还有着不小的差距,尤其是在后备梯队的建设。中国女篮的中锋虽然在身高上已经不逊色于其它世界强队中锋,但是在细节上,尤其是在身体素质上、技战术素养上、对篮球的整体理解上、中国女篮中锋仍然落后于欧美,毕竟从小快灵转变还没有适应。这种差距不是一时能追上的,它需要几代篮球人的努力和对篮球选材体质上的深化改革,最后祝福中国男女篮能够再创辉煌。

【Abstract】 The development of modern basketball to today there has been considerable progress and rapid development; both physical and basketball player skills and tactics have made real progress, especially in women’s basketball development. Women’s Basketball Men of increasingly evident, especially in the center position closer to the men’s basketball. Women’s center does not stick inside the stations and offensive. They will actively participate in offensive and defensive means of enriching the offensive coaches. Technical representatives of the contemporary women’s basketball center for Australia’s Laura. Jackson, the U.S. team’s future hopes Kandai Si. Parker. Can be said that they are women’s basketball replica of the future development of the center position.Chinese women’s basketball in recent years is to increase the overall record, which is attributed to our women’s basketball in the center has improved rapidly. Particularly effective in the United States WNBA Chen Nan, Chen Xiaoli in the WCBA inside like a duck’s, known for strength and sense of Zhang Ni, is that they build from the inside the Great Wall of China women’s basketball. At this Olympic Games, the Chinese women’s basketball to finish fourth in the Olympic Games of the journey, this is the best result in recent years the Chinese women’s basketball. But despite the satisfactory results, we have seen the gap between us and the strong teams in Europe and America, especially in the center position, despite the prominent role of Chen Nan, Chen Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoni, but with the strength of foreign players has not small compared to the gap especially in the physical, the play style is not enough tough. Technology is still relatively simple, personal attacks less capable, with the center and the center of not understanding……In this paper, the Chinese women’s basketball and women’s basketball center foreign excellent contrast, to find out the gaps for us to develop training methods and strategy and tactics. Chinese women’s basketball in the future pave the way for training and competition.Research methods used in this paper include: literature, experts interview, mathematical statistics and so on. Through our research and comparison, that the following results:(1) Women’s basketball scoring center with a certain strength, but in comparison with foreign outstanding basketball center, the gap between us is great. Our fitness No, power is not good, lighter weight, stronger body in the confrontation, we are always a disadvantage. We concentrated center scoring area, generally within the third line. Contrast, today’s basketball trends, center with strong flexibility, scoring all over the region. So the score of this session, we have a lot of work to do. (2)team ball way more single women’s basketball center, moving the ball slowly, not enough time for timely and accurate passing. By comparison, the top three best women’s basketball center, shifted the ball, very few remain, the transfer speed is very fast. Chinese women’s basketball center passing combination of inadequate and mobile breakthroughs, while high-level athletes are all in line with the use of other technologies into a ball during a sudden change point of attack, obviously. Another point in the center of Chinese women’s basketball great passing movements, hidden weak, failure to increase the ball. (3) Chinese women’s basketball center is relatively weak ability to scramble to Chen Nan, for example, in the weaker teams in the competition with Chen Nan can often be competing for places in the basket, and in competition with the strong teams in Europe and America, Chen Nan often being squeezed out of three seconds outside the line, so that scores can only rely on Chen Nan-away jumper, offensive power greatly reduced. (4) Multi-center in the defense to cover the main sense of steals to help defend poor, mobile defense is weak.Through the data we analyze the overall sum, the Chinese Women’s Basketball World Championship center center was not a small gap there, especially in the construction of reserve forces. Although the Chinese Women’s center height has been not less than that of other world powers center, but we are in the details, especially on the physical, technical and tactical qualities, the overall understanding of basketball l, we still lag behind Europe and the United States, after all, small changes in our spirit not to adapt quickly. This gap is not a time to catch up, it requires efforts of several generations of people and our basketball basketball election of physical deepening reform, the Chinese men and women’s basketball final blessing to greater achievements.


