

The Trasgormation of Origin of Added Value

【作者】 卢靖

【导师】 石奇;

【作者基本信息】 南京财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【副题名】On the Basis of Technology Advancing and Division Deepening

【摘要】 随着国际分工的深化和信息技术的深入发展,国际分工的边界正从产业层次转换为价值链层次,一国的竞争优势也随之不再体现在某个特定产业或某项特定产品上,而是体现为在产业链条中所占据的环节或工序上。在此背景下,我国沿着产品价值链进行的产品内分工逐渐融入了全球分工体系之中,产品内贸易规模不断扩大,贸易结构不断优化,高技术产品比重不断上升。与此相应,附加价值来源逐渐从劳动密集型产业转向技术密集型产业。随着技术水平的提高,中国正处于产业结构更新和升级的过程,深入研究附加价值来源的这种转化,对于我国的产业升级具有重要意义。文章试图将技术进步与产品内分工结合起来,探讨外部性在附加价值来源转化中所起的作用,结合我国产业升级中存在的问题,提出相应的政策建议。全文分为五个部分。本文的第一部分为导论,介绍了本文的选题意义,对相关文献进行了概括和综述,并阐明了论文的主要内容和创新之处。文章的第二部分界定了附加价值的概念,描述了附加价值来源转化的现状,并从技术进步和产品内分工等几个方面阐述了这种转化发生的原因。在此基础上,文章的第三部分从外部经济、产业集聚和产品内分工入手,对附加价值来源转化的机理进行了理论上的探索。第四部分则是结合苏州外资电子企业集聚对附加价值来源转化的机理进行了实证检验。最后是针对持续发展面临的问题提出对中国产业升级的政策建议。全文形成了一个从理论创新到实证检验,从发现问题到解决问题的相辅相成的有机整体。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of international specialization and the development of Information technology, the boundary of international specialization is transforming from the industrial level into the value chain level, the competitive advantage of a country no longer embodies in some specific industrial or some specific product, but embodies in the working procedures and working phases in the product manufacture process. Under this background, the intro-product specialization of our country has integrated in the system of international specialization. It’s characteristic is that the scale of intro-product trade is expanding, the trade structure is optimized and the high-tech product proportion rises. In correspond, the source of added-value gradually transforms from labor-intensive industry into skill-intensive industry. In the course of industrial upgrading, researching the transformation of origin of added-value deeply has huge influence on the industrial upgrading of China. Through connecting the technology advances and intro-product specialization, the paper discusses the externality which is important in the transformation of the origin of added value, and then puts forward the corresponding policy proposal.The paper is structured in five parts. The first chapter introduces the significance of the topic, reviews the current literatures of relevant topics. Then, the contents and the main findings of this paper are briefly presented. Chapter two begins with defining the concept of added value, described the present situation which the origin of value added transforms, then, the reasons that this kind of transformation occurs are summarized. Chapter Three explores theoretically the mechanisms which the origin of added value transforms on the basis of externality, industrial agglomeration and intra-product specialization. Then,Chapter Four take the electronic agglomeration in Suzhou for example,examines the mechanism above. Finally, According to the above elaborations and discussions, combining the real world situation of China, recommendations are brought about benefit the future development of intra-product specialization and the upgrade of China’s industrial structures. From theoretical innovation to demonstration test,from finding problems to solving problems,the paper form a organic whole.


