

The Study on Stars Assessment (Classification) Reform of Middle School Teachers’ Senior Professional Titles

【作者】 徐慧卿

【导师】 葛大汇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 自从教师职称制度确定以来,争议与变革同时增长。由于中学高级教师年青化即社会热议的“35岁不作为”现象已成为教师管理的难题,各地纷纷出台了一系列针对高级职称“后”的改革方案。作为教育发展较快的浙江省S市在2008年出台了一项新的制度——高级职称星级(分等)制度,即将已评上高级的教师们再划分为五个星级(注:一星、二星为不合格低聘,三星为正常聘用,四星、五星为优秀聘用),试图打破职称终身制,调动高级教师的积极性,然而这个制度却经历了“提出、周折、搁置……再改进”的过程,教育局与学校、校长与教师发生了种种争论、冲突。显然这个论题具有深刻的现实意义。笔者正是该市的一名教师。囿于个人调查的权力有限,本论文将自己任职的S市树人中学作为个案。笔者作为此次改革的亲历者,积累了大量的事实与思考。而将该论题确定为学位论文的题目后,为了避免个人视野的局限性,笔者又进行了实证调查,(经校长同意)亲自对各类当事人发放了79份问卷;并选取校长、中层干部和此改革利益相关的高级教师、一级教师等多个层面开展了10余人次的深入访谈,以期与自己曾积累的观察、案例等资料相互验证,提高研究的信度与效度。但在调查研究中,笔者还是发现由于职称改革是一个敏感的话题,一些教师并不敢真实地表述自己的真实想法。研究中笔者使用了不少档案方法、文献引证,也是为了增进研究的实证性。论文的绪论一章笔者主要陈述了星级(分等)制度提出的背景,及该论题研究的方法设计。第二章起,为论文的正文部分,笔者试图从三个角度陈述该项制度改革推进的过程,即个案学校先前高级职称制度存在的有待解决的问题,改革启动时的冲突与酝酿中的各种利益诉求,教师们对该此方案种种“副作用”的担忧;以及最终被搁置的现实,陈述中笔者使用了大量的实证材料。第三章首先以文献的方法回顾了有关职称管理的理论与教师的职业特点;然后仍然采用实证的方法即依赖案例、访谈咨询等手段说明职称改革受阻的成因。指出星级分等方案不仅在制定主体上,还是制定的程序上,评定的指标体系等等方面都存在着问题。第四章笔者力求找到继续推行改革的对策与建议,认为这项制度要顺利推行,决策部门、学校必须要进行全面的调查研究,要更多地从有助于教师专业发展的角度来审视改革的积极意义,同时要注意整个过程的公开、公正、公平性。笔者希望这些研究能对高级职称制度的改革有些许贡献。

【Abstract】 Since the system of senior professional titles was announced, dispute and reform increased at the mean time. As senior professional titles are getting younger in age, the "thirty-five inaction" phenomenon, which is a feverish subject, has also been a difficult problem of teacher management. Therefore, many places come out with reform plans about senior teachers. In 2008, S city in Zhejiang province announced a new system, stars assessment (classification) system, which separates the senior teachers into 5 star grades (one and two stars mean unqualified employed; three stars mean normal employed; four and five stars mean excellent employed), in order to breaking the lifelong tenure system of professional titles and encouraging senior teachers to get more vitality. However, this system experienced the process of "promote, setback, shelve…reform", and arguments and conflicts increased between education bureau and schools, as well as headmasters and teachers. Obviously, this subject is embodied with realistic significance.The author is a teacher in this city. As an average teacher, the author has accumulated a lot of facts and thoughts with substantial evidence investigations in the reform, such as seventy-nine questionnaires, tens of deep interviews of headmaster, middle-level cadres and relative senior teachers, and finishes the case study in Shuren Middle School of S city. During the investigation, the author also found that the reform of professional titles is a sensitive topic, some teachers just held back their real meanings. In order to add positivism of the study, the author also used lots of archive study and literature cited methods.The preface mainly introduces backgrounds of post-senior teachers’ stars assessment (classification) and the study’s design methods; the second chapter states the process of reform in three aspects:the problems during the process of reform, every kind of interest and demands, teachers’ worry about "side effects"; the third chapter refers to the actual state, management theory, and the professional characteristic of teachers, elaborates the causes of obstacles with empirical study methods, including problems in assessment plan setter and its setting process; the fourth chapter tries to find counter measure and suggestion on pushing the reform continuously, analyses the indispensable conditions of achieving the reform, and suggests the plan-setters should firmly follow the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness, and consider the announced system from the standpoint of teachers’ professional development. The author hopes these study make contribution to the system reform of senior teachers’ professional titles.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】172

