

Research of the Community Workers Management in Shanghai

【作者】 杨弘亮

【导师】 吴志华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济的飞速发展和城市化进程的加快,越来越多的人前来上海工作与生活,而社区也成为了各种社会群体的集聚点、各种利益的交汇点、各种社会矛盾的聚集点。社区在管理和发展的演变过程中,尤其是作为社区服务中坚力量的社区工作者的发展问题也愈发引起社会的关注。而上海乃至国内社区工作者的非职业化、非专业化、整体素质不高等问题已经不能满足现代社区服务的需要,同时也抑制了个人的发展和成就,作为一个国际大都市,建设一支年龄结构合理、文化层次较高、服务水平专业的社区工作者队伍,是加强社区各项工作、推进和谐社区建设的关键。本论文旨在从社区当前发展的形势、上海社区工作者的发展历程、对花木街道社区工作者管理的研究等,剖析目前上海社区工作者管理过程中存在的问题,并结合国内外先进国家和地区对社区工作者的管理方式,探寻适合上海社区特点的、先进合理的社区工作者管理的方法,明确今后其发展的方向,从根本上尽可能解决或缓解目前社区工作者队伍和实际要求脱节的问题。以在浦东乃至整个上海规模较大、人员较为复杂的花木社区为例的研究中,发现目前上海在社区工作者管理上仍存在着许多问题,包括不合理的人员配置结构、不完善的社工的招聘和培养体系、缺乏科学有效的评价机制等等。在通过调研、问卷分析、数据统计以及街道管理层深层访谈等多种手段对社区工作者管理进行研究分析发现,建立社区工作者的等级评价体系是初步解决该问题的必要过程,也是目前最为可行且有效地方法之一。针对社区工作者应该制定特有的评价指标和机制,公平合理地反映每个社工在服务过程中所产生的价值,并在此基础上,辅以相对系统的培训和更加完善的招聘体系。这种合理体制的建设和管理机制的完善,不仅能够合理地衡量社区工作者的工作质量和工作水平,也能够为他们明确专业化的发展方向,对于今后上海社区工作者管理方式的进一步转变也将会起到了巨大的启示作用。未来,上海社区工作者管理的研究还将继续深入与探索。但无论如何,只有先从制度上完善社工队伍的建设和管理,才能真正使社区的服务更加专业,帮助政府为居民提供更多的方便和更优质的服务。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development and urbanization process accelerated, more and more people come to Shanghai, and the community has become the gathering point of all social groups, the intersection of the various interests of various social conflicts aggregation point. So the community workers are more and more concemed.In Shanghai and even in China, non-professional, low overall quality of the community workers can not meet the needs of modern community services, and it’s also inhibit the development and achievements of individuals. As an international metropolis, building a team of community workers with reasonable age structure, high cultural level, profession services is the way to strengthen the communities and the key to build a harmonious community.This paper aims to present the development process of the community in Shanghai and in Huamu Community. In order to analyze the current problems of the community management and some reasonable methods of management of community workers in Shanghai, we’ll combine with some advanced countries and areas.Huamu Commnunity as a typical case with large area and more complex situations still has many problems, including irrational staffing structure, imperfect social workers recruitment and training system, the lack of effective evaluation mechanisms for science. Through research, survey analysis, data management, interviews and other means, we find the build of the cabilitiy-grade-system of community workers is the most viable and effective methods now. It will preliminary solve the problems on the management of community workers such as unreasonable staff structure, incomplete recruiting and training system and the lack of the reasonable assessment process, by specific index and process to reflect the community service value of everyone reasonable and fair. The establishment of the capability-grade-system is not only defined the development direction of the professional community workers, but also played a great inspiration about the transformation of the management methods of the community workers in Shanghai.In the future, the research about the management of community workers of Shanghai will explore and continue in-depth. Only improve the team building and management of community workers at first, the community services would be more professional.

  • 【分类号】C916
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】420

