

The Impact of Loneliness and Social Support Status Among College Students on the Subjective Well-being

【作者】 陈抗

【导师】 崔丽娟;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:研究大学生孤独感、社会支持状况对主观幸福感的影响及关系,进一步了解大学生主观幸福感的影响因素。研究方法:采用问卷法和访谈法。“社会支持量表”有10个条目,包括客观支持、主观支持和对社会支持的利用度三个维度;“领悟社会支持量表”有12个条目,包括家庭支持、朋友支持和其他支持三个维度;“大学生孤独感问卷(UCLA)"包含有11个“孤独”正序条目与9个“非孤独”反序条目;“主观幸福感问卷”有19个条目,包括整体生活满意度、积极情感和消极情感三个分量表和完全开放式无结构访谈。研究对象。被试是从宿州学院、巢湖学院、合肥工业大学三所高校选取,共1200名本科生。回收问卷998份,回收率为83.2%,剔除无效问卷8份,有效问卷共计990份,有效率为99.2%,其中宿州学院350人,巢湖学院307人,合肥工业大学333人;其中男生524人,占52.9%;女生466人,占47.1%,平均年龄为20.55岁。研究结论:(1)大学生生活满意度略低于中等水平。(2)大学生在主观幸福感及其各维度上存在性别、专业、生源地、是否独生、重点与非重点院校、年级、家庭月收入等差异,女生在生活满意度、总幸福感上极其显著高于男生,在消极情感上显著低于男生;文科生在生活满意度、总幸福感上极其显著高于理科生,在积极情感上显著高于理科生;城镇生在生活满意度、总幸福感上极其显著高于农村生,在积极情感上显著高于农村生;独生子女在生活满意度、总幸福感上极其显著高于非独生子女;重点院校大学生主观幸福感显著高于新升本院校;大一学生在主观幸福感上显著高于大二学生、大三学生在主观幸福感上显著高于大二学生;在家庭月收入上主观幸福感呈现随着家庭收入越高幸福感越高的趋势。(3)不同来源的社会支持对大学生的主观幸福感影响不同,主观支持、对支持的利用度、朋友支持、其他支持对大学生的主观幸福感影响最大。(4)大学生孤独感与主观幸福感、生活满意度、积极情感呈显著负相关,与消极情感呈显著正相关。(5)大学生社会支持、孤独感和主观幸福感之间存在潜在关系,其中孤独感作为中介变量对社会支持和主观幸福感关系产生影响。

【Abstract】 Purpose:This is to Study the impact of loneliness and social support among college students on the subjective well- being and the relations, then to further probe into the factors on SWB of college students.Methods:The study mainly adopted the methods of questionnaires and interviews. There were 10 items in" Social Support Rating Scale", including the objective support, subjective support and utilization of social support in three dimensions; there were 12 entries in "Perceived Social Support Scale", including family support, friend support and other support three dimensions;" UCLA Loneliness Scale " contained 11 positive sequence entries of "Loneliness" and 9 reverse order entries of "non-loneliness"; "subjective well-being Scale" contained 19 entries, including three subscales---the overall life satisfaction, degree of positive effect and negative effect; and a completely open and unstructured interviews.Objects:The objects were 1,200 undergraduates selected from Suzhou University, Chaohu College and Hefei University of Technology.998 questionnaires were returned and the rate of recovery was 83.2%,8 invalid questionnaires were excluded, a total of 990 valid questionnaires, and the effective rate was 99.2%, of which 350 of Suzhou University,307 of Chaohu College,333 of Hefei University of Technology; of which 524 were boys, accounting for 52.9%; girls 466, accounting for 47.1%, with an average age of 20.55 years.Conclusions:(1)The life satisfaction of college students was slightly lower than the middle level.(2) College students’SWB and its dimensions were influenced by sex, majors, the only child or not, priority universities or not, grade, monthly income of family and so on. In life satisfaction, general happiness girls were significantly higher than boys, while the negative emotion was significantly lower than boys; arts students in life satisfaction, general happiness were significantly higher than the engineer students, the positive affect was significantly higher than that of science students; urban students in life satisfaction, general happiness were significantly higher than that of the extremely rural students, the positive emotional was significantly higher than rural students; The only child in life satisfaction, general well-being was significantly higher than the non only child; the SWB of College Students in the priority universities and colleges was significantly higher than that of the newly-rising ones; freshmen were significantly higher than the sophomore and juniors were significantly higher than the sophomores; there’s tendency in SWB that the more the monthly income of family the higher the SWB.(3) There are various impacts of different sources of social support on SWB of college students, of which subjective support, utilization of support, friend support, and other support have the most influences on college students’SWB.(4) Loneliness was significantly negatively related to subjective well-being, life satisfaction and positive effect and was positively related to negative emotions.(5) There’s potential relationship among social support, loneliness and subjective well-being of College students, in which loneliness as an intennediary variable had an influence on social support and subjective well-being.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2360

