

Life-Poetry and Thinking-Truth

【作者】 徐兆武

【导师】 殷国明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 梁宗岱是现代文学史上极具个性的诗论家之一。他在三十年代以象征主义为核心所进行的诗学理论建构极大地推动了中国新诗现代化的进程。他是以诗人身份从事理论建构的。他始终以个人的阅读经验和生命体验为基础,致力于探究诗歌、生命与真的关系,尤其在诗歌本体论上进行了可贵的探索,为生命诗学的建构做出了突出的贡献。本文拟从上述认识出发,以梁宗岱的《诗与真·诗与真二集》及其他散见的批评文章为对象,以发现梁宗岱诗学理论的基本面貌与个性,而更大的目的在于从生命诗学的角度探索梁宗岱的诗学价值。全文共共五个部分,包括引言、正文三章及结语。引论部分在对梁宗岱诗学研究进行回顾的基础上,提出自己的研究角度,即从生命、诗、真的关系入手,探讨梁宗岱的生命诗学。第一章探讨梁宗岱的纯诗理论,主要从其理论资源、纯诗理论的特点进行分析,指出梁宗岱纯诗理论的特点主要表现为独立的文体意识、音乐境界、可以实践的理论形态三个方面;第二章主要讨论梁宗岱对象征主义诗学理论的超越,主要从梁宗岱关于象征的阐释入手,探讨了他对中国早期象征主义诗学理论的超越,主要表现为对象征内涵的独特理解、象征特点的表述及关于象征的审美感受三个方面,从而指出其象征主义的本体论意义;第三章主要从生命诗学的角度探讨其“契合”说、宇宙意识、崇高等关键词;结语部分从生命·诗与思·真的关系角度分析梁宗岱生命诗学的内涵,本文认为在梁宗岱那里,自然既是存在的一种方式,也是生命获得启示的源泉,而诗也是生命的一种形式,生命和诗的本质即在于“大和谐”。此在(生命)正是以“象征”(生命与真的感应契合)的方式通过诗(生命自足的完美形式)与思(生命的存在方式)的对话而达到对真(彼岸)的接近,从而达到“大和谐”。所以,梁宗岱的诗论既是一种理论形态,又是一种言说着的生命形态(诗人通过言说而获得对存在意义的确认)。

【Abstract】 Liang Zongdai is a distinguished poetry theorist in modern Chinese literary history. His construction of symbolic poetry theory in the 1930s gives great impetus to the modern development of new poetry (free verse written in the vernacular) in China. His conception of theory is based on his own poetry writing experiece. In light of his own reading experience and lived experience, he devotes himself to probing into the connection between poetry, life and truth. He particulary conducts valuable exploration of poetry ontology, which proves to be a breakthrough contribution to life poetics.Based on a study of Liang Zongdai’s Poetry and Truth and Poetry and Truth (volume II), the paper attempts to bring into light the general features of Liang Zongdai’s poetics, and further offers an evaluation of Liang Zongdai’s poetics from the perspective of life poetics.The paper consists of introdution, body text (three chapters) and conclusion. In the part of introduction, a survey of studies on Liang Zongdai’s poetics is made, and the method and target of the present study is made clear.The first chapter elaborates on Liang Zongdai’s theory of pure poetry. Based on a study of the sources of the theory and the characteristics of pure poetry, the chapter points out that Liang Zongdai’s theory of pure poetry is marked by self-contained style consciousness, cadence attainment and theoretical practicalness. The second chapter focuses on Liang Zongdai’s breakthrough contribution to symbolic poetics. An analysis of Liang Zongdai’s interpretation of symbolism and further studies show that Liang Zongdai’s breakthrough contribution to symbolic poetics is manifested in his unique understanding of the connotation of symbolism, his formulation of symbolic features and aesthetic feeling. The chapter thereby brings into light the ontological significance of Liang Zongdai’s symbolism. The third chaper approaches the notions of "correspondance", cosmic consciousness and sublimity from the perspective of life poetics. In the part of conclusion, a study of the connotatioin of Liang Zongdai’s life poetics is conducted in the light of the connection between life-poetry and thinking-truth. I am convinced that for Liang Zongdai, nature is a source of life illumination as well as a state of existence, and poetry is a mode of life, while life and poetry is essentially in "great harmony". Dasein (life) approaches thuth (the other realm) and thereby reaches "great harmony" by way of the dialogue between poetry (a self-contained and perfect state of life) and thinking (a state of existence) in the form of "symbolism" (an induction conrrespondence between life and truth). It follows that Liang Zongdai’s poetics is a modality of life in dialogue (an identificantion with existence by way of dialogue on the part of the poet) as well as a kind of theory.

【关键词】 梁宗岱纯诗象征契合生命诗学
【Key words】 Liang Zongdai’sPure poetrySymbolismCorrespondancesLife poetics

