

Study on the Moral Education Management of High School Excellent Students

【作者】 金琪

【导师】 冯大鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 高中学优生的德育管理是指根据学校德育的目标和任务以及学校教育和管理的总体要求,提出针对这个群体相应的德育工作目标,建立相应的德育组织机构和德育工作队伍,制定德育制度规范,并且通过组织协调德育实施过程以及考核评价德育工作的绩效来确保学校德育目标的实现和高中学优生德育任务的完成。提出高中学优生德育管理,是有现实针对性的。在现有办学和招生体制下,在优质高中学校内,经选拔形成的学优生群体是客观存在的。然目前主要是对学优生学习情况进行考核和选拔,在德育方面则缺乏如同智育那样严格的考核和评价。从发达国家的经验来看,他们正视学生的差异,在此基础上,对学优、资优群体的学生采取了针对性的德育管理。在他们的精英人才培养教育中,非常强调人的道德和社会责任等要素。而相比之下,我国对学优群体学生的德育管理研究工作还不够。可以说,加强高中学优生德育管理,是应对经济全球化背景下中华民族复兴面临的挑战,也符合国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要的精神,更顺应上海国际化大都市的发展对未来人才的需要。德育管理在高中学优生成长中的价值主要体现在:它引导高中学优生成长的方向、提供高中学优生成长的动力、塑造高中学优生健康的人格、营建高中学优生成长的环境、统合高中学优生成长的资源。X中学作为上海市优质民办高中,根据研究设计,特选取上海市X中学的学优生为调查对象,对该群体道德发展状况进行了思想、道德、心理等方面的特点调查和成因分析,发现了当前的高中德育管理还存在着不适应高中学优生培养的诸多问题。在此基础上,针对学校客观存在的学优生群体开展了个案性的实践探索,通过树立高中学优生群体德育管理的理念、明确高中学优生群体德育管理的目标、丰富高中学优生群体德育管理的内容、拓展高中学优生群体德育管理的途径、调配高中学优生群体德育管理的资源、建设高中学优生群体德育管理的队伍等,取得了一定的成效,也发现了不少问题。在此基础上,对改进高中学优生群体德育管理提出了针对性的建议,认为高中学优生德育管理的本质是它把零散的德育要素在空间上按一定规则组合起来,在时间上按一定程序指令使其运行,并在运行中实施有效地控制,进而实现高中学优生德育目标。提出要坚持目标合理性原则、全员育人的原则以及德育实效性的原则,要建立针对性的高中学优生群体德育管理制度,并推进高中学优生群体德育评价的科学化,从个体自环境、学校内环境、社会大环境等加强高中学优生群体德育管理环境的营造。

【Abstract】 In accordance with the goals and tasks of school’s moral education and the general requirements of school education and management, the moral education management of high school excellent students is to set a suitable goal for this group, establish the corresponding moral education organization and workforce, put forward the system norms, coordinate the moral education process and evaluate its performance to guarantee the realization of moral education goals and tasks.It is of practical significance to propose the issue of moral education management of high school excellent students. In the current school and enrollment system,it is through selection to form the groups of excellent students in the high-qualify high schools. However,now the excellent students are assessed and selected in the perspective of study while there is a lack of same strict assessment and evaluation in the perspective of moral education. From the experience of the developed countries, they face up the differences among the students and then adopt the specific moral education management to the excellent students and gifted students. In their elite education,they lay great emphasis on a person’s morality and his/her social responsibility. In contrast,it is far from sufficiency in our country for the research on this issue.Strengthening the moral education management of high school excellent students aims to help the Chinese face up the challenges in the course of its rise against the economic globalization,meet the requirements of nation’s long-term education reform and development plan, and respond to the needs of Shanghai’s development for talents. The importance of moral education management in excellent students’growth lies in the guidance of the students, the presence of their motivation,the creation of their well-developed personality,the establishment of the growing environment and the integration of their growth resources.In accordance with the research design,the objects are the excellent students in Shanghai*school. The research explores the moral development of the objects for their features and analysis of how these features form in the aspects of their thoughts, morality and psychology. Hence, numerous problems that hinder the development of excellent students have been disclosed in the high school moral education management.As one of the high-quality private high schools,* school carried out the case studies for the groups of excellent students. By establishing the concepts of management, clarifying its goals, enriching its contents,expanding its approaches,adjusting its resources and strengthening the construction of its faculty,the moral education management has been improved to some extent while certain problems have been uncovered. Thus far, the specific suggestions are brought forward. The essence of the issue is suggested to combine the moral education elements according to certain rules in space, operate them according to certain program instructions in time, control efficiently in the operation so as to achieve the management goal. It is also suggested to adhere to the principles of setting up reasonable goals, motivating the whole faculty and carrying out the effectiveness of moral education. Specific management system should be established to promote the scientific evaluation of moral education for the groups of high school excellent students. Concerning the elements of the individual, the school and the society, a better management environment should be created.

  • 【分类号】G631
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】344

