Research and Design on Model of JavaEE Managementlnformation System
【作者】 于涛;
【导师】 华继学;
【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 JavaEE是一种利用Java 2平台来简化企业解决方案的开发、部署和管理相关的复杂问题的体系结构。基于JavaEE的Web项目开发具有开发过程规范化,开发架构模块化、跨平台、易于扩充等特性。JavaEE提供的分层模型将应用层和业务逻辑层明确区分出来,使系统中所有部分各司其职,为系统开发提供良好规范。在对JavaEE体系结构进行深入研究的基础上,开发了一个基于轻量级JavaEE框架的毕业实习和毕业设计管理信息系统——GPPMIS。系统引入广泛应用的、成熟的JavaEE体系结构,结合MVC模式,运用Spring、Struts、Hibernate、AJAX应用框架,实现了一个典型的基于JavaEE的分布式管理信息系统。同时,对GPPMIS系统中涉及到的基本的JavaEE设计模式及框架技术进行研究,包括Spring、Struts、Hibernate及AJAX,对相关概念和体系结构进行阐述,以实例说明其开发流程,然后对各框架的优缺点加以分析,提出相应的解决方案,将其应用于GPPMIS系统开发。通过提出一个完整的毕业实习和毕业设计管理解决方案,为整个毕业实习设计过程提供了自动化的管理方式,发挥网络资源共享、分布式系统不受时间空间限制等优势。实验证明,系统具有JavaEE平台可伸缩性、灵活性、易维护性等优势,克服了传统管理模式的不足,提高了工作效率,具有较高的可信度。
【Abstract】 JavaEE is an architecture which simplifies the development, deployment and management of enterprise solution with Java 2 platform. Web application development with JavaEE has the advantages of standardized development, modular architecture, platform independence and scalability. The layered model of JavaEE divides application layer from business logic layer, which enables every single part of the system responsible for its own business. That provides great specification for the whole system development.With the in-depth study on the JavaEE architecture, a Graduation Practice and the final Project Management Information System--GPPMIS is proposed based on the light-weighted JavaEE architecture. Well applied JavaEE structure is enclosed in GPPMIS, as well as MVC design pattern and other frameworks like Spring, Struts, Hibernate and AJAX.Also, the design patterns and framework techniques involved with GPPMIS are discussed. The concepts and architectures of Spring, Struts, Hibernate and AJAX are introduced. The whole development process is showed in detail with examples. Strength and weakness are enclosed. The solutions are proposed and applied to GPPMIS.With the complete diploma project management solution, automation of the whole procedure is achieved. The advantages of network resources and distribution are well used. As proved, GPPMIS acquires the inherent scalability, flexibility and ease to maintain of JavaEE. It also outperforms traditional MIS in many ways.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 华东师范大学 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期
- 【分类号】TP311.52
- 【被引频次】5
- 【下载频次】514