

Research on Crisis Management of Local Government

【作者】 张鸿举

【导师】 毛生武;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 2000年以来,我国发生了一系列重大的群体性事件,事件发生的地域广泛,参与人数越来越多、规模越来越大,破坏性越来越强。群体性事件频发对地方政府的治理能力和应急管理能力提出了严峻挑战,已成为地方政府亟待研究解决的重大而紧迫课题。当前,普遍发生的非理性的、发泄性的,暴力性的群体性事件,是经济社会发展的阶段性特征的重要体现,是大量的历史矛盾和现实矛盾相互纠结的产物,集中反映了从传统社会向现代社会转型中,人们的思想观念、社会结构、利益格局、行为模式的深刻变化,对政府管理提出了更高地要求。本文以社会学的功能主义理论和冲突论作为群体性事件分析的基本视角,既尊重功能主义者对社会秩序,社会和谐稳定价值的追求。也正视人们基于利益分化而产生的冲突,遵循冲突论的基本原理寻求妥善解决群体性事件的方法。在社会学基本理论的指导下,以案例为基础,分析了群体性事件的性质、特点、原因和危害,阐释了地方政府群体性事件应对的改革趋势,提出了应对群体性事件的观点。笔者认为,群体性事件表面上是对地方政府应急管理能力的挑战,实际上是对地方政府日常管理效果的检验。在良好的政府治理的基础上,提高应急管理能力,才能有效地预防和处置群体性事件。本文在借鉴香港和西方国家对群体性事件处置经验的基础上,提出地方政府要正确认识群体性事件,要致力于凝聚改革和发展的共识,促进社会公平,有效解决贫富分化,畅通政府和人民的对话渠道,建立健全利益整合和协调机制,不断增强政府执政的民意基础。在此基础上,加强信息公开,提高政府应急管理能力和策略,有效降低群体性事件的危害。

【Abstract】 Since 2000, China has undergone a series of considerable mass incidents with increasing scale and destruction. As a major and urgent issue, the mass incidents have posed a severe challenge to the governance capacity and emergency management capabilities of the local government. The mass incidents not only an important manifestation of stage characteristic conflicts, also reflect the profound changes of the people’s thinking, social structure, interest patterns, behavior patterns within the transformation of traditional society to modern society. Currently, the widespread occurrence of non-rational and violent mass incidents have put forward higher requirements to the government.The functionalism and conflict theory in sociology is the basic perspective of this paper. Respecting the social order and harmony which advocated by functionalist, as well as going to seek proper solutions to the conflicts arising base on different interests, this paper analyzes the nature of the mass incidents, characteristics, causes and hazards, explains the trend of the local government reform to the mass incidents and proposes views of how to response to the mass incidents. By author’s perspective, Mass incidents appear to the challenge to emergency management; in fact is test of the daily management of local government. The mass incidents can only be prevented and solved by good regular governance and improve emergency management. On the basis of the experience of Hong Kong and Western countries, this paper concludes that local governments should correctly understand the mass incidents, to gather consensus on the reform and development, promote social equity, solve rich-poor divide, Smooth channels of dialogue the government and the people, establish and improve the mechanisms of integration and coordination of interest, and constantly enhance the administration of public opinion. On this basis, local government should keep work on to strengthen information disclosure and improve the government emergency management capabilities and strategies to reduce the harm of mass incidents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】D631.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】978

