

A Study on the Differences and Balancing Strategies of IT Education in Rural and Urban Areas

【作者】 丛宏

【导师】 马池珠;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大力普及信息技术教育,培养具有较高信息素养的创新人才,是21世纪世界各国教育领域普遍关注的热点问题。自2000年全国中小学信息技术教育工作会议召开以来,我国中小学信息技术教育呈现出一片生机勃勃的发展态势。但由于信息技术课程其独有的学科特点以及城乡间经济发展的不平衡等因素,目前城乡中小学信息技术教育还存在着诸多差别。本研究的主要目的是了解目前城市与农村初中《信息技术》课程的教学差别主要体现在哪些方面,分析造成城乡信息技术教育不均衡的原因有哪些,并在前人已取得的关于义务教育均衡发展策略研究成果的基础上,进一步探寻缩小城乡初中信息技术教育差距、实现教育均衡发展的策略。笔者在威海市城市、农村的初中学校分别进行了问卷调查。教师问卷包括教师基本情况、学校情况、教师课堂教学自我评价、教研工作情况、教学资源五大类题目。学生问卷包括基本情况、对教师课堂教学的评价及信息素养三大类题目。通过对调查数据的统计和分析,总结出目前城乡初中《信息技术》课程教学的差别。调查结果表明,目前初中信息技术教育在城乡间存在着非均衡发展的状况。无论是教学条件或是师资力量等方面,农村学校都处于明显的弱势地位,由此造成了农村初中信息技术教育质量与城市之间的明显差距。根据调查结果,结合文献调研,笔者从经济、观念、教师自身、文化等方面对城乡初中信息技术教学失衡的原因进行了分析,提出了包括加强硬件建设、加强信息技术教育师资队伍建设、加快信息技术教育观念转变、促进信息技术教育资源共享等均衡策略。本研究注重在理论和实践层面深化信息技术教育均衡发展的应用研究,希望能为广大教育管理者、一线教师提供一定的参考,以期早日实现城乡初中信息技术教育均衡。

【Abstract】 In the present century, it is the focus of education all over the world to popularize IT education and cultivate innovative talents with high information literacy. Since the year 2000, when the National IT Education Conference of primary and secondary schools was convened, IT education in primary and secondary school had developed well and fast. However, due to the unbalanced economic development and the particular requirements of this course, distinct differences between the urban and the rural IT education do exist.The present research mainly focuses on three aspects. First, to find out the differences of junior-middle-school IT education between urban and rural areas; Second, to analyze the causes of this unbalanced development; and at last, based on the previous relevant research in this field, to further explore how the gap can be narrowed.I have distributed the questionnaire among the junior middle schools of rural and urban areas in WeiHai, Shandong. There are two kinds of questionnaires: for teachers and for students. Questionnaire for the teachers includes five aspects: teachers’ basic information, the school facilities, the teachers’ self assessment on class teaching, the current state of teaching and research, teaching resources. While the questionnaire for students include three aspects: basic information, assessment on teachers’teaching and IT accomplishments. Through the analysis of the collected data, I have summarized the differences of junior-middle-school IT education in urban and rural areas, which lie mainly in the field of teaching resourses and teachers’qualities.Based on the literature research and the result of the questionnaire, I have analyzed the causes of the unbalanced development as follows: economy, concept, teachers, culture. I have also given some suggestions hoping to solve this problem: improving hardware equipment, advancing IT teacher qualities, accelerating the transition of IT education conception and promoting resource sharing.This thesis aims at deepening the application research in the balanced development of IT education on theoretical and practical levels. Hopefully, it will provide education managers and teachers certain perspectives, so as to achieve a balanced IT education in urban and rural schools earlier.


