

Research on the Development Strategies of Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources

【作者】 李从文

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 行政管理与电子政务, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国经济的迅速发展和环境变化日益复杂的背景下,计划经济体制下我国地质工作实行的“勘查勘探一体化”机制已无法适应需求,各省地矿局结合国家对于地质行业开展属地化改革的重要举措纷纷做出变革。在这一形势下,安徽省地矿局经过近年来的努力,在省局的企业化改革取得了成效,基于地质行业优势的企业化发展模式已成为安徽省地矿局的发展方向。目前安徽局存在的企业经济较弱、集团优势不明显、资源配置分散、投资方向不明确等诸多问题迫切需要省局在企业化改革方面做出战略性的结构调整。结合安徽地矿局发展现状和地质行业发展的总体趋势,本文认为,立足地质行业优势的同心多样化战略是安徽省地矿局发展战略选择的重要方向,如何实施同心多样化战略就成为关系到省局属地化管理、企业化经营改革的关键。本文首先介绍了国内外地质勘查行业发展战略理论与实践现状和目前安徽省地矿局的发展现状,分析了安徽省地矿局发展面临的内外部环境,在此基础上,本文着重探讨了安徽省地矿局基于同心多样化战略的发展模式以及战略设计和选择,并对同心多样化战略实施的可行性和必要性做出分析,进而探讨了安徽省地矿局同心多样化战略的实施途径,分析了战略实施的预期效果,并结合对实施风险的分析探讨了风险控制的主要方法。本文最后总结了主要结论和同心多样化战略设计的应用,指出了在本文战略研究基础上的进一步研究方向。本文通过对安徽省地矿局实施同心多样化战略的设计,在发展战略的实施、战略发展模式的建立、战略的实施途径等方面进行一些创新和尝试,旨在对我国省级地矿局的发展战略选择提供一些有益的借鉴,并为我国地质行业的发展给予一定的启发。

【Abstract】 In the planned economy system, China’s geological work went under "exploration and prospecting integration" mechanism, including all the exploration work of geological survey and early development of mineral. In the Early stages of national economy development, "exploration and prospecting integration" mechanism benefits to meet the needs of organizing and mobilizing the exploration efforts, forming a survey of production power quickly, and establishing an independent industrial system and national economic system. However, with the deepening of China’s economic system reform, many questions and problems gradually emerged in geological survey institutional mechanism. After the "3-reforming" exploration in geological work and the territorial reform, the geological survey units have made remarkable results with efforts after a period of time, but in the face of new competition situation and the complex environmental background, the provincial geological survey bureaus still face the problems how to formulate a scientific development strategy in the new internal and external environmental conditions, to find and create development space suited to their own productions.This article aims to analyze the main problems existed in the development of Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources by combining theoretical analysis and empirical research in the use of economics and modern management related theories. It also studies the development strategies of Anhui of Geology and Mineral Resources to find out the suitable core strategy for the development of the Bureau by referring to the development experience of international and other provincial bureaus, using the strategic management theory, comparative law, theory with practice and other methods.This paper tries to provide a set of scientific, reasonable and viable development strategies with a matching function strategy through practical research and theoretical analysis, to compile an operational "construction design" and "technical security measures" for the "bigger-and-stronger" aim of Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral, using concentric diversification strategy under the existing industry strengths of the Bureau, which may help the decision-making of the Bureau.

  • 【分类号】F426.1
  • 【下载频次】197

