

Insulation Ohmmeter Examination Equipment Application

【作者】 李春超

【导师】 吴红斌;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 电气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 绝缘电阻表(兆欧表)是一台专用仪器,有着广泛的应用,用来对电气设备进行绝缘电阻的测试。绝缘电阻表本身的质量,将直接影响着操作者的生命安全。因此,绝缘电阻表的检定一直受到国家的重视并被列为国家规定的强检产品,而绝缘电阻表检定装置就是一套专门用于计量检定绝缘电阻表的仪器。本文通过论述绝缘电阻测试的意义和对现行的各种绝缘电阻测试方案进行分析与比较,同时结合被测对象等因素而选用串联型的绝缘电阻测试方法进行绝缘电阻测试。本文结合工作实际在文章中较详细的介绍了建立绝缘电阻表测量标准的意义以及进行误差分析与不确定度评定的内容。本文重点介绍了绝缘电阻表检定装置并以ZX119-8型兆欧表检定装置为例,详细介绍了利用绝缘电阻表检定装置对本单位绝缘电阻表进行计量检定的工作过程,最后又以ZC-7型绝缘电阻表为例列举了计量检定工作中遇到的绝缘电阻表的常见故障以及检修方法。

【Abstract】 The insulation ohmmeter (megameter) is a special-purpose instrument, has the widespread application, uses for to carry on the dielectric resistance to the electrical equipment the test. Insulation ohmmeter’s quality, immediate influence operator’s safety. Therefore, insulates ohmmeter’s examination to receive national the value and is listed as which the country stipulated to examine the product, but insulates the ohmmeter examination installment is a set uses in measuring specially examination insulation ohmmeter’s instrument this article carries on through the elaboration dielectric resistance test significance and to the present each kind of dielectric resistance test plan analyzes and compares, simultaneously unifies was measured that factors and so on object select the series dielectric resistance test method to carry on the dielectric resistance test.This article unified the work actual the detailed introduction establishment insulation ohmmeter survey standard significance as well as carries on the error analysis and the uncertainty evaluation content in the article. This article introduced with emphasis the insulation ohmmeter examination installment and take the ZX119-8 megameter examination installment as an example, introduced in detail carries on the measurement examination using the insulation ohmmeter examination installment to this unit insulation ohmmeter the work process, finally has enumerated the insulation ohmmeter’s common breakdown which as well as overhaul method take the ZC-7 insulation ohmmeter as the example in the measurement examination work meets .

  • 【分类号】TM934.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】136

