

The Collation and Annotation of Fu Yuli Anthology

【作者】 杨匡和

【导师】 吴小红;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 傅若金(1303—1342),字与砺,新喻(今江西省新余市)人。“元诗四大家”的追随者,也是元代中后期的重要诗人之一。有《傅与砺诗集》、《傅与砺文集》传世。他是元代宗唐复古诗学观的积极倡导者。其诗歌体裁多样,题材广泛,总体特点是美刺雅正。本文以南京图书馆馆藏明洪武壬戌(1382)傅若川建溪精舍刻本为底本,以民国三年(1914)吴兴刘承斡嘉业堂丛书刻本、清康熙四十一年(1702)金侃钞本为主校本,以台湾商务印书馆1983年影印文渊阁《四库全书》本、清顾嗣立《元诗选》本为参校本。本文主要对《傅与砺诗集》进行整理、校勘、注释。尽量减少讹误;标点、注释尽量准确、详尽;对诗集中的疑难字词、典故、引语、史实、职官、人名、地名、山川及文学术语、化用前人诗句等均作了较为详细、准确的注释和分析,力求为傅若金研究提供一份较为完备可靠的文献资料。本文也对傅若金所处的时代背景、诗坛状况作了简要介绍,对其生平家世、交游活动,诗集的版本、傅诗的思想内容、历史价值等进行了初步研究,以期在此基础上能对傅若金其人其诗作出较为公允的评价,使读者有一个较为全面清晰的认识。此外,本文还编制了傅若金年谱,对傅诗进行了辑佚工作,辑录了一些重要的研究资料如序跋、师友赠诗等。

【Abstract】 Fu Ruojin was born in Xinyu, Jiangxi Province.He was a follower of the four-master of poetry of the Yuan Dynasty, and one of the important poets during the mid-and late Yuan Dynasty, he had produced Fu Yuli Anthology and Fu Yuli Corpus.He was an active advocator for the poetics ideology of emulating poetry of Tang and recovery to poetry of ancient. his poetry is of diverse genres and wide rang of topics.Overall characteristic is praiseful,ironic,standard.This dissertation has a deep and elaborate collation and annotation on this anthology for reduction of errors and resumption of its originality,correction of inaccurate punctuations and annotations,and for detailed and precise annotations and analysis on the obscure characters,allusions,quotations,historical facts,official titles,people names, place names,mountain-rivers,literary terms,and the citation and digestion of the other poem lines,seeking to provide a more complete and reliable documentation for the study of Fu Ruojin.On the other hand,this dissertation has a brief introduction of Fu Ruojin’s time in Yuan dynasty,and poetry world in that period,and a research on his extraction and life,friendship activity,editions of the poems,thought-contents,historical value and so on.with a view on this basis can we make a more fair evaluation for Fu Ruojin himself and his poetry,enable the reader to have a comprehensive and clear understanding.In addition, a chronicle of Fu Ruojin’s life has been compiled,the compilation of his poems and a number of important research data,such as Preface&Postscript,poems of mentorship send-off etc.

【关键词】 傅若金傅与砺诗集校勘注释
【Key words】 Fu RuojinFu Yuli anthologycollationannotation

