

Study on Max Scheler’s Philosophy of Technology

【作者】 罗云

【导师】 王耀德;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 舍勒在技术哲学史上的地位十分重要,是早期现象学运动中只排在胡塞尔之后的现象学家,是现代价值伦理学的奠基人,同时亦是知识社会学和哲学人类学的主要创始者。其最根本的哲学问题是:人是什么?人在存在中的地位是什么?他将胡塞尔的“本质直观”的方法大量运用于宗教哲学、社会学和伦理学等,按照生命哲学的研究方式,将实在视作为受本能冲动驱使的人对于抵抗的反应或体验。他的学说由情感现象学、哲学人类学、价值伦理学和知识社会学等构成。海德格尔称他为“在全部现代哲学中成为最强有力的哲学力量”。所以,从技术哲学的角度对他的思想进行分析、研究亦是十分有意义的。本文在章节安排上从导言、舍勒的主要思想及其来源、舍勒技术哲学的基本思想、舍勒技术哲学的历史地位、影响及其当代价值共四章展开论述。通过对舍勒的《知识社会学问题》、《哲学与世界观》和《伦理学中的形式主义与质料的价值伦理学》等著作的研读、探究,并结合《舍勒思想评述》、《舍勒的心灵》和《舍勒的技术价值论》等国内外学者对舍勒的研究成果对舍勒技术哲学思想进行研究。阐述了舍勒技术哲学思想中“内驱力”、“抵制”、三类“事实”、两种技术类型、现象学还原和舍勒对技术价值的理解这六个重要概念。最后总结出舍勒技术哲学的历史地位、影响及其当代价值。从舍勒的思想中,我们可以看到许多现象学的影子。这与他的思想形成背景、思想渊源是分不开的。他将现象学研究方法非常娴熟地运用于伦理学、哲学人类学、宗教哲学、社会学当中,且游刃有余。舍勒就像是一位思想的“游侠”,他不仅对社会进行纯学术的、纯理性的探究,更是一个对人在宇宙中的生存状态充满着极度的人文关怀、极度的“爱”的学者。“在人是思之在者或意愿之在者之前,他就已是爱之在者。人的爱之丰盈、层级、差异和力量限定了他的可能的精神和他与宇宙的可能的交织度的丰盈、作用方式和力量。”舍勒关注人在宇宙中的地位,人与宇宙的关系、人与世界的交流。实乃对存有秩序之重视。舍勒觉察到“人的神性”(小宇宙、小神)之价值结构,他呼吸到了一种真理自由之空气,虽然于创造时期他离世而并未能够完成夙愿,但他留下了许多有意义的问题值得我们继续沿着他的足迹继续求索。人首先通过爱而与世界发生交往,正是在爱的“询问”中,世界“吐露”自身,世界“在此吐露中达到自己完满的存在和价值”。笔者不禁一问,在我们追逐物质文明的征途中,是否应该不时停住脚步,思考自己在宇宙中的地位,思考一些关乎“大爱”的问题?或许舍勒能给我们更多启示。

【Abstract】 As one of the major founders of the contemporary Value Ethnics, Knowledge Sociology and Philosophical Anthropology, Max Scheler has set up a very significant role in the history of Philosophy of Technology and he has also has a reputation second only to Husserl, who is the founder of Phenomenology. And its fundamental philosophical problems are as follows:How to define Men? and what is the position of Men in Social beings? He has put the methodology of "essential intuition" proposed by Husserl into Religious Philosophy, Sociology and Ethnics and took the reality as the resistance or experience dominated by the instinctual impulses. His theory consists of Emotional Phenomenology, Philosophical Anthropology, Value Ethnics and Knowledge Sociology. And Husserl called it as the most powerful strength of Philosophy in contemporary Philosophy. Therefore, it is of great importance to make analyses and study on his thoughts from the point of Philosophy of Technology.This thesis is composed of four chapters:they are Introduction, the main ideas and academic authority of Max Scheler’s, the fundamental ideas of Philosophy of Technology proposed by Max Scheler, two types of technologies and philosophical views of Phenomenology, the historical status of Max Scheler’s Philosophy of Technology and its influences. We have elaborated such six important concepts as "Motivation", "Resistance", Three Types of "Facts", Two technology types, Phenomenological reductive and The understanding of the value of technology in Max Scheler’s thoughts of Philosophy of Technology on the basis of the careful exploration of such works written by Max Scheler as "Problem of Knowledge Sociology", "Philosophy and view of world" and "Formalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values" and combining with the following such works written by Scheler at abroad, who have studied the philosophical thoughts and its achievements made by Max Scheler.Finally, we have made a summary of the historical status of Max Scheler’s Philosophy of Technology and its influences. Actually, we can see many shades of phenomenology from Max Scheler’s thoughts, which is inseparable from his theoretical background and thought origin. With great skill and ease, he has put the methodology of Phenomenology into other fields like Ethnics, Philosophical Anthropology, Religious Philosophy and Sociology.Max Scheler is like a "Ranger" with great thoughts, who not only has made academic and rational explorations on the society but also is the scholar bursting with greatest Human Care and "Affection" for the states of living of human beings in the Universe. "He has been a person with great affections before human beings have been people with wishes or feelings. Meanwhile, his potential spirits and the potential profusion of weaving degree, its effects and strength between Max Scheler and the universe are defined by the greatest affection, hierarchies, discrepancies and its strength of human beings.The place of human beings in the universe, the relationship between human beings and the universe and the exchange between human beings and the world are three main concerns in Max Scheler’s theory, which is the very best reflection of much emphasis on the Order of being. Max Scheler perceives the Value Structure of "human beings having the nature of a god" (Microcosm, a minor god) and he has breathed the air of truth freedom. Although he has not achieved his original wishes before he died during his writing, he has left plenty of meaningful problems deserve our continuing explorations by following his tracks and ways. Human beings could make a contact with our world by the affection and it is "the inquiry" of our affection that could make the world tells the truth and the world could also achieve its satisfactory existence and values." The author can’t help asking whether we should occasionally stop to think over our places in the Universe and some problems concerning "the greatest affection" or not? Max Scheler could probably give us more enlightenment.

  • 【分类号】N02
  • 【下载频次】204

