

Study on Microcredit Regulation in China

【作者】 苏倩

【导师】 邓辉;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 小额贷款(Microcredit)是微小贷款在技术和实际应用上的延伸。在我国,它主要是服务于三农和中小企业。这一贷款模式,有效地规范了民间借贷市场并解决了三农融资难的问题。放眼全球,这一模式在孟加拉运行的最为成功,尤努斯教授所开创的GB(格莱珉)银行模式,不仅帮助孟加拉国的穷困百姓获得贷款,以此作为做小生意养家糊口的本钱,还让借贷者们最终拥有银行股权,拥有维护自己权益的权力。孟加拉国不仅通过一项特别的法律以保证这些穷苦股东的权力,而且整个国家内的GB模式,都具有切实可行的监管模式,如“五人小组”,这一体制让每个组员都自觉承担起监管和义务。美国也有针对小额贷款非常完善的监管机制,美联邦当局和州当局的并存使得全美国基本上所有银行都有不止一家监管机构对其进行监管,这样完备的管理体系,极大地降低了美国小额贷款的不良贷款率。反观我国,进入新世纪以来,随着中央和银监会的大力支持,金融机构和小额贷款公司的小额贷款业务发展的如火如荼,却没有随之相适应的监管体制出现:不仅没有一部专门的监管法律,而且小额贷款公司的业务发展也因政策的限制,而停留在“只贷不存”这一层次。较为落后的监管体制,直接造成了我国小额贷款的发展历程中不良贷款率高、小额贷款公司发展停滞等负面效应。本文共分为四部分。第一部分从我国小额贷款业务的发展及现状入手,在介绍现状时,不仅介绍了本国发放机构的情况,还介绍了在我国进行小额贷款业务较为成功的外资机构。第二部分内容阐述了对于我国当前小额贷款监管现状所存在的问题,作者所提出的一些看法。第三部分主要介绍了国外先进的小额贷款监管制度以及我国监管机关根据我国具体情况可进行借鉴的地方。在第四部分中,作者提出了对完善我国小额贷款监管制度的思考,主要分为两部分:一是现在所存问题的完善建议,这其中针对我国小额贷款监管制度所存在的四大问题:“贷款”和“信贷”不分国家助学贷款监管过于制度化、“只贷不存”遏制可持续性发展、监管法律笼统混乱分别提出了解决方法;二是对制定一部专门针对小额贷款监管法律的重要性和必要性,提出了自己的观点和立法建议。

【Abstract】 Microcredit is one kind of small loan, it is the extension in technology practical application of the latter one. This pattern would not only standardize the private anleihen effectively but also settle the financing of "Agriculture、Countryside and Farmer". This mode developes most successful in Bengal. Grameen Bank, which is set up by Professor Yunus, helping poor grubstaker to get loan and become the shareholders of the loan bank acyually.Bengal passed a speciall law in order to ensure the authority of these poor shareholders. Furthermore, GB in the whole country is supervised by a feasible supervising pattern, such as the "Five Person Team". This mode makes each member are in charge of the responsibility and right to all member’s credit. America also has the perfect and doable system to Microcredit. All banks in USA are supervised by more than one regulatory organization. Such a consummate supervising system makes the low percent of bad loans.Let’s pay attention to the regulation in our country. With the support of "The Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China" and "China Banking Regulatory Commision", the financial institution and microcredit company make a flourishing of microcredit day by day in the new century. But, the proper regulation hasn’t be made so far. The inapposite regulatory pattern confined the development of microcredit in China. So many problems appear, for example, the high percent of bad loan、the stagnancy of microcredit growing and so on.This paper is divided into four parts. The first part makes the beginning with the development and the actuality of microcredit in China. It not only introduces the domestic organizations but also the branch of international ones in China. The latter one recommends the my humble opinion to the problem of the microcredit regulatory system in China. The third one is basically the experiences of foreign country’s outstanding regulatory system. The last but not the least one, I put forward my own suggestion about the solution of the current problem of microcredit in our country. I also offer the advise and importance of the legislation of microcredit in China.

  • 【分类号】D922.28;F832.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】800

