

The Evaluation on the Effect of New Countryside Construction in Jiangxi Province

【作者】 李莉

【导师】 王拓;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 统计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 牵系国计民生的“三农问题”一直都引起各级政府和社会各界的广泛关注和高度重视,它是近几年来中央一号文件的重要内容。党中央领导集体不断研究解决我国的“三农”问题的途径,随着认识的深化,提出的途径越来越清晰。从十六届五中全会中央在“十一五”规划中提出的以“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”为方针的建设社会主义新农村的重大战略决策以来,到目前2010年新出台的以“加大统筹城乡发展力度,进一步夯实农业农村发展基础”为主题的中央一号文件中进一步提到把建设社会主义新农村作为保持经济平稳较快发展的持久动力,显而易见,新农村建设成为我国解决“三农问题”,统筹城乡发展,全面建设小康社会和推进我国现代化进程的一项重大历史课题。近年来,作为中部地区典型的农业大省——江西因地制宜地结合自身实际,在新农村建设过程中也在进行不断的摸索和完善符合自身特点的模式。因此,围绕推动新农村建设的深化,有必要了解江西新农村建设的效果。一方面,为衡量作为经济欠发达地区的江西在新农村建设中的效果,研究如何建立合理的综合评价模型,对其在中部崛起具有十分重大而深远的现实意义和指导意义;另一方面,选择适当的评价方法,充分发挥综合评价的优势,从实证角度研究江西新农村建设的效果,发现新农村建设系统的各种影响因素和关键环节,对进一步丰富有关新农村建设的战略理论,具有一定的学术价值。本文以江西新农村建设效果评价为研究核心,试图在概述国内外有关农村建设的研究现状和社会主义新农村建设理论、新农村建设的内涵和模式等前提下,分析江西新农村建设的实际情况和模式特点,并结合江西省新农村建设现状,围绕新农村建设目标要求,依据一定的指标体系原则,采用层次分析的方法,运用理论分析、频数统计和咨询等手段,构建了江西社会主义新农村建设效果评价体系。然后对江西社会主义新农村建设效果进行实证分析。利用江西2005—2008年的指标数据,采用熵值法纵向评价江西新农村建设所取得的效果,再用2008年的指标数据,采用两种评价方法—加权的夹角余弦法和主成分分析法将江西与所选其他省份进行横向比较分析。最后得出以下结论:(1)从纵向比较来看,2005年—2008年之间,江西新农村建设效果近几年间处于稳步上升的良好趋势,增长的平均速度约为百分之二十五,2008年比2005年增长约一倍,发展有动力,总体水平在提高。但从反映消费结构的单个指标标准值来看,农民家庭恩格尔系数、文教娱乐支出比重两项指标增长是曲折缓慢的。(2)从横向比较来看,采用两种方法—加权的夹角余弦法和主成分分析法的评价结果大致相同,分析的结果差异很小。根据综合得分可以将十个省的新农村建设情况划分为三个层次,其中江西属于第二层次,排名第五,新农村建设整体效果处于中等地位,与第一层次的江苏、福建等东部经济发达地区有一定差距。具体分析各个子系统,人均GDP和非农业人口比重偏低,可以看出江西省二、三产业发展缓慢,有待提高;人均纯收入比较低,消费和信息化水平存在较大差距;医疗保障水平需要进一步提高;另外,江西农村居民对精神生活的需求水平也不高。(3)经过对江西新农村建设效果评价分析,发现江西省新农村建设中存在的一些问题,例如农村经济发展比较落后,农村公共服务水平不高,城乡差距较大,农民的主体意识有待提高等。对此,提出了相应的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Facing to the national economy "three rural issue" has been concerned by levels of government and community, it is the central content of the first document in recent years. Central leaderships continue to study and solve our country’s "three rural issue", with the deepening understanding, the proposed approachs become increasingly clear. From the Central, in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", presented to "the production development, affluent life, rural civilization, the clean village, management of democracy" as the policy of building new socialist countryside, to further referred to the building of new socialist countryside as sustainable power to maintain steady and rapid economic development,about "efforts to increase urban and rural development, the basis of agriculture and rural development to further consolidating " in the central first document of 2010. it is obvious the new countryside construction is an important historical subject on the solution of "three rural issue", urban and rural development, building a moderately prosperous society and to promote the modernization of China.In recent years, as a typical agricultural province of the central region, Jiangxi is also making continuous exploration and improvement of the model of their own characteristics, with their actual local conditions in the process of building new countryside. Thus, based on promoting the deepening of the new rural construction, it is necessary to understand the effect of building new countryside in Jiangxi. On one hand, to measure the construction of new countryside in Jiangxi, as the economically less developed areas, how to establish a reasonable comprehensive evaluation model, which has great practical significance and far-reaching significance to its rise in the middle; on the other hand, choosing appropriate evaluation methods, giving full play to the advantage of comprehensive evaluation, To study the effect of building new countryside in Jiangxi, the discoveries of a variety of factors to new construction systems in rural areas and key links, further enrich the new strategy theory for rural development, with a certain academic value.In this paper, making evaluation study of new countryside construction in Jiangxi the core, trying to outline the construction of domestic and international research on rural situation and the theory of building socialist new countryside, and research content and mode, by introducing new countryside building in Jiangxi, and analyzing the actual situation and model characteristics of the construction of new countryside in Jiangxi, we suggest that Jiangxi Province, as less developed area, should focus on developing the rural economy and rural incomes. Combined with the new rural construction in Jiangxi, surrounding objectives and requirements on the construction of new countryside, according to some of the indicators system, with levels analysis, theoretical analysis, frequency statistics, and counseling, we build evaluation system on new socialist countryside in Jiangxi. Then have empirical analysis on the effect of new socialist countryside in Jiangxi. Using indicators of Jiangxi data between 2005 and 2008, using entropy method, longitudinal evaluation results of new rural construction in Jiangxi are achieved, and then in the indicator data of 2008, using weighted cosine method and principal component analysis method, Jiangxi and other provinces will be selected to have horizontal comparative analysis. Finally the following conclusions is:ChapterⅠ:from the longitudinal point of view between 2005 and 2008, results of new countryside construction in Jiangxi have a good trend in a steady increase,in recent years, the average growth about 25%. especially there is an increase about double of 2005 in 2008, the overall level expanding. However, in the standard value of single index in response to consuming structure,, the proportion of peasant family Engel coefficient and cultural-educational entertainment spending growth is slow and tortuous.ChapterⅡ:from the horizontal viewpoint, the use of weighted cosine method and principal component analysis method have roughly the same results, the analysis differences is minimal. According to the composite score of 10 provinces building a new countryside is divided into three levels, Jiangxi belong to the second level, ranking fifth, overall effect of new rural construction is in the middle position, with Jiangsu and Fujian in the first level, there is a certain gap between Jiangxi and developed areas. By detailed analysis of each subsystem, the proportion of the per capita GDP and non-agricultural population is low, you can see second or third industries of Jiangxi Province are the slow development, need to be improved; relatively low per capita net income, there is a big gap between the level of information and consumption; health care level need to be further improved; in addition, Jiangxi rural residents’ level of demand to spiritual life is not high.Chapter III:by evaluation and analysis on the effect of new rural construction in Jiangxi, construction of new rural province is found out some existing problems, such as backward rural economy development, rural public services not high, a big gap between urban and rural areas, farmers subject awareness need to be improved, etc. the corresponding policy recommendations have been presented..

  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】425

