

A Study on the Applied Talent and Cultivation

【作者】 熊婧

【导师】 谭光兴;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,中国的高等教育正发生着深刻的变化。一方面,我国经济迅速发展,科技水平显著提高,产业结构发生了深刻的变化,增长方式已由粗放型向集约型,由外延式向内涵式逐步转变。产业结构的调整,生产过程和产品技术含量的提高,意味着我国经济、科学和社会的发展需要大量高素质、多类型的人才,尤其是面向实践的应用型人才。另一方面,我国的高等教育已从精英阶段进入大众化教育阶段。高等教育大众化,满足我国社会经济发展的需要,满足人民群众接受高等教育的需要。它的深层涵义更在于高等教育类型结构的调整,即从精英教育的一元结构向大众化教育的多元结构发展,而培养应用型人才成为现阶段我国高等教育面临的新任务、新挑战。应用型人才的特征可以概括为:强调应用、注重实践;一专多能的多样化特征;具有可持续发展的学习能力;具有创新能力;具有合作意识和健全的心理品质。本文采用文献法、比较分析法对文章的核心问题什么是应用型人才?怎样培养应用型人才?进行探究。本文首先通过对国内外提出应用型人才的背景进行分析以及结合我国现阶段对应用型人才的理解,厘清应用型人才这个核心概念,即弄清楚什么是应用型人才,应用性人才的本质特征,应用型人才与其他类型人才的区别等。在此基础上,通过对我国现阶段高等教育所面临的形势的分析,说明我国对应用型人才需求的迫切性以及培养应用型人才的可行性和必要性。同时介绍发达国家应用型人才的培养经验和回顾我国应用型人才培养的历史,从而对新时期我国应用型人才培养进行深入探讨,从培养目标、培养体系、培养途径、培养机制,培养体制等几个方面对如何培养应用型人才进行深入研究,建立适合我国新形势下的应用型人才培养模式。论文的特色在于以本科层次的应用型人才培养为最主要研究对象,同时也涉及到专科、研究生层次的应用型人才的培养,试图对建立与学术型人才培养系统平行的应用型人才培养体系进行深入探讨。第一章绪论主要介绍了问题的提出、文献综述、研究意义、研究思路及研究方法等。主要通过大学生就业难的状况、高等教育的大众化、多样化的人才标准和人才需求几方面的论述提出了文章的核心问题什么是应用型人才?怎样培养应用型人才?说明了现阶段培养应用型人才的必要性。第二章是本文的基础部分。首先通过对国内外提出应用型人才的背景进行分析以及结合我国现阶段学术界对应用型人才的界定和分类的几种主要观点,接着在对核心概念,即应用型人才的内涵进行界定的基础上,比较分析了应用型人才与学术型人才的区别,并阐述了应用型人才的特征,指出应用型人才需要突出实践能力和综合素质的培养,是一种人才类型,有层次之分,也是社会急需的人才。第三章首先从经济社会发展的需要、高等教育可持续发展、满足人民生产生活的需要、历史赋予高等教育的使命等几个方面论述了培养应用型人才的意义。接下来介绍了美国、德国、英国、日本等发达国家应用型人才的培养经验和回顾我国应用型人才培养的历史,并总结发达国家培养应用型人才的共同特征,为我国培养应用型人才的理论分析和模式建构提供借鉴。第四章在基于对“教育与生产劳动相结合”的基本论断、实用主义的教育理论、马克思关于人的全面发展学说、多元智能理论等几个应用型人才培养的理论依据的论述上,提出了应用型人才培养模式的基本特点:培养理念的实用化、专业方向的市场化、课程设置的应用化、教学内容的模块化、实践教学的体系化、产学合作的多元化、就业指导的全程化、模式结构的动态化。从培养目标的确立、培养体系的创新、培养途径的创新、培养机制的创新、培养体制的创新等几个方面对创新我国应用型人才培养模式进行深入探讨。文章最后对研究的核心问题和研究的不足进行了总结。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, Chinese higher education is undergoing profound changes. On the one hand, Chinese economic develops rapidly in recent years, the level of science and technology increase significantly. Industrial structure has undergone profound changes, and economic growth pattern gradually shift from the mode of extensive development to the mode of intensive development. The adjustment of industrial structure and the improvement of technology content in the course of production and product means the development of Chinese economy, science, society needs lots of high-quality, varieties of talents, especially for the practice-oriented applied talent. On the other hand, higher education in china has turned to mass education from elite education. Mass higher education, which underlying meaning is the adjustment of the type and the structure of higher education, from the unified elite education to the pluralistic mass education, meets the need of social and economic development in China and the public’s higher education demand. At the present stage, the applied talent education is the new task and challenge of Chinese higher education.The characteristic of applied talents can be summarized as:emphasizing application, practice-oriented; having the diversified characteristic of being expert at one aspect and being competent for many other aspects, the sustainable development of study abilities, the innovation abilities, the cooperative consciousness and good mental quality. This paper, with literature analysis and comparative analysis, discuss the key problem, what is the applied talent? How to cultivate the applied talent? The paper first analyzes the background of the applied talent in domestic and foreign countries, with the understanding to the applied talent at present in our country, analyzes what is the applied talent, the characterizes of the applied talent, distinguishes the difference between the applied talent and other types of talents, and so on. Then, on this basis, analyze the situation of china’s higher education; show the urgency demand for the applied talent and the necessity and feasibility of the applied talent education. The paper also introduces the applied talent education in developed country and reviews the history of the applied talent education in china, besides analyzing of training objectives, training system, training methods, training mechanism, training structure, the paper explore how to cultivate the applied talent, build the applied talent cultivating mode which fit for the new situation in china. The characteristics of paper is applied to undergraduate level talent cultivation as the main object of study, but also related to the college, graduate-level applied talents, trying to establish the applied talent cultivating system, which parallels to the academic talents cultivating system.In the chapter one, the study background together with research literature, contents and study methodology is introduced. The chapter one mainly through the difficult employment situation of university students, development of mass higher education, diverse talents standard and diverse human resources needs raise the key problem of the paper:what is the applied talent? How to cultivate the applied talent? It also shows the necessity of the applied talent education.The chapter two functioning as the basic part of the whole paper that goes forth to a profound analysis. Firstly, analyzes the background of the applied talent in domestic and foreign countries and discuss the understanding to the applied talent at present in our country, then based on the defining to the core concept, the chapter distinguishes the difference between the applied talent and the academic talent, also described characteristics of the applied talent. It shows the applied talent education needs to place emphasis on cultivate the practical ability and the comprehensive quality, the applied talent is a talent type, level of points, which is also the talent that society urgently needs.The chapter three firstly shows the significance of cultivating the applied talent, basing on development of society and economy, sustainable development of high education, satisfying people’s requirements for life and production and the mission of higher education entrusted by history. Then the chapter introduces the applied talent education in developed country (U.K., U.S., Germany and Japan) and reviews the history of the applied talent education in china, and generalizes common character of the applied talent education in developed country that works as an important reference to theoretic analysis and structure of models in our country.The chapter four discuss characterizes of the applied talent-cultivating model: practical cultivating idea, market-oriented discipline, applied-oriented curriculum; and modular course content, systematic teaching approach to practical, diversification of industry-university cooperation, one-stop employment guidance, dynamic model structure, basing on the theoretical basis of the applied talent education such as the theory of education and productive labor, pragmatism education, overall development of human, theory of multiple intelligences. From clearing the training objectives, innovating training system, training methods, training mechanism and training structure to discuss how to innovate the applied talent-cultivating model in china. Finally, the article summarizes the core problem and defect of research.

【关键词】 应用型人才培养模式创新
【Key words】 the applied talentcultivating modelinnovation
  • 【分类号】G642.0
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2220

