

The Recognition of Rural Informal Lending in Border of Jiangxi and Fujian

【作者】 田苗苗

【导师】 温锐;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 经济史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 半个多世纪以来,人们谈及民间借贷,思情就会自然与“高利贷”相连,联想到地主恶霸与流氓恶势力对借债人的压迫,脑中闪现那骇人听闻的债款利息与残暴的催债手段。本文以抗战前(1930-1937)赣闽边区的借贷利率为分析个案,试图将乡村民间借贷从简单而片面的“高利贷”阴影中解放出来,达到重新认识农村民间借贷与进一步拓展民间借贷的生存空间之目的。农村民间借贷的基本事实究竟是怎样的呢?这是本文重新认识的民间借贷的研究基础。本文先分别从宏观和微观角度考察农村民间借贷利率的具体分布,然后分析来自法律、习俗、市场的对借贷利率的隐性约束,最后总结农村民间借贷利率的概况。与大多数认知中的“高利贷”不同,即使在20世纪30年代那样恶劣的环境中,那种超高的、出于恶意的借贷仍只占少数,民间借贷的利率大多在借债人认可的范围内,并且是带有互助性质的。抗战前期中国农村经济衰败,农民生活困苦,农村金融枯竭,借贷利率升高与告贷无门同时出现,农村对借贷的需求大于供给,利率整体呈上升趋势。在赣闽边区,对苏区的经济封锁与苏区的废债政策等因素造成了比之更困窘的农村经济状况。这段时期边区的现金借贷利率多在2分-2.5分,2分以下的现金借贷减少,但少有3分以上的;多处地区的最高实物借贷利率高达100%。即使在这样高的名义利率下,民间借贷仍具有很强的互助性质。在这个金融困乏的年代,大多数农民都是苦于无钱可借,有人愿意借钱、借物就已经是一种恩惠。借贷的互助性已不再表现在借贷的低利或无息,而多表现为借贷行为本身。在所有的借贷行为中,有抵押品、有身家、用于生意的借贷利率相对低;也有少数借贷由于风险溢价而利率超高,这种借贷资金已经变成了非正常的商品了,是超出社会对借贷利率约束之外的特殊存在。论文希望通过对农村民间借贷利率的分析,展现出民问借贷的全貌,抛开对“高利贷”的恐惧,正视民间借贷,充分发挥出民间借贷在现代社会中的作用。文章大量采用对比的方法,并且将西方经济模型与历史学结合,从人文、法律、市场多个角度认识农村民间借贷利率。以对比抗战前国共两党在赣闽边区的政策、赣闽地区与全国的金融环境等的方式,展现农村民间借贷利率的客观经济环境。用数图的形式对抗战前的资料进行分析、比较,并用经济模型推导分析原因,以说明20世纪30年代赣闽边的利率状况。

【Abstract】 Over half a century,when talking about informal lending,people would think of "usury",the pressure on borrowers from the landlord bullies and dark forces, the appalling interest and the cruel debt payment methods.By analyzing the rate of Jiangxi and Fujian border before the war(1930-1937)as the case,paper try to liberate lending from the shadow of "usury", so that we can recognit and expand informal lending.What is the basic fact of rural informal lending?This is the research fundation of recogniting informal lending.Paper concluded the situation of rural informal lending rates from the specific distribution in the micro and macro perspective and implicit constraints from the laws,customs,market on lending rates.Different from "usury" in most people knowledge, even in 1930s—the time having a harsh lending environment,the kind of ultra-high and malicious lending accountted for only a little,and most of the lending was mutual and in approved range.Early in the war,the economy in rural China was in decline, farmers was living in hardship, the rural was in depletion of the financial status, rising lending rates and borrowing nowhere appeared simultaneously, demand was greater than the supply, and interest rates increased overall. In the border of Jiangxi and Fujian,the rural economy was more distress for blockade of Soviet and policy of waste debt.During this period most cash lending rate cover from 2 points to 2.5 points, but only little rate was higher than 3 points,and the number of borrowing which rate below 2 points reduced.there were many real lengdings of the highest rates up to 100% in many areas. Even such a high nominal interest rates, informal lending still has a strong mutual nature.During the time most farmers were struggling nowhere to borrow,borrowing itsself is a favor.In all of the lending rates,the lending interest rates,which are collateral and net worth or using for the business,are relatively low.A few interest rates were ultrahigh because of risk premium.which borrowing money has become a non-normal goods and is the special exist beyond the constraints.By analyzing rural informal lending rate,paper try to recognit informal lending,so that we can discard the fear of "usury" and informal lending full play the role in modern society.Paper,in which comparison method is used extensively and the Western economic model and the History are combined,cognit informal lending from the humanities,law, marketing multiple angles.By comparing the two partie’s policy before the war in the border of Jiangxi and Fujian and comparing Jiangxi and Fujian area’s with the country’s financial environment,paper shows the objective economic environment of rural informal lending rate.By analyzing and comparing the pre-war figure in the form of graph and derivating the reasons in the form of economic models.paper shows the 1930s situation of the interest rate in the border of of Jiangxi and Fujian.

【关键词】 赣闽边农村民间借贷利率
【Key words】 Border of Jiangxi and FujianRuralInformal lendingInterest rates

