

The Research on Wu Meicun’s Chinese Opera Creation

【作者】 李可

【导师】 骆兵;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 吴梅村是明末清初著名的文学家。他与钱谦益、龚鼎孳并称为“江左三大家”。他的七言歌行被称为“梅村体”,数百年来一直得到高度评价。除此以外,吴梅村在词曲、书画等个各个领域都有所研究,只是被诗名掩盖,所以没有受到足够的重视。吴梅村在戏曲创作方面也有一定成就,一生创作的戏曲共三部:传奇《秣陵春》、杂剧《临春阁》和杂剧《通天台》。三部戏曲都以南朝亡国为背景,寄托了吴梅村对明王朝的灭亡无限的悲痛和家国沦丧的凄凉。吴梅村在戏曲作品中运用了借古讽今的手法抒发了对明王朝政权的不满,表现了乱世中士大夫在朝代更替时的艰难抉择。吴梅村一生交友众多,交游甚广。明清易代让吴梅村的生活发生了很大的变化。许多知己世交的人生选择和离世给他带来了精神上的重创。这些都影响到了他的戏曲创作,并且在作品中反映出来。另外,吴梅村的三部戏曲作品分别反映了吴梅村处于三个不同时期的心路历程:从明朝灭亡时的绝望和悲痛到被迫仕清前的矛盾,最后决定仕清后的无奈和惆怅。通过将吴梅村的戏曲作品和同时代戏曲作家及作品的横向比较,从他们的人生经历、文学道路等方面来分析,可以帮助人们理解吴梅村戏曲创作的心理,理解其作品中蕴含的深意。本文分成四个部分来进行论述:一是分析《秣陵春》的思想艺术特点;二是分析《临春阁》、《通天台》的思想艺术特点;三是比较吴梅村与同时代戏曲作家和作品;四是探析吴梅村的戏曲活动及对创作的影响。通过论述,本文认为,吴梅村的戏曲创作是他亲历乱世的写照,是明末清初遗民政治选择的揭露,在中国古代戏曲史上具有特殊的思想意义和艺术价值。

【Abstract】 Wu Meicun was a famous literature master in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty. He and Qian Qianyi, Gong Dingzi are known as the "Three Great Literature Master in the south of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River".His poem Meicun style, has been highly evaluated for hundreds of years. In addition, Wu Meicun was very good at the Chinese opera, painting and other fields, however,these failed to arouse enough concern because his talent was demonstrated merely by his poetry. Wu Meicun created a total of three Chinese operas, The Legend "Mo Ling Chun," the miscellaneous drama "Lin Chun Ge" and the miscellaneous drama "Tong Tian Tai". These three Chinese operas were in the context of the demise of Southern Dynasty, which delivered Wu Meicun’s infinite misery for the collapse of Ming dynasty to the Ming Dynasty and the desolation of decayed home and country. Wu Meicun used technique of satire in the opera to express dissatisfaction to the Ming Dynasty, showed us the hard choices in the troubled times when dynasties changed. Wu Meicun has many friends in his life. Wu Meicun’s life had changed a lot because of the replacement of Dynasty. Choice and death of many friends brought him a mental hit. All these affect the creation of his opera, and got reflected in the works.In addition, Wu Meicun’s three Chinese opera works reflect the mood of Wu Meicun in the three different periods:from the despair and grief when Ming demise to the conflict before service for Qing. I also take a comparison between the Wu Meicun’s Chinese opera works and other coeval dramatists’works.Through their life experiences, literature process and other aspects to help understand Wu Meicun’s Creation psychology,hence the profound meaning of his works.This article divides into four parts namely,First, the analysis of the artistic characteristics of "Mo Ling Chun".Second, the analysis of the artistic characteristics of "Lin Chun Ge" and "Tong Tian Tai". Third, The comparison between Wu Meicun and other dramatists’Chinese opera creation.Fourth, Wu Meicun’s Chinese opera activity and its effect on his Chinese opera creation. Through this discussion, conclude that Wu Meicun’s drama was an mirror which witnessed the troubled times, and showed us the political choice of an irreplaceable significance in late Ming and early Qing Dynasty.It has special Ideological significance and artistic value in ancient Chinese opera history of China.

【关键词】 吴梅村戏曲创作比较影响
【Key words】 Wu MeicunChinese Opera CreationComparisonInfluence
  • 【分类号】I207.37
  • 【下载频次】147

